System editor - can we set planets to smash

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by McCuddles, January 13, 2014.

  1. McCuddles

    McCuddles New Member

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    can we make it so that planets can collide with each other, i did a quick search and couldn't find any posts similar to this one.

    i was surprised to find that they did not crash into each other as i had made a system with a planet that would crash into the main one after a few rotations but nothing happened and i saw that the planet had changed its path to avoid running into the intended planet..

    if they haven't thought of it or said anything about the subject. i think it would be a good addition to the game.

    (to the inevitable dumb question. i know you can smash planets in game. i want to be able to set a path in the system editor to create a natural collision between planets.)
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Short answer: not yet. Currently you can only collide one small planet into another using halleys.
  3. McCuddles

    McCuddles New Member

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    Through the system editor, i might not have been as clear as i thought. i mean setting the orbit of two planets in the system editor so they crash into each other. If thats what you ment just ignore this post =P
  4. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    They just fly right through each other. Neutrino has said that he hopes to eventually have it so people can create scenarios where opposing teams start out on two planets that will crash into each other and be destroyed part way through the game.
    SXX likes this.
  5. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Been talked about before and will be in the game. But... not yet.

    In the future we'll be able to so after a certain amount of time planets will automatically collide. So we can create scenarios where you have X minutes to get off planet or something.

    We're gonna be able to make lots of awesome scenarios with the map editor alone. Don't even mention mods yet. Gonna be awesome.
  6. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I can imagine a scenario with one huge planet and a bunch of asteroids set up to crash into the main planet every 30 minutes or so. The players could set up mini bases on the asteroids, but those only last as long as the asteroid does. Eventually someone might be able to correct the orbits of some asteroids and the game would stabilize.
  7. McCuddles

    McCuddles New Member

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    sounds awesome, good to hear.. I am surprised that the game isnt finished yet to be honest.. seems very much still beta considering how long they said it would take before they pushed the due date back.

    i think they shouldnt sleep and get in out in a week. =D

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