Unit selection: List of Units?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by necrillain, January 9, 2014.

  1. necrillain

    necrillain New Member

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    Just booted up and played my first match again since the very first alpha build. The game is looking great, the game play is natural and handles well. I'm just having one issue with the game and that is I keep loosing my units.

    I looked at the keyboard shortcuts and I see how to select groups and types of units. What I was looking for though was a way to get a unit inventory so I could select and then camera focus on a specific unit. Like I have 2 advanced air fabricators and I can't find either of them. Would be nice to get a sort-able/filterable list of all my units. Maybe have the unit menu be keyed to the U key or something.

    Might also be nice to be able to have multiple menus like this so you can set up queuing of factories. Have a list of all your factories and what is queued. There is just so much going on you get lost with all the units, especially when your forces span multiple planets.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. timp13

    timp13 Member

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    select the unit, press ctrl + #, this will assign the unit to a group that can be re-selected by pressing the number again
  3. necrillain

    necrillain New Member

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    Yes, I use control groups. However 9 control groups aren't enough to track the hundreds of units produced, let alone when they span across continents, planets or are orbital units.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    dude they like never stay alive for more than a minute, what the hell?
    you have hotkey shortcuts for selecting all air units for example.
    you have hotkeys in hotbuild for selecting units of a certain type.
  5. necrillain

    necrillain New Member

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    Sure, but I have two tiers of builders from four types of construction. Then I have them all over the map doing jobs and have rally points so they are being assisted, but then that one guy I sent to the corner of the planet gets lost or I need a tier 2 guy to build something and I can't find him.

    Seriously how hard is it to pull up a command menu with a troop listing you so you can select lost units? Especially across multiple planets. Sure I may be losing troops left and right on one planet but I may be alone on another. Not to mention trying to find all my orbital units. I guess I could follow the icons in the bottom left of the screen but that doesn't really help that much with selecting that one unit I need for building or scouting.
    iron420 likes this.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yea I guess you're right the UI is kindof a clusterfuck right now, but they're working on it. It should be getting more tools.
    Last edited: January 13, 2014
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Good news: The internal API uses some number for the groups. You can have thousands of groups (or even far more). You could have 10 groups for every single unit!.

    Bad news: You need a mod to access them. Or at least you need to type a command into the debugger to create/recall them. Also I am not quite sure how an UI would look like that makes use of the groups. Personally I dont use more than 5 groups, in fact I have other things on the higher number keys.
  8. necrillain

    necrillain New Member

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    Mods, huh... what mod tools are there for PA? Maybe I'll write a mod to do it.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The UI is a browser that shows webpages driven by javascript.
    Check out the modding section of the forums for examples of mods.
  10. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Been talked about a lot before.

    I don't quite see the point since its common to have hundreds or thousands of units. Which would make the list unusable.

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