Larger Land Units

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by RoboticPrism, January 12, 2014.

  1. RoboticPrism

    RoboticPrism New Member

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    Currently, bots and vehicles feel minuscule and cheap in comparison to naval units. Late game unit warfare with land units turns into making a massive blob of tiny tanks, while late game with naval units turns into making a decent amount of larger ships.

    I feel like adding large land units equal to late game naval units could help add to the late game and help reduce lag. Large land units would be larger (sized to equally to large naval ships), cost more and would pack a larger punch. These heavy units would be walking behemoths that would be a force to be reckoned with, and would either replace or supplement the classic tank ball that seems to be incredibly popular. These would be produced from a larger (tier 3?) fabricator, and would scale accordingly. As the late game progresses and armies turn towards larger units instead of massing units, lag and frame rate drops could be reduces by having smaller amounts of large units fighting instead of large balls of tiny units.

    In summary, the ability to create larger land units could help add variety to the late game, as well as reduce lag from trying to render too many small units.

    This is a very open idea, feel so feel free to point out ways this could be improved or modified.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    you mean like experimentals?

    it's always going to be an Ressource intensive game, it's a large scale rts.

    try turning show terretrial from "always" to "range dependent" this will increase your performance hugely
  3. RoboticPrism

    RoboticPrism New Member

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    Not quite as large as experimentals, more of a teir 3 to bridge the gap between what experimentals are imagined to look like and current land units. Something larger to spend money on in the late game that isn't nukes or orbital units, but not a super weapon; just a larger more expensive land unit with firepower and size about equal to that of a destroyer. I like the way naval combat feels in terms of the units and pricing during the late game and I want to see that brought to land.
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    personally being a big fan of naval in rts games I find naval in PA is a big turnoff. none of it feels epic or threatening or badass like it does in supcom.
    i need bigger naval units and the leviathan could definitely use a range buff.

    have you tried the fix I mentioned above?
  5. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Larger units are a possibility, I wouldn't be calling them "T3" style units because the way SupCom handled teirs was deeply flawed.

    The thing is that you can easily have larger or smaller than average units so long as the role supports that, for example you wouldn't make a Large sized Scout, but if you did something like a mobile Orbital Launcher or something then yeah chances are it's going to need to be bigger than the average unit.

    But it's still worth remember that the point behind PA is Large Scale, so having armies composed of large numbers of units is the expectation. I would expect you'd be able to build a Large army out of fewer larger units unless it was very specifically specialized.

    nanolathe likes this.
  6. WarriorServent

    WarriorServent Member

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    I think that there should be a larger difference in the size of current units, I want to be able to easily see the difference between T1 and T2 units, as well as a larger size difference between the Bots and Tanks.
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I thought there was already a noticeable difference between bots and tanks?

    Also There isn't really a reason to have a specific scale different between Basic and Advanced units unless it fits with the unit's role.

  8. tekkenfreak

    tekkenfreak New Member

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    I second this. I was playing with the tier 2 battleships yesterday and the range almost felt like it would barely be able to shoot from its bow to its stern.
  9. sodusentinelx

    sodusentinelx Member

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    I suggested this in another thread: i think the units should be larger in relation to their production structures... So i'd suggest to either scale the units up a lot, or scale the factories down a lot. But this only goes for the Bot and vechicule factories... Naval and Air are actually quite to scale!
  10. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    Some units like the T2 tank could probably be scaled up for recognizability, yeah.
    As for even larger, more expensive units, I don't think a T3 factory would be needed for them and I'm fairly sure T3 factories aren't planned. From what I can recall, the idea for balance is to have T2 be more 'specialized' than T1, not necessarily 'better', and I think that kind of unit fits the bill.
    Hopefully We get to see some T2 units that fit specialized roles apart from being upgraded versions of T1 units soon. The new 'sniper bot' that was shown off recently is going in the right direction IMO.
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    This has been talked about a ton already.

    Let's wait and see what the unit roster is like before we start suggesting more units.
    WarriorServent likes this.

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