[Suggestion/Poll] Capturing & Reactivating Metal Planets

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Mavlz, January 12, 2014.


What do you think of this?

  1. Doesn't fit into the game...

  2. Actually not a bad idea but too hard to balance

    0 vote(s)
  3. This could / should be in the game.

  4. Not sure

    0 vote(s)
  1. Mavlz

    Mavlz New Member

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    Hello guys and thanks for looking this thread up :)

    As far as I've heard, PA "lore" states that
    "While not yet implemented, metal planets offer an important strategic asset, as their technology can be "reactivated"." - PA.Wiki

    Taking that knowledge and looking at a metal planet with its north and south pole looking like a massive Laser i imagined how one would "reactivate" these planets to make use of whatever they would offer.
    First of all, i ran into a problem right there. If there was a way to use that... whatever the planet does it has to be for only one player or one team because if everyone profits from reactivating the planet it would not be very useful.

    So i came up with what i think could be a really cool way of capturing the planet and adding a pretty good game mechanic at the same time.
    Let's just start with the small little thing that made me think of all this.

    It's this little terrain detail which i took a screenshot from so you can look at it yourself without having the create a metal planet which has one of those (they apparently only appear on pretty large metal planets)

    Those things - at least for me - look like they could open (amazing paint skills highlight 4 metal plates which could retract towards the corners when opening). And what could be below it?

    This elevator would be a metal platform which, when powered with energy (letting a T2 fab. Unit do it by right clicking on a neutral building next to it maybe) which is drawn from the player.
    On its way down into the metal planet it would then use up great amounts of resources to bring in very small amounts of units underground.

    Inside the planet, no structures can be build, the only thing there would be units - and i think bots would be the best here since they're smaller than tanks -.

    The inside of the planet would then look like defined by the seed, but following a specific layout:
    The elevator(s) would all be connected to a large, circular room which they are connected with by a narrow corridor.

    Inside this large circular room, the deactivated reactor can be found. to reactivate it, players yet again have to invest massive amounts of resources -and time- while defending their whatever unit has to do that job.
    If successful, the planets benefits are granted to the player. Currently, i have no idea what those benefits could be since that would be stuff about balancing and I don't plan on even trying to do that :p

    However, to capture an already reactivated metal planet would require the attacker to undo whatever player1 have done before... drawing the energy from the core again (that would be awesome wouldn't it :D), damaging it or simply destroying every enemy unit inside the reactor room (would result in some sort of king of the hill).

    The only problem I have now is imagining the following scenario : player1 gets into the planets underground first. Down there he runs past the reactor core and into the corridor leading to the elevator of player2. He could there stack his units up killing whatever comes down the elevator from player2 almost instantly, since only a fixed number of units fit on it. How we could solve that issue? I might need your help on that :)

    So... what do you think?
  2. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    There was actually a pretty good post where everyone discussed this fairly recently, might have been nice to revive that one and add this to the list of suggestions...

    Otherwise, this looks like it might get a bit too complicated, for instance, your opponents would have a pretty tough time realizing that the other player had gotten down there. I think it would work better if instead of having a new battlefield accessed only by a random elevator on a metal planet you would build T2 power generators or something on specific spots around the planet, which would grant effects such as were described in the other thread.
  3. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Mavlz likes this.
  4. Mavlz

    Mavlz New Member

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    Thanks alot!

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