I works like this. WASD for moving Q and E for turning camera Z and X for zooming in and out( though this could be togglable in stings to stay as the scroller on the mouse) this would help a lot of people who have trouble converting. Ps: when you switch camera modes, make the system automatically unbind the other keys that are connected) for example, A= attack. would not work with WASD controls.
strangly enough.. you CAN do that movement style. There is an option in the Game settings under Camera Key Pan Style///WASD panning. Q and E for turning camera?Turn about what axis/direction....(can't help since i'm just not sure :/) Z and X.. do you mean hard zooms or gradual zoom in and out. because in the keyboard submenu in game settings there is a camera section that has keyboard commands for Zoom to surface/zooms to air/ zoomify to orbital/ zoomastic to celestial. They are probably not assigned but you can go total war on it as you wish.
Q and E for clockwise and counter clockwise rotation(like with ctrl) gradual like in the mouse scroller.