Renegade X - Anyone In?

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, January 10, 2014.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    What: Let's all play Renegade 1 until RenX Release
    Where: Renegade and it's Total Conversions like A Path Beyond and Reborn
    When: Mon., Feb. 17th until RenX Release Feb.26th
    Who: all those interested and larger groups help in case of server filling,
    Why: because a lot of waiting players haven't player or played long ago so it would be nice to freshen up for a week and pass time

    The original Renegade:
    I believe it is sold by the Orgin store, other forum members with other ideas can post below. Anyway, here is the link:
    You will probably need RenList to get into a server, usually at least one with players on at any time:
    Renegade Total Conversions: Totally free. All now gathered through the BHP Launcher, complete with server list. Link:

    I was thinking this would be a good idea to rally for, as people could play a bit to kill boredom and adapt to renegade gameplay, although it will be entirely different in RenX (think CoD Classic vs CoD4). I am hoping personally that my clan can get on and play, as they kill boredom with PA, other rts like recently OpenRA, and I am now hoping this one. I am expecting it to be best though if everyone anticipating RenX got on so everyone felt more familiar.

    That is why now that it is closer to release, I am announcing this hoping people will hear about it within a weeks time and then have a week to install and play some. The more the merrier as adequate server attendance makes the game better, especially for A Path Beyond.

    Post comments and questions. Hope this idea works out!


    It actually claims having Victory Games C&C cancelled was a factor in pushing back release, as they were actually supposed to take off together and advertise and support one another arm-in-arm... sad...

    ...anyway, release is Mid February. Who is in? A First Person Shooter base-vs-base like an rts should be interesting for those of you who never played one, or played one only 12 years ago. I always felt it was better than TF2 even before TF2. Anyone interested?

    Costs nothing.

    Gameplay Video via Twitch.Tv via TheGunRunn:

    Project Homepage:
    Last edited: February 11, 2014
  2. light0

    light0 Member

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    Sounds kind of like Natural Selection, am I right?
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I am not familiar with Natural Selection. To specify Renegade, you started off as the basic rifle soldier, the rifle pistol and a single timer c4 were free. You used a purchase terminal located in any of your base's structures (barracks, guard tower, vehicle factory, refinery) to change loadouts. The basic rifleman, engineer, grenadier, and shotgunner, as well as a refresh of inventory for anything you currently were, was free. To change to an "advanced loadout" or produce a vehicle to drive, cost credits. The refinery being alive and powered gave everyone 2 credits a second, the ore truck collecting from the field and returning to dump gave everyone 400 credits, low vehicles cost between 400-600 and higher were 600-900, units cost from 200-500 and higher from 500-1000. The battle hierarchy had weapons that did different damage to different things. A lot of the battle were vehicles, you got together players who got artillery and drove it to the field and players who got behind as cover while repairing. The artillery was light armor, light weapons did moderate damage and snipers did very dangerous damage to them while shells did normal damage. Tanks had very minimal damage done by light arms and snipers, 2-5/600 health, while shells still did normal damage. Some personell weapons didn't do "light arms fire", they fired rockets, or some better yet shot lasers or beams. Those did moderate damage to tanks and artillery and infantry alike. Yet small arms did same as lasers to infantry, and nothing to hard-armor. The overall objective was to destroy the structures of each others bases, usually on the other side of a mountain, while the sides of the mountain between bases were the field, and there were infantry tunnels inside the mountain. Each base has a base defense, capable of riddling enemy vehicles in 10 seconds and infantry in like 3. You either posted up and shelled the structures with a vehicle frontline, or got infantry in bumrushing the tunnels or with an armored personell carrier. The shells did steady damage until the structure died, and the structure can be steadilied repaired. The c4 every unit had and the extra c4 engineers had did very high damage when placed inside a building on a special tucked away support beam inside, where c4 does 1/3 damage and 3 kills instantly upon 30 second fuse (and repairing disarms c4). You get what I mean? That is more descriptive.

    After seeing the forums for Renegade X, I recognized a person from these forums already, as well as a person from the classic Renegade archives old modding team (it has been a while but he still has the "Trunks" signature).
  4. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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  5. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    ... I've been playing Warframe (Free to play FPS platformer).

    I might migrate to that game.

    Its like Battlefield badcompany 2 Meets Command and Conquer Renegade.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I never minded the beta feel of this game (PA), but honestly, after playing the beta campaign mission for that game, I now understand what a new player enters these forums and sees lol.

    ...that being said, that campaign mission is 4 months old, everything in it is probably outdated and fixed. That being said, the unreal engine limits what you can and can't mod, which ruins the old moddability of the simple library with tools based Renegade, but at the same time we won't have problems with unfair advantage skins like bright rainbow colored c4 and snipers and removing stealth skin.

    So I am just saying I am objective, not fanboy. This game quirkily adds ADS and rolls which after playing with them actually come off as refreshing, but as far as balance goes they might as well add leaning if they are going to add those. The real test is how it will play with new fixes and on multiplayer, come release Feb 26.

    One very irksome thing, was when I installed Black Dawn demo, I went ahead and checked the input configuration, and it was unuseable, literally. A and D were left right strafe, Up and Down were forward and back, and the mouse was still used for aiming/looking. 3 hands anyone?

    REMEMBER, we are big boys now, we can play betas and make mature observations without sandbagging the fun out of things. That being said, I hear nothing but good things from it now. Good old game design. Tweaked features for balance like natural rock formations blocking base to base and slightly adjusted rock positions for equal field attack positions, tweaked awesomeness like blue tiberium in C&C_Mesa.mix, some things left exactly the same like "boink" sound and c4, some new next generation game balance like a selection of balanced variety of sidearms, a unit to replace a relatively useless one and bring it inline as a t2-but-not-free gdi unit, and kill animations and special tossed-around ragdoll kill animations when killed by explosive.
    Last edited: January 15, 2014
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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  8. captainshootalot

    captainshootalot Member

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    It looks magnificient.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Im totally in as long as no one minds me being a little laggy.

    I played a bit of 'A path beyond' a while back and that was insane in the membrane.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    You played Renegade:APB AKA RenAlert?

    Yeah, that WAS standalone, wasn't it (it didn't require a Renegade serial or XWIS)?

    Those were the good old times. :cool:

    I will be honest too. I wouldn't mind a RenAlert variant of RenegadeX.

    Know what I have been putting a lot of thought into? First, I thought of Planetary Annihilation X, a total conversion mod for this game into PA. Then, I realize a lot of things at once. First, the PA devs have experience with Unreal development (MNC). Second, they have literal rights for their game. Third, it has worked before making fps of rts games and vice versa. Fourth, TotemArts is an indie company doing currently free work on RenX and always looking for partners in cooperative advertizement. You see where I am going with this?

    It occured to me, that it is actually a very real and viable idea, that Uber Entertainment possibly consider a project where they make a fps PA. They don't even have to make it a RenX clone, they have a lot of MNC assets and I know from Dungeon Defenders that one can "place buildables" via single character interface, so they could legitimately attempt to make a game where you start off as a commander that places structures like mexes and turrets and factories that build bots which you command like a shooter or can "body swap" with. If they decided to ever do it, they could also borrow TotemArts to any degree to help, whether it just be cooperative support of one another, or actually borrowing their team to help in development (obviously they know their way around UDK).
    Last edited: January 19, 2014
    igncom1 likes this.
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    It was standalone when I played it.

    Loved running people down in a phase tank.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That sounds so badass!

    Imagine being a leveller and being bum rushed by Dox swarm!
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The UDK is supposed to have great bot support. I hear that the current state of RenX supports 64 players, and often time the beta players will play legitimate games against full bot armies and it actually still be fun. Old renegade had bots barely, and those weren't self sufficient, meaning they gave no real challenge and weren't capable of actually running and maintaining a full scale base or using any assets of the base.

    So for the most part, AI control wouldn't be so bad.

    Overall, I was just pitching the idea because the thought could be a concept for the future of RTS games and the mainstream player. It appears to be coming back, at any rate.
    igncom1 likes this.
  14. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Is this like a C&C renegade 2?
    I havent had a chance to watch the vids yet....
    I didn't mind the first Renegade game,, i enjoyed driving the humvee and playing from a fps view.
    C&C Renegade and battlezone 1/2 styled games kick arse !!!!!
  15. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Action Strategy games are pretty awesome. I've got high hopes for A New Zero personally.
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This is a new stream from 2 days ago (wish they let us know in advance like Uber does). Same guy streaming, playing as GDI this time, looks even better than last time.

    The same gentleman, plays as GDI this time, starts off on Field for only like 2 minutes, then plays a fresh game of Islands that is very classic C&C Renegade, as far as starting off as a tunnel rush infantry bloodbath, then suddenly erupting into light buggy invasion and saving buildings from enemy c4 and base siege with artillery and oh-crap repairs.

    Favorite part, is when they are repelling the siege at 5:17, the enemy engineer body actually flies from the explosion AT THE CAMERA and zooms just overhead from the player.
    igncom1 and maxpowerz like this.
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  18. captainshootalot

    captainshootalot Member

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    Are disc throwers/grenadiers in? Would be splendid if I could play as one of those dudes...
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Disk throwers from from Tib sun, not Tib dawn.

    There are grenadiers however, and are free to use as far as I can see.
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Correct. GDI Grenadier is one of the base units (free).

    Wait, as in free, you don't think the 5 base units are the only ones you can play as without microtransactions, right?

    The game is non-monetized. The in-game credits are like... tiberium in RTS games.

    Collected from the field, you use it to get advanced units and build vehicles and for superweapon strike beacons. Each time your team's automated harvester goes and collects tiberium and returns with it, you get 400 credits or something, assuming you protected it and the enemy didn't kill it. You get a part of inflicted damage in credits (attacking an enemy earns you credits a few a shot or something). Comparison-wise, humvees cost 350, med tanks 800, mammoth tanks 1500, stealth tanks 900, apcs 500, helicopters 900, officer units 150-300, mid class units 400-600, top units 800-1000.

    Also, you can donate credits ingame, in case you earned 3000 and have ineffectual teammates because they don't have war supply, you can donate them 600 a piece so they can actually get a tank or a advanced repair unit.

    As an added fact, since this game is liscense of EA, Totem Arts has a right to produce it only if they never earn a single penny off of it. So it is like... free free. Non-monetizable.

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