[Discussion] Voicing My Opinion

Discussion in 'Support!' started by mikeat95, January 5, 2014.

  1. mikeat95

    mikeat95 New Member

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    I have a few things that I feel like should really change.. and this is an open discussion.

    Some of these I am sure have already been addressed.
    - No search gave me what I was looking for though.

    The game is very one dimensional, so it seems to me.
    - Most players I play against (or with) make it an objective to just go for nukes. Not the eco or their army. Before I even get a somewhat stable t2 eco going I am getting bombarded by nukes 15 minutes into the game. Flame me with the "Scout and attack before they get it up" but do you realize how easy it is to take out 30 ground units?? Couple turrets and your commander normally does a good job. By the time anyone can get a decently mixed army it's being demolished by nukes. Team games are even more difficult to fend for yourself when your fighting off the others.

    - Most players aim for bombers and fighters = gameover. I literally played a match where within 25 minutes of gametime they had a fleet of bombers that are quite literally unstoppable. Wiped out a fleet of AA ships within 30 seconds & I had a TON. Probably double their unit count.. oh needless to say they wiped my base and defenses out.

    - Units & buildings are far too easy to take out. You produce these massive "minute man" armies just to be taken out in a matter of seconds. I am not arguing the balance of the game (exception of the above items) but I think the battles need to be a little longer. I just dont feel the naval or ground superiority with 50 units when they get demolished in a matter of 10 seconds or so. These massive hoards of units on the globe are practically meaningless. Literally my attitude from when I first started (two days ago) to now is "Oh theyre attacking me with 100 units... ok?) I should be powerful when I hoard a huge army, it should not be taken lightly.
    - The buildings should take a lot longer than what it takes to kill a unit yet, it doesnt. Defenses as well. I am used to playing RTS games where bombers and artillery deal more damage to buildings than units. But it isnt the case. Bombers take EVERYTHING OUT. Even a massive hoard of whatever comes your way. A swarm of 10-20 bots should not wipe out a base in seconds. That is what artillery is for.
    - This makes the game so one dimensional. *Without bombers because they are OP* All I really need is to just produce one kind of unit and Ill be perfectly fine. I normally like to make that unit artillery because they attack just about anything but air if there is not a lot of water. If there is a lot of water then I just build a ton of t1 battleships and wipe everything out.

    It just does not feel like a unit is any more useful than the other. Commanders are meaningless too as soon as you build a factory. I NEVER use him. In fact in team games I just rush him in with some bots and practically nuke a base.

    I know the galactic portion of the game is being worked on, as of now though... it is a pain in the a**.

    The only part I enjoy about getting something in space is just landing on another planet to stay alive & the solar arrays. LOVE solar arrays.

    Unit commands are not there, yet. (Hopefully to be added)
    - Select all of one kind of unit on the current world?
    - Option to select all units and deselect certain ones.
    - Option to select all military.
    - Option to select fabricators not working on anything. (So much stuff going on that when fabs finish their queues if they are not in my main base I completely forget about them)

    * It needs to be easier to select certain units like air units. If I want a group of fighters to follow a fighter thats on patrol rather than setting the full patrol route all over again, I have to play cat and mouse with the fighter currently patrolling.

    There are some other things, I just don't remember. I am about to play now so I am sure it'll come to me.

    I KNOW IT IS A BETA. I have played at least almost a DAY of gametime so far. (only had it for two days)

    I am not downing this game in anyway. I have not played SupCom or TA.
    Last edited: January 5, 2014
    lynxnz likes this.
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Most people agree that gameplay is a bit shallow at the moment. The full unit roster isn't in yet - it's going to be fleshed out by units that existing problems (like a better/flak AA to take care of massed air). The more seasoned players aren't worried by this... yet.
    warrenkc likes this.
  3. nixtempestas

    nixtempestas Post Master General

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    indeed, being so far from release and the fact there is no point working on balancing much yet makes nukes and t2 bombers OP.

    Uber is well aware of the problems, so I'll withhold my concern for the time being.
    warrenkc likes this.
  4. mikeat95

    mikeat95 New Member

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    I just feel like instead of giving us a counter to them, all they will do is tone down their damage or something mediocre which takes even more fun from it.

    I would prefer the AA flak or just a more advanced AA tank or something. Something needs to beat the other. Can not have one unit decimate everything, not just speaking of the OP bombers but the fact that you only need (realistically) one certain unit to win.

    I know it is a WIP but I really hope they aim for some depth and not some simplified arcade game.
  5. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Constantly raid their mexes, deprive them of resources. This delays the nuke building. The commander cant be on every extractor and missile towers are easily overrun by some bots. If they fortify all extractors than their expansion usually is relatively slow.
    At minute 15 you can easily have some 5-10 T2 bombers. One run and the launcher is down, along with about 25-30K metal dumped in it.

    The paperunits have been discussed at length, though I forgot what the result was - if there was any.
    Ait is a bit overpowered atm, expect the balance to be changed. Multiple times ;).

    His main job is to build and hes quite effective in doing so. In later game stages this isnt as important as early on where his buildpower is a vital asset.

    I think selection of idle fabbers is already in, there has to be a shortcut for that.

    Currently the best defense against bombers is a bunch of fighters. Hopefully more than your opponent has.
    But chances are that there will be a stronger flak even though nothing has been officially confirmed.
  6. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    the main problem that makes the game really boring right now is how incredibly low the average skill of players is right now. If you host a game and let 5 AIs play FFA they have a much higher skill then the playerbase right now. Mainly because a lot of new players are around. This will get better though^^
  7. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    @mikeat95 You are correct. The game isn't finished. Nukes have been changed a good bit here recently. So a lot of people have been testing them. Uber is working on features at this point not balance. There are tons of small tweaks that wouldn't take much time at all on their part that could fix the balance issues that you are raising. However, it isn't worth their time atm until all the features are implemented, otherwise you are just wasting your time balancing the current feature list.

    The haven't finished fleshing out the orbital layer.
    The haven't finished fleshing out the naval layer.
    We don't have Gas Giant Planet types yet.
    We don't have all the commanders.
    We don't have all the units (all layers) (maybe 60-70% of them?)
    We don't have galactic war (which I assume we be implemented last).
    All of this plus optimizations and play balance still need to happen.
    I'm sure I missed somethings.

    The reason I mention all of this is because I believe there was a new influx of players that joined us over the holiday and they aren't aware of the state of the game.

    Instead of seeing all the games imperfections thing of all its possibilities. The game in its current state isn't as fun as it could be, and you are right it is a little one dimensional. As soon as the above things are added though I believe it won't be like that any more. Some people play to test. Others play for fun. And some just play to win. You are correct though nukes are the most efficient way to kill each other right now. And other things aren't worth really doing. But don't fret that will change in the coming months as the finish the game out.

    There are some really revolutionary things that are already in this game. I can't wait till they finish it out.
  8. mikeat95

    mikeat95 New Member

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    I am really looking forward to it as well. Even with the issues I still have played countless hours. In fact I was just getting ready to play now if any of you want to play.

    I see exactly where you are coming from. I agree with you and I understand completely. I have been a developer for a couple years now.. a lot of times what happens is you lose track of the main purpose: fun; because you are too busy trying to add and add and add. I just do not want this game to lose track. I LOVE IT. It is a ton of fun when you play against players that are fair.

    Normally I play for anti nuke and a thousand fighters right away to cover my a** right now lol
  9. smoke4fun

    smoke4fun New Member

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    Nice thread. I think developers should open a topic/forum just for suggestions and feedback of beta players, if possible with some voting options.

    I agree with most things from the first post. I also miss some gameplay speed control in skirmish game (pause/ faster/slower) and visibility of the units in the game should somehow be better, specially at "night".

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