Update 6 is out!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Ekanaut, January 20, 2011.

  1. galwinganoon

    galwinganoon New Member

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    W00t! Thanks! That issue ruined my Tuesday night.
  2. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Thanks! This issue broke up Team Bacon's scrim the other night.
  3. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    New graphics card, why aren't you here yet?
  4. LennardF1989

    LennardF1989 Uber Contractor

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    Great update. Been playing for a few hours and the balance is just perfect now. Assassins can't rape the full base anymore (yes, I'm looking at you juiced up cyzmyass) and grapple for gunner is just awesome. I usually only upgraded gun and smash, but it seems I need to start investing into the grapple now, too.

    I agree with deploying still being kind of useless, I notice I actually never spend money on the skill nor do I use it.

    I just somehow feel that sniper needs a small nerve, because he can kill a juiced up gunner in two shots and the distance the bullets can travel is just insane.
  5. wug_

    wug_ New Member

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    I don't have a problem with the distance on a sniper bullet, bouncing assault grenades spammed from his own base and bouncing ninja stars on the other hard :|
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Sweet! I'm going on vacation!

    Anyone notice the damage increase of the lvl 3 Gunner Grapple?
    It is now the most powerful grapple in the game besides the Assassin's back grapple.
  7. ColonelHogan

    ColonelHogan New Member

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    please what? PERFECT balance?
    today i started the game, wanting to have some fun... seeing theres a patch, again.. with anything reset..
    well thats totally fine, i go to a server, choose assassin...
    and the only thing i have to say is "WTF IS THIS B******T?!"
    on these little patchnotes on page 1, did you miss to mention that assassins have lost like 50% hp? or did the others damage just doubled? this game is totally not fun anymore as it is right now
    i understand assassins being weaker than others, due to onehit assassination kills.. but THAT is just ridicilous, seriously
    example: upgraded assassin to lvl 3, ran to a sniper... screwed up, he grappled me from the FRONT and did onehit kill me. come on, seriously?
    next example: wanted to get my hands on a tank.. he did that spin attack that even affects you with fire... BOOM i was dead in a second cause its so strong plus fire.
    there are a lot more examples, but i think thats enough.

    oh and not even mentioning all those grapple throws that kick you over the HALF map, if not 3/4. which is pretty unfair too. i think it got fixed at least a little today, but its still not alright

    in the sight of an assassin, this game got a LOT worse, sorry if i sound rude but that game took all its fun and just annoys me now.

    edit: oh and seeing this double smokebomb fix from... now/update 5?.. i never had this until today. a lot. lol
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The default assassin endorsement loadout is just terrible. Don't bother playing assassin until you unlock a custom slot and use gold or silver armor.

    This has always been the case, though
  9. ColonelHogan

    ColonelHogan New Member

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    yes that may be, couldnt afford it yet, but i didnt think it would affect it SO much? oO
    IF thats the case then sorry for my anger and rage, lol
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Quoted for Truthiness!

    Hogan, just play a little Blitz until you can unlock your first custom class.
  11. ColonelHogan

    ColonelHogan New Member

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    okay then.
    well i havent played any blitz yet, cause until yesterday there were NONE servers for blitz.. or just very few with no one on it/password protected.. havent looked today but i will
  12. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    I haven't used the third level yet, but I love the change (600 damage - perfect!). As far as balance goes, is anyone every upgrading tank to level 3 deploy? I never see the need for it personally and I think its another gunner-grapple-esque issue where it just isn't worth the cost for the ability to shoot infinitely (not very far). Level 2 is great though. I would give the level 3 tank deploy additional range on top the additional deployed range. Not sure how much, but I really think it needs something.

    Also, default assassin is a bad class IMO. At least give it silver armor so it can survive the dagger/sword front stabs. It already has sprint for high speed. Why does it need gold speed on top of that?
  13. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    You can play some Blitz offline too in case there are no servers up. All you need is $15,000. Shouldn't take long.
  14. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    This patch just made gunner the strongest base destroyer in the game since sin and tank got nerfed, coupled with his strong grapple now (no longer easy prey for sin), Sniper is needed as a strong counter to such an uber heavy class more than ever.
  15. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Let me throw this out...

    If the default classes were your favorite way to play those classes... where's the incentive to make custom classes?
  16. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    On the bright side, I knew this would happen, and made a list of all my classes so I could still use them.
  17. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    Only a few days until launch :D. I'm top 50 in kills and earnings but I didn't play beta much before update 4 because of the crashing. I'll be curious to see if I can stay high on the leaderboards post-launch.
  18. LTGH0ST

    LTGH0ST New Member

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    is the xbox going to get any of these updates?
  19. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    Oh, I'm not suggesting you make it have my favorite endorsement setup (gold armor, silver skills, bronze crits). I just don't think gold speed is a good choice for assassin and its really not fair to newer players. It can be used, but this is something I would consider a far more advanced endorsement setup rather than something a newbie should use. It's part of the reason that my assassin kills before the reset were 2x or 3x higher than my kills on other classes. I think gold juice would be better than gold speed for the default class because of the high mortality rate on newbie assassins. The foot speed just allows them to run to their inevitable deaths faster. I can see where the additional foot speed would allow you to catch up to players to attempt backstabs more easily, but there are so many awesome counters to the assassin anyway (the foremost of which being the spacebar) that newbie assassins should be told very directly by the game that they should kill bots whenever possible and only engage pros if they must.

    Also lets talk tank deploy lvl 3. Why is it worthwhile? Is there something that Ive missed or some situation where its worth 400$ to be able to shoot indefinitely at targets that can easily move away? Sure bots will stick around for duration, but death blossom is a far more effective way to end bots. It doesnt seem to increase juice intake (any more than the default deploy) and the jet gun clip is plenty big enough to end almost any bot wave if you are determined to make juice when life throws you bots.
  20. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    Deploy lvl 3 @ Moneyball with Jet gun out and watch the domination. Petty shots at you build your juice up very quickly still, assassins and assaults are stupid enough to run at you pointblank behind you and just turn on your infinite Jets and you burn them VERY fast. All the while your juice builds up, you activate it, everyone dies...if moneyball isn't dead still, just repeat the process. :)

    I killed 2 sins and 2 assaults alone with my jetpack when deployed at a moneyball yesterday....lol :lol:

    Only if Uber wants to use up their remaining free patches for the 360. They are only allowed a few and I think they used one up already for the Spunky Cola dlc...

    So don't expect much updates...get pc version :p

    p.s. Still looking forward to the Mouse Acceleration & Smoothing option :cool:

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