Nuke Explosion colour

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by FXelix, December 7, 2013.

  1. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Slightly off topic, but this is one of the most terrifying videos I've ever found on the internet.

    rippsblack likes this.
  2. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    What the hell were the Americans nuking?

    (Covered up zombie outbreaks)
  3. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    It's frightening looking at the intensity of strikes in that (relatively) tiny patch on the west coast. Must have been almost 1000 nuclear detonations within a few hundred kilometres of eachother. I wonder what the fallout is like...

    I guess the whole place is just fenced off desert.
  4. dangoofed

    dangoofed Member

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    Truth is, us Americans just love our a-bombs, I mean there's a reason we are the only country to ever use them, hell we had so many we just started bombing the hell out of ourselves for kicks. but on the flip side we're the only nation that gives payouts or even acknowledges victims of radiation sickness induced by all of the fall out of these tests. So that's nice
  5. daviddes

    daviddes New Member

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    We even let the Brits nuke us!
  6. rippsblack

    rippsblack Member

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    Sorry to burst your bubbles but the USA leadership doesn't care about its populace, other country's moved their tests offshore for a reason. (not saying the British government or any other government on the planet cares about its populace either)
  7. micr0be

    micr0be New Member

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    What worries me the most is the shockwave dust cloud graphics used for commanders death explosion (not sure if nukes have the same dust clouds). I keep waiting for an update on the visuals, but i'm starting to think its finalized.

    As it is now it's really bad.
  8. comham

    comham Active Member

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    Yeah, but every explosion in supcom was bright white. Maybe if the UEF nuke was a Crowd-Pleasing Orange Mushroom, and the Cybran one looked like Strange Plasma Physics Experiment Gone Wrong, then I could deal with a Bright White Flash Aeon nuke as an exception to the visually dazzling norm, but in general supcom just had too much white bloom effects for it to stand out.
  9. Anosognos

    Anosognos New Member

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    What is the community's take on nuke realism in vacuum?

    The majority of a nuclear weapon's destructive power is delivered via the pressure wave. In space or on an airless world, they would be pretty much useless (in real life). They could destroy a spacecraft if the missile first penetrated the hull, but it wouldn't do much damage to a surrounding fleet.

    Your best bet in space really is the conventional gun/laser/missile trifecta.

    Conversely, a nuke set off underwater would absolutely decimate a naval fleet, especially the subs.

    Do you guys think this should be implemented in the game?
    rippsblack likes this.
  10. comham

    comham Active Member

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    That's what a PA nuke should look like, but with more shockwave effects.
  11. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    110% agree.

    Part of the fun of nukes is figuring out who nuked you. We're not playing My Little Pony's Princess Adventure. It's an RTS, and I'm much happier with an RTS that's challenges me to think a bit rather than telling me everything I need to know (nothing personal against My Little Pony's Princess Adventure fans.)
  12. davidkit

    davidkit New Member

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    The small child in me would love a green nuke. It would be my version of a gamma bomb. Robot hulks anyone?
  13. Anosognos

    Anosognos New Member

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    Also, if people are into realism, keep in mind that the color of the fireball will be dependent on the composition of the atmosphere.

    The initial flash will be white regardless of the medium because it's not caused by combustion. The less O2 present, the shorter the duration of combustion. Depending the the availability of other elements, the fireball color may vary a bit. On the surface of a planet with O2 you're generally going to vary between yellow, orange, and red. Regardless, it will go out fairly quickly and turn into a brown/grey cloud of debris.

    In space, if you put the nuke inside a spacecraft with oxidizing rocket fuel (recognizing machines don't need an atmosphere), you'll get a blue flame that will quickly go out and leave nothing behind but the debris of the ship.

    Outside a ship in vacuum it would be a quick white flash and then nothing.

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