Armor isn't worth much now (Post DLC)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by xX Ript3r Xx, December 14, 2010.

  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Taking applications...
    Please see my post, xX Ript3r Xx.
    Seems like I could make an exception for you.

  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Quite the opposite. I imagine in your "perfect" MNC, Gunner's would have a shorter health regen time, shorter reloading speed, would revert back to pre-spunky bullet damage, armor would be buffed for them, Assault's damage would be reduced, their skills given longer regen times, Assassins gain juice slower, Firebase power reduced, crits wouldn't be "prevelent" without the endorsement, (even thought upgrading the Assault and Gunner's skills add crits, what would those do then?), and gunner slam would have an all encompassing sphere of damage. These are all things that you or that CLD guy have mentioned in this thread.

    I wonder which class would be overpowered?

    That was so ****ing funny.
  3. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    I don't really understand whether or not your trying to insult me or trying to ask for my help. Because I am far from a noob if insulting me is what you aim for.
  4. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    A minor tweak to health regen seeing how it is way too long. Either having the reload time shortened or the health not both. And by shortened by 1 or 2 seconds. A bullets a bullet damage should never change on this game considering maps aren't that big. Nope Assaults can keep their damage, every character can just buff armor for all characters cause now even with armor 3 since patch supports die just as fast as assassins with armor 3. Yeap increase the bomb, dash, and fly time for assaults just by 3 seconds for bomb, 4 for charge, and 2 for fly. This is with skill regen 3 but would be the same for the rest. Though that decreasing those would need a bit of testing for times. Firebase range decreased a few feet and damage towards pros cut by 1/3 of current damage. Crits wouldn't be so often lets say an assault with crit 3 and passive all the way to 3 would make 1/3 of shots in any clip hit critical. Assassins gain juice slower because of buffed armor. gunner slam would be instant but no sphere and if they kept a tanks charge being able to hit after death so would a gunners slam, assaults charge, and assassins lunge. Return the airstrike back to it's old speed. Decrease range on the hurt gun but increase range for the healing part. prioritizing it to heal players, turrets, then bots. Weaken splash damage to players by the snipers explosive rounds.

    None would be though this is theory I'd have to test out how they actually work out. Also I'd make it to where you can't have more than 3 of any character on a team.
    That all in all sounds like it would work quite well. Though the crits would need some testing to balance out usefulness. Unlike you I'm not happy with what is given and I could see many fixes that could make the game so much better. I would be happy if they just undid everything they did before spunky because then it was quite close to being balanced and was acceptable.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    it wasnt an insult, we where just wondering if we could play a couple games with you and take you under our wing, because you dont seam to have a handle on the games functions or features. interested?
  6. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    it wasnt an insult, we where just wondering if we could play a couple games with you and take you under our wing, because you dont seam to have a handle on the games functions or features. interested?[/quote]
    If you want to play a couple of games with me thats fine but Im not going under anyones wing. I'm top 150 in kills its not like I dont know what I'm doing. I even haven't hit buzzer yet. I think i'm 137 or so in kills
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    and i suppose your wins rank isnt anywhere near your kills, is it? that being said, leaderboards mean nothing. im 11th for wins, and i can think of many people below me that are better.
  8. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Let's just go back to before the first update and just shoot down each other's moneyballs too while we're at it.
  9. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    You know if you want faster reloading or health regeneration, you can always just use the endorsements for that. Now if you're not willing to give up other endorsements for faster reloading or health regeneration, then suck it up. Custom classes and endorsements are there to give you an edge in those particular areas. If you're not willing to use them, then stop asking for buffs because you clearly do not value those enhancements enough to use them yourself.
  10. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Lets just have you shut up because apparently your a kid who thinks that your favorite company is never wrong. Mines Epic and I still seeing flaws in both gears games.
  11. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    I think I'm in top 500 or 600 for wins. But compared to alot of people I haven't played that many games. I'm not really all that high on earnings either but I'm a player slayer for the most part. And I played alot alone at 1st and lost cause of me learning and crappy teammates or just having a better team against me. My 1st friend was Dr3adful 4byss on MNC and that was about when I was like level 60 or so before patch that was awhile back cause I had hit 99 awhile before spunky. I know how to play the game but if you want to play to see how I play thats fine but I also mainly play to drop K/d not as much to win though I still try to win.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Tom12121112 (yes, I remembered those numbers) has just moved up like 2 pages in my book. lmao

    You do realize Epic Games has had some other big hits before Gears of War, right? Shadow Complex was an amazing game! Not to mention their Unreal Engine.
  13. xX Ript3r Xx

    xX Ript3r Xx New Member

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    Yes I do but I didnt need more than one example. The Unreal Engine is used by MNC and so many other games
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i play slayer as well (assault/gunner) and im 11 for earnings, 20s for kills, and 20-40 for wins.
    bring some more evidence to the table other than "i got killed twice by an assault" so i can find even more flaws in your logic
  15. sohei kuma

    sohei kuma New Member

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    Shorter TC: The game would be more balanced if the class I prefer to play were powered up and every class I don't like to play were nerfed.

    That said, I agree with you somewhat about the assault. I tend to think they are overpowered. When playing gunner with Gold ROF, Silver Crit, and Bronze Acc, I get outgunned by Assaults at medium range (and sometimes short range if they get a bomb off). Even when I do manage to get the upper hand, they just fly+charge away and escape before I can kill them. They seem to have more health than a tank, more firepower than a gunner, better grapples than the assassin, and a better area of effect weapon than the support.
  16. SaintSeiya

    SaintSeiya New Member

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    I don't see a difference.
  17. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I'm not one of the best Gunner, i'm probably not even in the top 5, but even I know that deploy isn't the worst skill in the game for a gunner. I've played against and with some of the top players in the game and seem to be able to hold my own at any range unless the enemy team has a decent sniper.

    Learn the arcs of your mortar, you can take people out from across damned near any map.
    Don't charge Assaults mid-long range. Ever. It doesn't even matter if you're spun up, most of them run Crits now.
    If you have deploy 3(which you probably should eventually), deploy at the beginning of a fight against a mid range Assault and mow them down. Just don't deploy close to them or you're going to get headcrabbed. Hilarious, but not in your best interest.

    These are all very simple tips that I've learned from people and from just playing the game that you don't seem to know, which is mind boggling.

    Although On Topic: I haven't noticed any difference in armor's efficiency. I run an Armored gunner and a Crit gunner, the Crit gunner dies in about half the time my armor gunner does.
  18. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    its funny because ripters gunner build is
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I've read through all of this. I feel sad.

    To actually address the original post: Yes, it is. You're wrong, and you should feel bad for being such a bad person.

    To address what this thread has degenerated into: Gunner's fine as is. He's already a complete monster with dual minis alone. The reload time and health regen are probably his only weaknesses.

    Last thing to say is the TC is either a troll (possible) or just a biased, slightly retarded whiner (ironically likely). Things seemed to very quickly fall to him making illogical statements, and name calling. I'm happy to return the favor when taking into account his intelligence.

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