My observations

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bigbookman, January 3, 2014.

  1. bigbookman

    bigbookman New Member

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    I have noticed that my system can not load a game, both on linux and windows:
    My Specs:
    Intel Core i3 380M 4gb ddr3 1333
    Intel HD 1000 Graphics
    Win 7 x64 SP1
    Latest Video Driver

    what i have noticed is that the game seems to freeze while it loads the system and sometimes will get past that but freeze and crash were i am supposed to select my position. A recommendation would be to add an option for the game to select the positions at random or from points defined when a user creates a system. Also, in the next patch could i request that a local skirmish mode be added for testing the game to see if it is the server/ client setup that is causing this.
  2. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    how large are you making the systems and planets?
  3. bigbookman

    bigbookman New Member

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    three 200 diameter planets, almost gets to two gigs of memory usage still can't play. does almost get to the game, how much ram should i have?

    Also, to note I have played Supreme Commander and Supreme Commander 2 on the same laptop.

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