cheaper orbital : good or bad???

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by beer4blood, November 29, 2013.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Nucks as they are now aren't really UNbalanced per say but instead are just flat out really powerful and have really boring gameplay as explained in countless threads regarding Nucks.

    krakanu likes this.
  2. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    So I got a bit bored (again) and made (another) "mock-up" for orbital.

    T1) Basic Orbital launcher (builds and shoot into the atmosphere, )

    -Radar Satellite
    - Interplanetary Spy Satellite
    -Transporter POD (one way trip, T1 only, when unit is loaded into Launcher it will launch into the atmosphere)
    Anti Satellite:
    - Satellite hunter (kamikaze unit)

    (T2) Advanced Orbital launcher (builds and shoot into the atmosphere, )

    -Basic Orbital fabber
    -Advanced Radar Satellite
    -Advanced Interplanetary Spy Satellite
    -Anti Radar Satellite (makes ground units invisible to radar)
    -Basic Solar Satellite
    -Orbital Lander (single unit transport)
    -Asteroid Converter KEW (one way trip, converts asteroid into KEW )
    -Asteroid Converter Resource (one way trip, converts asteroid into Resource mine)
    -Asteroid Converter Defense (one way trip, converts asteroid into Orbital Defense )

    Orbital Fabber, builds:

    -Orbital Factory
    -Orbital Turret Defense (Anti-Orbital) (standard Defense vs Orbital units)
    -Orbital Laser Defense (Anti-Orbital) (long range, vs single target)
    -Orbital Missile Defense (Anti-Orbital) (multiple target “glass cannon”)
    -Orbital Mine (as in mine field)
    -Orbital Gas Mine (fusion reactor thingy, lots of power)

    (T2) Orbital Factory, builds:

    -Advanced Orbital Fabber
    -Orbital Fighter (standard unit, Anti-Orbital)
    -Orbital Cruiser (tanky unit, high hp, slow, low damage normal range)
    -Orbital Long Range Laser (artillery unit, low hp, slow, long distance, Anti-Orbital)
    -The Protector Satellite (Anti artillery, catapult and nuke def sat.)
    -Advanced Solar Satellite
    Anti Ground:
    -Orbital Laser platform (anti ground, can track targets under it.)
    -Orbital Bombing platform(anti ground, AOE)
    -Orbital Transport/Drop ship (yes, transport; picks up units from a planet.)
    Anti Interplanetary:
    -God wind (Kamikaze unit, to destroy interplanetary units, very fast)

    Anti-Orbital (from ground)-AO Laser (Basic Anti-Orbital, Good vs moving orbital units)
    -AO Tank (Advanced Anti-Orbital)
    -AO Submarine (Advanced AO)
    -Umbruella (Advanced AO Cannon, Good vs stationary/slow orbital units)

    Additional explanation:
    — T1 Orbital launcher is a way to get off planet quickly and too support ground by giving intel.
    — T2 Orbital launcher is the beginning of orbital confilict.
    — T2 Orbital factory is need to be able to build units in orbit around gas giants.
    — All orbital buildings and defenses might be able to move. It’s not like they are bolted to the ground. (Neutrion mentioned that his might be possible.)
    — No solar for T1 Orbital launcher because at that stage no resource gathering in space.
    — Asteroid Converters are only for asteroids not moons.
    — Asteroids can be destroyed by Nukes, a incoming asteroid can be destroyed but this will only slightly reduce the damage and preserve a few more metal spots.
    — God wind, (Kamikaze unit, to destroy interplanetary units, very fast) No more infinite flying commander, DIE!!! But so extremely expensive that you'll only build it for infinity flying Commander snipe.

    Things I don’t like:
    I’m quite happy with how this looks. But it is probably going to be different in the game. But I still did my best to make it as close to a realistic setup as possible, with a “complete” collection of unit.
    Things I don’t like about my set up:
    1. T1 Basic Orbital launcher has only a few unit. I couldn’t think of any more what would fit in a support rol.
    2. Should there be nukes in orbital? Nuke launcher, Anti-Nuke, abiltiy to nuke orbital?
    3. Nothing to drop for obit on to the planet like turrets and factories.
    4. Orbital Transport/Dropship should they drops the units from orbit or must they descent?
    Feel free to be criticize and take any ideas you like.
  3. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    Traveling between planets should only be able with a one-time-use rocket, kind of like in the concept trailer. The reason for that is simple: It prevents commander hopping and makes landing on a planet a more strategical decision. Right now you just pump out an astreus, go to the closest planet/moon with your comm or a fabber, put down one factory, then move off to the next planet and just infest every planet with your minions.

    But if you could only move to a planet ones every now and then by building a rocket in a rocket pad/orbital launcher then you would need good space-recon so you know which planet has enemies on it and which doesn't, so you have to decide where you want to land.. do you want to land on the ressource rich, big lava planet over there... or on the metal planet and turn it into a weapon..(as soon as that is possible) or maybe on the moon to use it as a KEW? Right now you can easily do all three things at once.

    This also makes comm hopping less viable to safe your commander just to make a game you already lost last longer (as in, just letting your comm fly around while you have nothing left on any planet) since they commander can't flee without a rocket pad for a new rocket.

    Hopping within an asterioud field or from moon-to-planet (and maybe back) should be possible with a lander though that you can always use.
    chronosoul and Quitch like this.

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