Hello As in the title, i have problem with my Graphic Cards, integrated card does 10-20fps on the lowest settings and for me - it's unplayable. I'm sure that dedicated card does better but how to force to render with it? Every driver is up-to-date, settings in nvdia control panel is focused on dedicated card. I uploaded for you dxdiag and last log file. ps.sry for my english
Check this video how-to: Game executable you need is here: D:\Gry\Planetary Annihilation\PA\bin_x64\PA.exe
Thx for reply The solution you provided I did as first step before even posting this thread, game just don't react on this settings. I did hard reinstall on all graphic cards drivers but nothing have changed. In addition I tried few games to check which card they are using, the problem appers only with PA
Are you totally sure about that? Can you please check your log file contents and see which graphics card used?
You're first player who have such problem, so I have no idea why it's might happen. Might be you'll find answer faster on Nvidia forums: https://forums.geforce.com/default/board/37/geforce-mobile-gpus/ Or just contact their support: http://www.nvidia.com/page/support.html
I've managed something PA on 64bit doesn't support my dedicated card, at all PA on 32bit does support my dedicated card but, game crashes when it starts rendering planet... I will attach log file and now i give up and wait till devs take care of this case
I can say you for sure it's not PA problem/bug because OpenGL-powered game just can't go and switch adapter how it's like. When you force game to use discrete graphics it's just "don't see" integrated graphics so it's can't choose GPU on it's own. So if for some reason your settings not applied it's mean something wrong with Nvidia drivers/tools. You might try to remove Nvidia graphics drivers though Windows Control Panel and then re-install them.
I removed and installed every driver connected with both graphic cards few times. It doesn't fix the problem at all. As I said earlier, 64bit version of the game only supports integrated card, or drivers+my card only supports 32 bit version but the 32 bit version is crashing... I thought, maybe i dont have enough memory or settings are too high - i've changed everything to lowest and turned off everything on my computer. I've started game - generating planets successfully passed! I've played for a while. Unfortunately, game managed to generate planets without crash only that one time...now it's crashing as before... I'll install fresh OS, maybe this will help
As I said already this game can't choose what video card to use, it's just use given settings. Also you can make 32-bit version crash less if you apply 4GB patch on it: www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php Then it's will able to use up top 4GB RAM instead of default 2GB, but obviously it's just temporary fix