This mod shows the build power of your selected units and factories: You can install this mod using PAMM. Version history See
I thought about writing a post about that way of loading html templates, but you were faster to notice it than I expected.
Version 1.1.0 works with the new module system that PAMM 3 uses. You can download it from the first post and later also through PAMM.
Does it take into account, if units are already lathing, what their buildpower is during a stall? (Just that that is the main time when this is truly useful)
It always shows their theoretical max power, regardless of whether they are lathing or not. I'm not sure whether the PA API exposes the current energy & metal usage at the unit level - I better look into it.
The current energy / metal usage is not exposed to the client. The supplied values are just read from the specs.
What if you take the percentages from the economy efficiency mod and apply them to the metal/energy use? Could you display the output that way?
As I am not good with js or html or any kind of programming language, could someone take the time to create a mod that displays the current metal output depending on economy usage?
What is that metal divided by energy value? It seems to be 50/3.5. Not 50/3500. It doesn't seem to be accurate anyway, because it doesn't give the useful values (i.e. the commander spends 0.02 energy per metal, or requires 50 energy for every metal it spends)
It's metal divided by 1000 energy. "14.3" instead of "0.0143" makes it easier to read and to compare with other values. This way the unit efficiencies are, IIRC, in the range of 6-20. Also the UI which reports the energy production/usage (at least with the efficiency plugin installed) reports it as thousands of energy units (e.g. 123k).
Ok. I'm used to Brad's implementation (which is the perfect reverse, energy divided by metal, so Commander is 50, vehicle factory is 45, bot factory is 56). Guess it doesn't really matter that much actually. I find you have to build more energy before you build more metal to support more fabbers. (i.e. metal goes up cheaply, energy does not)