Shave Ice Robots?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by OD78891, January 17, 2011.

  1. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    Let's talk about Assassins for a minute. They. Rape. Bots. And everything mechanically related in MNC.

    Are they OP'd? Some would say "yes". As for me, I don't think so, but it does come as a little problem when a dedicated Assassins spends their time getting juice and coin up by killing all your bots traveling down the lane.

    We can't protect our bots all the time, and maybe we should be awarded for when we do throw down our extra 100 dollars in the robot spawn. So, I've come up with an idea.

    What is absolutely the worst turret for Assassins? Shave Ice. Slows them down and reveals them! So why not make a bot that is a mobile shave ice machine that can absorb damage far more greatly than the average bot? Not to mention, leaves the assassins in a bit of a jut and allows for your team to punish them for getting too close to said bot.

    What do you think?
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I think that instead of trying to fix something that isn't broken through the introduction of yet more stuff to consider is not a good approach.

    In a teamgame, which this undoubtly is, you are supposed to have several positions covered. Let's call them guard, slayer and pusher here for simplicity's sake I'm not gonna go above these basics.

    First off the guard, make sure nobody rapes your base secretly (smoke bomb assassins), CC juiced players etc.

    Slayer: kill enemy pro's whenever you can, press the advantage and put pressure on them.

    Pusher: Bots, bots and bots; if you feel like experiment, don't. Bots are your job as well as the annihilator since you most likely have the necessary money on your hand and the required mobility (guess why the assassin is the number 1 pusher in this game? mobility and bot killing power)

    Obviously you'll not fare well with a team that lacks at least 1 one of the designated roles, surely pubs aren't as coordinated but we can't balance a game around public play.

    Next time you play you could see if all roles are covered and if they aren't just try to play the lacking role; you might be surprised by the efficiency of following really basic principles.
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I agree with that guy for the most part but I feel like maybe we can do more with the bots just for creativity's sake.
  4. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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    You can't expect everyone to stick to there jobs and babysit the bots in this game. It's just pure carnage out there, and one guy can't just be the anti-pro. Everyone has to play a part in fragging the enemy more than the bots.

    Assassins don't have to worry about pros because they're smart enough to stay close to their friends or turrets, and pick off anyone who does wander off. While that's in effect, the bots and the one man protecting said bots; is just asking for a "stab me" sign. When assassins do go all out, they juice up and go to town.

    It just feels like your bots are playing the part of the low level worker who doesn't get anywhere without several hundred sacrifices. One of the sacrifices that include YOU. It would be nice to actually not worry about your bots or at least give them a fair chance then just becoming fodder.
  5. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Actually, now that I think about it. The majority of games go into overtime simply because it is too easy for Assassins and tanks to push lanes. Adding some more depth to the bot game may be a step in the right direction. Because lets face it, if there is a tank or an assassin killing your bots in one swing or death blossom, you aren't going to be able to do much to prevent it.
  6. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Effective lane pushing -> Overtime? Huh? Or do you mean the people who run up and stomp your bots, not giving a damn about escorting their own bots? Cos that's not pushing, that's just camping.

    Plus snipers can do that too. And assaults. And Gunners. In fact, only Support doesn't kill bots that quickly (airstrikes have a long CD so using it on bots instead of enemy turrets is a bit wasteful)...

    ...Instead, they make YOUR bots more effective vs. enemy bots.
  7. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Because its so easy to effectively escort bots in this game... I've been playing this game for a long time buddy and no matter much people try to deny it, overtime happens way too often because when two teams are evenly matched it is very hard to get your bots to the other base. I don't see a problem with giving a bit more variety to bots in order to compliment bot pushing. If you have a solid defense, the enemy's bots are not getting in and all it takes is one tank to end a perfectly good bot push. Kill the tank? Ya sure so he can respawn and do it all again especially if the team is very well coordinated. If you can get bots past their 3.3 rockets and shave ices then thats all fine and dandy but don't expect it to happen very often because it is very easy to counter..

    I'm not bashing this game or its mechanics. I just feel like the concept is broken when two teams are even. The whole reason Overtime needs to be in this game is because games would seriously NEVER end, one team has a good defense and the other team has an equally strong defense. Who wins? The only way to change this is to add outside factors, like bots. Jackbots and buyable bots simply do not do enough.

    tl;dr an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. Who wins?
    Last edited: January 19, 2011
  8. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    i think assassins are definitely OP. not because I can't handle them or it bothers me being knifed in the back, but because they are good at every single facet of the game (killing bots, killing pros, pushing lanes, killing turrets, getting juiced, getting to the annihilator first).
  9. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Lol assassins are not broken but they do make it very hard to push bots. The tank does it way better anyways imo.

    Also, Supports are easily one of the most effective at monitoring bot lanes because its one airstrike and it kills a whole swarm of bots. It doesn't matter what the cooldown is because regardless of how many bots you group together I only need 1 airstrike to kill the majority of them. Also the firebase distracts them.

    Maybe it would be better if they completely ignored turrets because if they do make it into your base, they probably won't make it to the ball without being killed.
  10. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    the cooldown absolutely matters because you might not have one available.
  11. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I usually have one available...
  12. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    i try and save them for pro harassment, leaving the firebase to deal with bots.
  13. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I am pretty good at assuring my airstrike kills so when I throw one, I am certain it will kill. I don't tend to use them blindly so I usually have one stocked up at level 3. At two it depends if I used them for a turret and pro usually. But I do use them quite a bit for bots.
  14. Blackbeard

    Blackbeard New Member

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    I think it would be good to have some new bots, it could replace the current tank bot summon so that gunners and tanks don't have to share the bouncer bot.

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