Any chance this will be on next gen consoles?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by voltagejim, December 18, 2013.

  1. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I played through the halo games on my 360, and gosh it drove me mad. I find it so hard to do anything that requires precision on analog sticks. Aiming with any sort of precision is incredibly difficult. I just got used to setting one axis with the aiming control and the adjusting with movement, putting the enemy in the crosshairs by stepping left or right.

    I do think, that if the steam controller is as good as valve says it is, it's possibly the innovation you're looking for, giving the precision pc players are used to, combined with the directional detail and ergonomy of analog sticks.

    I wonder how well it will work with an rts.
  2. abubaba

    abubaba Well-Known Member

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    I am highly skeptical of trackpads, they are basically the least precise input method for most tasks in their current implementation. I'll give Valve the benefit of the doubt, since they have proven themselves to be pretty awesome and smart in general.. and trying something new is to be applauded, even if it fails spectacularly in the end. So we'll see.
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    this, very much this.

    but hey, whenever there's a question of adding people to the PA community, I can say no (except for those damn starcrafters!!! /jk! jk!)
  4. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    the WiiU has a touch screen.....*infinite optimism*
    abubaba likes this.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    oh lol,

    I go over to a friends and we play the wiiU (and recently the Xbox one (GOD I wish he'd gotten the PS4 instead)) once a week and I have a hard time imagining the wiiU running anything more than a texturless ball with icons only, and then some.
    Last edited: December 18, 2013
    thelowleypineapple and drz1 like this.
  6. abubaba

    abubaba Well-Known Member

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    In a way I really appreciate Nintendo's approach, but yeah the Wii U seems really underpowered.. at least they should have invested in a high DPI display for the Wii U, I think Nintendo's first class art direction in their first party games would look absolutely stellar in >300ppi.
  7. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    of course, I kid, but wouldn't it be LOVELY. Incidentally, I think a WiiU and PC are all I need for games right now (and of course, my old xbox 360, ps3 and wii :p).
    P.S. I don't think Mario could look ANYbetter than he does on WiiU in Super Mario 3D World :)

    However, as I'm leaning towards a PS4 in years to come, I wonder how viable it would be for Pa to be ported across....wasn't a developer only recently saying that developing on consoles was way easier than PC??
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Sticks are worse than pads.

    Suppose you wanted to control the mouse position with a stick. You have to balance two variables; angle and time, to get the correct result. Pads, like the humble mouse, only require one.

    Using time as a control variable is a really bad move. Just ask any mechanical or systems engineer about it.
  9. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    I've got Supreme Commander 2 on both the XBox 360 and the PC (long story). Since I played the XBox version first, I got used to the controller and to be fair, it's not that bad if the developers design the UI interactions with controllers in mind. The challenge would be in making the PA UI understand and work alongside a controller, and that will actually take some effort as it's obviously been built and tested with kb+mouse so far. To the point where trying to play on a trackpad instead of a mouse is challenging due to lack of scrollwheel zooming... ^^;
  10. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    But it's already on the best Next-Next-Gen console! PC!
  11. sargeantpig

    sargeantpig New Member

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    Steam isn't really a console... It's more of
    The wiiU really isn't that underpowered...

    Also if people didn't know you can go and download steam os now if you have a spare comp laying about. I was thinking of trying it out on my fairly useless laptop.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    They got nordic games to do a physical publish of their game.

    But, that is really difficult to port.

    So, the chance of it happening in my personal opinion is 15%, where it being published for store release was 35% and that did happen. Any way, even that wouldn't have be possible if they didn't have extended time to set it up, so it might take time possibly a year after pc release with amazing player support.

    I'd buy it for my nephew. I'm buying him supreme commander console port this year. It's cheap and the only one he could play. He is 6 and has a console. There are no ideal rts ports for console so i have to settle for that and cc3. PA would be the closest to ideal ever ported.

    Anyway, my point is reality is sometimes strongly against, but the reason isn't pc elitist. All they are saying isn't correct, as far as "everyone using a console is stewpid and we dunt need all 3mil of them". Any market deserves consideration, all money is good money, and in my opinion any dismissal of consoles as inferior is an extreme form of prejudice.

    The pc gets racing and fighting games, and any console player would trash a player using m-kb. It's not the best but it isn't about that. It is about it being fun nonetheless.
    Last edited: December 18, 2013
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I can use a Mouse and Keyboard on my XBox One... So where is the problem exactly? Controls my ***. Also it never ceases to amaze the amount of PC players who despise their precious games being ported to Consoles. Hey more ways for Uber to make more money I am down for the idea.
    drz1, bradaz85 and thetrophysystem like this.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I still doubt kerbal space program will ever port.

    If it ever did, i am sure console gamers would be wondering what they have been doing with their life.

    If they did, I'd buy my nephew a xbox one (he is 6 he would be able to use the media apps and kinect)
  15. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    The PS4 has native KB + M support so I've read.
  16. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    PS3 also had mouse support for Unreal Tournament 3, but still it's wasn't gain any big popularity.

    I think it's basically because most of console players have more "traditional" setup with large TV on front of the sofa and it's not really comfortable to play with m/kb like that. It's just two totally different markets and this why I not really understand what Valve want to do with their SteamBox. :confused:
  17. bradaz85

    bradaz85 Active Member

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    I understand, Ive recently switched to a dedicated monitor myself coming from a 42" HDTV, it was very awkward using a KB+M on the sofa so I used to prefer Gamepad controls (where it was supported) I thought it was obvious what Valve are trying to do, they are trying to innovate and push things forward on the PC front. Even if it only makes most Pubs/Devs consider OpenGL/Steam Machine as an extra platform, its a win for everyone on PC.
  18. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I do understand they want "own console" and insurance from Microsoft faults. It's will work great for titles which already made for consoles, there no real difference between them for customer.

    I just don't understand this. They announced Rome 2 will be ported on SteamOS. As Linux user I'm happy, but for me it's hard to believe that even with controller support such game will be playable in console environment. Mostly every console games are designed for short playing sessions which allow you to make some progress in 15-20 minutes. E.g on mobile devices most of games are designed for 1-5 minutes of gameplay per time. There is some hardcore audience of people who play some games for 2 hours, but it's minority.

    So I doubt many people will play some TBS/RTS which usually mean 1-3 hour session.
  19. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Controls are an issue still for one reason: the way you use them. A keyboard + mouse combo is not really viable when you sit on your sofa, with your large telly. Which, incidentally is how the vast majority use their consoles. Hence the handheld controllers.

    From a market and business point of view, the vast majority of console players simply wouldn't buy a game such as PA, if it's cannot be played with a controller. If they wanted to sit at a desk and play with a mouse and keyboard they would have bought a PC. Selling on a game on consoles requires a massive investment, which, in this case, would probably never pay off. Not to mention the fee microsoft charges for patching xbox games for example.

    Your second point I'd disagree with. I believe the most uproar usually doesn't come from pc games being ported to consoles. The majority doesn't have a problem with that. Most of the problem comes from highly marketed and anticipated games being primarily developed for consoles, and then the pc version ending up being a low quality console port, with features missing, bugs, and so on. (See GTA IV).
  20. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I don't understand this "A keyboard + mouse combo is not really viable when you sit on your sofa" because if you look at most gaming setups they are typically on a desk. I know I am not alone in saying both my PC and my Consoles are at my desk where I game and stuff.

    Most console gamers chose console because it's idiot proof and if I buy a game for my XBox it is going to work right out of the box. No need to worry about system requirements, up to date drivers, etc. Simply you don't need to be tech savvy to play console games. The patch fees are no longer around.

    Also my second point was in response to this thread. All PC players. All PA players saying no and then listing all the negatives. Not at all trying to see it from a different point of view.

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