[Assassin] Marmalade's Advanced Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Marmalade, January 19, 2011.

  1. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Since Ive been playing the assassin class for 150+ hours, only changing to other classes to discover their weaknesses, I thought Id write a small guide (which actually turned out incredibly huge o) on how to play the class properly, especially considering the gigantic amount of horrible assassins who are busy facestabbing tanks on public servers.

    The assassin is effectively the most powerful class in MNC at the moment, but at the same time, most people seem to be unable to figure out how to play it right. Most of the time you will be killing bots, farming juice, unloading it upon the enemy base and farming bots again. However, its also up to the assassin to take out strategically important players of the enemy team, like snipers, gunners, or any enemy pro that is pushing bots. If you play the assassin the way it should be played, you should be on top of the scoreboard at the end of the match, having killed the most bots and turrets and with a KDR varying between 3.00 and 10.00.

    I) Assassin tasks
    II) Weapons
    III) Skills
    IV) Endorsements
    V) Skill buying order
    VI) Bot killing
    VI.5) Juice (Yeah i was too lazy to update all the numbers)
    VII) Player Killing
    VIII) Player Killing - Alternative Method
    IX) The Art of backstabbing people in the face
    X) Annoying sh*t you can do absolutely nothing about
    XI) Some other important things

    I) What you are supposed to do as assassin:

    (Arranged following priority)

    During the match:
    1) Kill enemy bots
    2) Protect your own bots
    3) Kill enemy players that stand in the way of your bots
    4) Kill enemy snipers, deployed gunners, or anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (basically, with you facing their back)

    When the enemy moneyball is down:
    1) Attack it as much as possible with the shuriken launcher
    2) If the enemy team or their turrets won't let you do this, at least make sure to fire at least one shuriken every 30 seconds at the ball. Bear in mind that shurikens can ricochet incase you can't get close enough

    In Overtime:
    1) Get into the enemy base
    2) Fire shurikens at the moneyball
    3) Juice and repeat

    II) Assassin's weapons:

    1) Dagger [​IMG]
    The dagger is the assassin's primary weapon. It has low base damage, high attack speed and melee range. Attacks from behind deal more damage.
    The dagger's alternate fire is a grapple, which deals moderate damage from the front and a lot of damage from behind.
    Following classes can be instantly killed by a frontal dagger grapple: Assassin (without Gold / Silver Armor), Sniper (without Gold / Silver Armor).
    Following classes can be instantly killed by a dagger backstab: Assassin, Sniper, Support (without Gold Armor), Assault (without Gold Armor), Gunner (Without Gold / Silver Armor).

    1.5) Sword
    The Sword replaces the dagger after the Passive 3 is acquired. It has high base damage, high attack speed and melee range (slightly bigger than the dagger's range though). Attacks from behind deal more damage. Sword grapples deal 150% the damage of a dagger grapple, both from the front and from behind.
    Following classes can be instantly killed by a frontal sword grapple: Assassin (without Gold / Silver Armor), Sniper (without Gold / Silver Armor).
    Following Classes can be instantly killed by a sword backstab: All except for tanks with Gold Armor.

    Lunge: If you hit the reload button while holding the sword, the assassin will perform a lunge. Not only is it a powerful tool for destroying bots (a single lunge can disable a whole bot wave when performed from behind), when encountering players it serves as...

    1) An opening move: A lunge performed before the grapple gives the enemy player less time to respond, it also deals some damage before the grapple itself.
    2) A finishing move: If a player survives the grapple, the lunge is usually sufficient to finish him off.
    3) An escape tool: After a failed assassination attempt, the lunge can be used to get out of the immediate situation.
    4) Alternative to Dash: Spamming lunge allows the assassin to travel with the same speed as while using Dash (without boots pickups). However, you'll obviously be unable to cloak while doing this.
    Bear in mind that lunges performed from behind deal more damage, and can sometimes be used to quickly kill snipers / assassins / wounded opponents without having to waste a grapple.

    2) Shuriken Launcher [​IMG]
    The Shuriken Launcher is probably the most underestimated weapon in the game. It has absolutely no spread, making it the highest DPS weapon in the whole game at long range, and it's ammunition will ricochet off walls. It has following uses:

    1) To kill deployed gunners / tanks.
    2) To damage the moneyball
    3) To destroy firebases / turrets
    4) To finish off wounded players who are out of reach

    Seriously, learn how to aim with this thing. It's power is frightening if you know how to use it properly.


    -Grants transparency, making the assassin more difficult to see.
    -The assassin is less visible when standing still with activated cloak.
    -The closer you are to an enemy, the easier it becomes to see you.
    -The cloak emits a loud hum, which is the reason why you shouldn't spend too much time around enemy players while cloaked.
    -Cloak 3 will cause the first attack, lunge or shuriken magazine performed while the skill is activated to deliver a critical hit. Keep this in mind when performing the opening lunge before the grapple, or when firing shurikens at anything.

    -Decreases fall damage
    -Level 3 will grant the assassin immunity against any fall damage, making the smoke bomb jumps more useful, since the enemies won't be able to tell where you hit the ground.
    -Level 3 will replace the assassin's dagger with a sword, increasing all damage by a 1.5 multiplier
    -Upgrading the passive also increases the number of shurikens in the clip.

    -Allows you to run faster when activated
    -Scales with boots powerups
    -When dashing, a trail of dust will be visible behind you, giving away your position even when cloaked
    -Constantly jumping while dashing prevents you from leaving a dust trail.

    Smoke Bomb
    -Blinds the enemies for about a second when used
    -Jumping immediately after activating the skill will cause the assassin to perform an incredibly high jump. This can be used to escape, or to quickly travel across the map.
    -During the smoke bomb animation, all incoming damage will be reduced. Use this to survive afterburn, charges and other stupid stuff.
    -The smoke bomb animation makes you stick to the ground, preventing you from getting rung out by anything.

    IV) Endorsements:

    Always pick Armor, it greatly increases your survivability and decreases your chances of dying during fights against multiple opponents, while escaping etc.
    [​IMG] OR [​IMG]
    Skill Recovery is good, since it will recharge your cloak, dash and smoke bomb faster. Alternatively, take rate of fire, this will increase the speed of sword swings and will also make you fire shurikens faster.
    [​IMG] OR [​IMG]
    Depending on what you took as silver endorsement, take the other one as bronze.

    Why no Gold ROF?
    While I can see why many people take Gold ROF and Silver Armor, I myself prefer using the Gold Armor Endorsement for the Assassin, for there have been countless times where I escaped / survived a fight with a silver of health and would have died without it. It helps you survive one more shotgun blast than silver armor, one more bodyshot from a sniper rifle, 2 more sword slashes etc. 100 Hitpoints don't sound like much, but during direct confrontations with the opponent they often make all the difference due to the assassin's really low base health. You also have to bear in mind that it scales with the damage reduction of your own grapples, your smoke bomb and juice.
    Also, you won't be using your normal sword attacks this often anyway outside of Juice rushes since lunge is always preferable for both bot clearing and player killing.

    V) Skill buying order:

    Depends on the match, however, most people seem to use one of the 2:
    Assassin - Assassin - Cloak - Cloak - Whatever is required

    +High damage output in early game
    +Allows faster lane-clearing and makes dealing with pros easier
    -Everyone and their grandmother are going to shoot at you, since Cloak 1 doesn't hide you from bots and turrets

    Assassin - Cloak - Assassin - Cloak - Whatever is required

    +Lower chance of dying when fleeing with low hitpoints
    +Allows early infiltration of the enemy base
    -Low damage output in early game
    -Blackjacks don't die after the first lunge
    -Tanks and everything with gold armor is harder to kill until you get Passive 3

    VI) Bot Killing:

    Attack bots from behind, they take more damage that way and you won't get punched by blackjacks. Use ejectors to clean up bots that are being escorted by multiple players, finish off the stunned players afterwards.
    Don't ever grapple any bots.
    It's your task to kill enemy jackbots, use your sword for that, and for god's sake, don't grapple them. It's only right to grapple a jackbot when it's standing right in front of your moneyball, since it prevents him from doing any further damage.
    Look out for bouncers, their grapple will drain half of your health, which can lead to your death occassionaly, so don't forget to jump when one of them is around. Also, don't run around them when cloaked, they sometimes have the amazing ability to ignore your cloak and just proceed grappling you.
    Always keep track of the annihilator, it's your task to activate it.

    VI.5) Juice

    First off, pick up literally every juice can you come across. A single assassin who uses juice frequently is sufficient to keep a whole defense line down.
    As soon as you get juice, sneak into the enemy base and start destroying their turrets. Make sure that your back is facing away from their moneyball, this way, you'll see all players who will approach you to stop you. Jump constantly while juiced to prevent getting grappled. Also, kill all enemy players you encounter at the base to prevent them from upgrading damaged turrets / building new ones, you will require 2-3 sword slashes for each pro. Incase there are absolutely no turrets left, use juice to just kill as many players as possible, this will prevent them from destroying your bots.
    If you have juice and the opponents' shields are down, just get on high ground inside their base (the circle above the moneyball) and fire shurikens at the ball.
    Don't forget to make use of your smoke bomb when fighting hacked level 3 rock-its.
    Also, don't grapple anyone while juiced, it's a waste of time.

    VII) Player Killing:

    Killing players is probably the most fun thing about the assassin, nothing delivers more satisfaction than taking out a terrifying Gunner with a single backstab (except for triple ejector ringouts). However, don't forget that the assassin's primary task is destroying bots and turrets, player killing should only be performed when an enemy player is standing in either yours or your team's bots' way.
    Whatever class you approach, lunge at them before grappling them. Lunge deals significant damage, especially when performed from behind.

    -Gunners are really slow and very easy to approach as assassin; also, their miniguns are really loud, which will prevent most of them from detecting a nearby assassin in the heat of combat
    -The Gunner has two ways of countering the assassin: their slam and their grapple. Avoid both by jumping when engaged in a fight with a gunner
    -Their reload takes forever, try attacking them during reloading sequences. This will make them basically defenseless aside from the two moves mentioned above.

    If you successfully approach a gunner from behind, a sword backstab will instantly kill him even if he has golden armor. If he is overhealed and / or you are using the dagger, a lunge will usually finish the job. However, dont forget to jump once or twice after the grapple animation is finished since most gunners will immediately try to slam. After the slam, the gunner is basically defenseless due to the minigun spinup time and can be taken out with a few sword swings.
    If you facestab a gunner the strategy is basically the same, Grapple, jump, lunge, if he is still alive, finish him off with the sword.
    If a gunner is deployed, a single shuriken magazine is sufficient to kill him. There is no way for the gunner to escape, since the undeploy animation takes too long for him to survive, just make sure to aim well. Be sure to fire the shurikens from a reasonable distance, if you stand too close, you will be simply gunned down. If you have Cloak 3, don't forget to use it before firing to get the 15% damage boost.

    -Tanks have the toughest armor and will be not killed by a single backstab (unless they dont have gold armor), which makes them a little more difficult to deal with.
    -A Death Blossom + Charge combo will kill you instantly.
    -The afterburn is probably the most annoying thing in the whole game.
    -Dont let the tank grapple you.

    A good way to approach the tank is to wait until he is reloading his Jet Gun, this way, he will be unable to perform a Death Blossom after your grapple. Facestabbing tanks is generally a bad idea and should only be attempted if the tanks health bar is already yellow.
    After the grapple, smoke bomb. The smoke bomb animation will prevent you from getting knocked down by the charge and / or reduce the damage from the Death Blossom. Finish the job with a lunge or with normal sword swings.
    Deployed tanks should be dealt with the same way as deployed gunners.
    If you are good with shurikens, you should be able to defeat a tank at long range, just make sure you don't get close enough for him to charge.

    -The shotgun is very powerful, 2 blasts are sufficient to kill an assassin.
    -The firebase barely damages you during your grapple.
    -Some supports will try to counter-grapple you to give their firebase enough time to drain your health and then finish you off with the shotgun, avoid this at all costs with jumping.
    -During the hack sequence, the supports camera is being forced into a really shitty angle which will prevent the support from seeing approaching assassins, use this to your advantage. EDIT: Zanarias wrote a guide on how to improve the camera angle during the hack sequence, feel free to hate him for that. :3
    -Always look out for airstrikes, if you stand even remotely close, you will be dead.

    There is not much to say actually, if you backstab a support, hes dead.
    If you frontally approach him and manage to grapple him before he shoots you with his shotgun, lunge once after the grapple is finished and hes dead. To prevent getting a shotgun to the face while approaching him frontally, surprise him with a lunge out of cloak and grapple.
    If you fail to do the above, retreat or youre dead.
    Their turrets can be disabled by smoke bombs. Also, shurikens will deal more damage to turrets than the sword. Always take care of the turret after you are done with the support.

    -Be on lookout for their ice traps (especially when using jump pads), if you see one, dash + jump over it. Alternatively, run around them if there is enough space.
    -Most snipers will be too busy sniping to constantly look around, so they can be easily approached from behind.
    -A frontal grapple will instantly kill a sniper without gold armor. A lunge+grapple combination will instantly kill any sniper.
    -Getting grappled by a sniper really does suck.

    Always disable your cloak when approaching a sniper. The scope really limits their view, preventing them from seeing you; just make sure they dont hear your cloak.
    Try to backstab them when possible.
    Incase you facestab them, perform a jump once after the grapple animation is finished. Most snipers will try to grapple you after you grapple them, this should prevent them from doing so. After the jump, finish them off with a lunge / sword slashes.
    Incase you dont want to waste your grapple on a sniper, 2 lunges are sufficient to kill one; 3 with gold armor.

    -Definitely the toughest class to deal with for the assassin due to their high mobility, flying and their charge.
    -Most assaults will stand still or at least refrain from jumping when using their grenade launcher due to it being really hard to aim, use this to backstab them.
    -Make sure not to run into their bombs, they deal tons of damage and deliver an annoying afterburn.
    -Assaults who use Aim Down Sights are free kills.

    Delivering a backstab to an experienced assault is really hard most of the time, so you will have to facestab them pretty often. Use lunge to close the gap before the grapple, a lunge + grapple combo is usually sufficient to kill an assault.
    After being grappled by you, most assaults will immediately try to charge at you, so make sure to jump to avoid getting grappled and / or thrown out of the arena. Alternatively, use smoke bomb, it will drastically reduce the charge damage and will also prevent charge 3 from connecting.
    After the charge, finish them off with lunge / sword swings.
    Some assaults won't charge, but instead they'll plant a bomb right under your feet immediately after your grapple. In this case, either use the smoke bomb to reduce the damage and to prevent the knockdown, or just lunge out of the bomb's range.

    Other assassins:
    -Most assassins suck really hard and are just free kills; however, if you suck equally hard, this might be a challenge.
    -An assassin without gold armor can be killed by a frontal grapple. Any assassin can be killed by the lunge+grapple combination.

    Make sure to grapple enemy assassins before they can grapple you, this way, you will have infinite advantage. After your grapple is finished, jump once / quickly backpedal to avoid the other assassins counter-grapple and finish him off with lunge.
    Incase you get grappled first, retreat. However, if you are sure that the other assassin is really bad, counter-grapple him immediately after his grapple and finish him off with lunge.
    If you see a cloaked assassin, make sure to be the first to lunge at her, then proceed grappling. If two assassins lunge at each other simultaneously, neither will receive damage.

    VIII) Player Killing - Alternative Method

    Do not try this against tanks on full health.
    Do not try this against people who you know can play well.

    On pubs, a skilled assassin can get a metric crapton of kills by doing this. Basically, you kill people by using your lunge and sword slashes, only utilizing the grapple when standing directly behind the enemy. This has the advantage that you won't have to deal with the grapple cooldown and can basically lunge through the map slaughtering bad players.
    You'll need Cloak 3 and Passive 3 to do this. The whole killing process happens in following steps
    1) Cloak
    2) Lunge at an enemy from behind and start hitting him with your sword while jumping constantly until he shows some sign of acknowledging your presence.
    3) Move away from the enemy while jumping constantly, recloak simultaneously
    4) Turn 180 and lunge again
    5) Repeat until enemy is dead
    Assassins and Snipers without gold armor die after the 2nd lunge, Supports and Assaults after the 3rd, Gunners after the 4th.
    Most players won't really know how to react to this tactic, since they'll be expecting the assassin to grapple them, so they'll spend their time jumping around and trying to hit you with their gun / grapple you, making themselves easy targets.
    But for god's sake, don't try to do this on scrimmages or other serious matches unless you want to die in the most embarassing way. This isn't really the most effective way of playing the assassin, but it's fun as hell, at least until the enemy team realizes that they're doing something wrong. Also, high kill counts [Link]

    IX) The Art of backstabbing people in the face

    (Since many people asked me on how to do this, I'm adding this here)
    Lunge is usually used to either kill people in combination with a frontal grapple, or to close the gap between the assassin and the victim's back. However, there is a way to produce frontal backstabs with the lunge.
    Method I) When you see an opponent running at you, lunge past him and turn 180 before the lunge animation is finished. Now you should be facing the poor guy's back and can backstab him. You don't have to stand directly behind him, standing left or right to him and facing the same direction is going to suffice.
    Method II) When you see an opponent running at you (the target HAS to be moving forward), lunge directly in his face and turn 180 after the lunge movement stopped, but before the sword slash, and grapple immediately. If you do it right, the opponent will be moved in front of you and the backstab animation will occur. Hax.

    X) Annoying sh*t you can do absolutely nothing about

    A few things are going to get you killed occasionally, no matter how good you are. I'm putting them here so you'll be prepared.
    From time to time, your Smoke bomb is going to misfire. Sometimes you'll throw a smoke bomb and will be unable to jump, with the cooldown being instantly reset, in some cases you'll get stuck in place and will be unable to move for a second or so.
    Sometimes, your lunge won't move you an inch in any direction, which is very annoying when you're using it to escape. This can also get you stuck in place.
    On rare occasions your lunge will launch you through the air for no reason at all, usually resulting in you falling off the map.
    Sometimes you'll get stuck when hitting the ground after a smoke bomb jump.
    Turrets and bots will sometimes just ignore your cloak, no matter what it's level is and shoot at you anyway. This can be fixed by quickly disabling your cloak and using it again.

    XI) A few other important things:

    DO NOT GRAPPLE JACKBOTS. Seriously. This makes you vulnerable, takes really long, gives away your position and you waste a lot of potential juice. Just stand in the path of the jackbot, preventing it from proceeding further, and slash at it with your sword. Jump to avoid the slam. This deals enough damage and gives you a full juice bar after you are done.
    When the enemy moneyball is down, its your task to make sure it stays down. A single shuriken is enough to disable a moneyballs shields for another 30 seconds.
    During the overtime, place yourself on high ground inside the enemy base, somewhere where enemy players cannot see you. Then fire shurikens at the moneyball for the rest of the overtime. If the enemy team notices you, either use juice to defend yourself or smoke bomb + jump away and change your position, then proceed firing shurikens.
    Always remember which endorsements enemy players use. Players without armor are way easier to deal with, since they have way less health.
    You don't have to actually stand behind someone to produce a backstab, standing slightly left or right to them and facing about the same direction will result in a backstab too. This works especially well in combination with lunge, since you can lunge at a player from the front, turn 180 and backstab them without having to place yourself behind them.
    Use lunge to quickly get behind enemy players, then grapple them immediately after the sword slash. This gives them less time to turn around and also deals some damage before the grapple itself (especially useful against tanks).
    Ejectors are probably the most powerful tool in the game, especially on Grenade and Spunky Cola. Assassins can use ejectors without disabling their cloak, this means the enemies won't see the ejector being activated and jump beforehand. You can often ring out 2-3 people at a time and destory firebases. For this reason, always have some spare cash for ejectors.

    The guide will be expanded further as time passes.
    Incase I forgot something essential, let me know and I'll update it :3

    -[6*] Marmalade
    Last edited: March 4, 2011
  2. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Why do you need to buy juice as an assassin? It hurts your team, you can easily get free juice from bots.
  3. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    First of all, it prevents the enemy team from buying juice, which is for the good of your base. If the opponents' shields are down, you will often have no time to farm juice, especially if the annihilator has just destroyed all enemy bots or they have been destroyed manually. With juice buying you can immediately sneak back into the opponent's base and unload juiced shurikens into their moneyball, dealing significant damage, or alternatively help keeping their defenses down to make it easier for your team to damage their moneyball.
  4. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Don't need to buy juice, but if you don't have a coordinated team that controls the juice buying area, then the likeliness of them buying juice before the enemy does is well I guess 50/50.

    Anyway, when I'm in pubs I just buy juice. As assassin I don't buy smoke or dash anymore. That leaves me with lots of cash and I have plenty left over from annihilator and bots and juice buying.

  5. Stryfe

    Stryfe New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    A lot of assassins lunge a player (preferably from behind) and then grapple. You seem to be saving your lunge for after the grapple, why is that?
    Last edited: January 19, 2011
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Never face grapple a tank unless he has red health or you have a mate who will kill him. Yellow health on a tank is sufficient to survive face grapples with the right armor and Passives. If you don't kill the tank with your grapple, immediately smoke bomb to prevent charge from knocking you down or mitigate death blossoms damage. You will get hit by one or the other if the tank is halfway competent.
  7. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    I thought I was the only player that did that tactic. Oh well, it's still a good one.

    Oh, and I disagree with face grapples. If they are alone and it's early game I have a good chance that they are still on charge lvl 2. In that case, smokebomb & PEACE!!!!!
    Why would I do that? 'cause my team is busting through and the tank has hardely any time to spare trying to regen his health. The more I damage a player, the more they go hide and rest up. Good enough for me. ;)
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Yes, definitely smoke bomb after a grapple fails to kill a tank. It's incredibly frustrating for the tank when his charge does almost nothing to you.

    It's also good to use against support to reduce the damage of that shotgun to the face.

    Bad against snipers, assaults, or other assassins because it doesn't do anything to prevent their grapples. Generally bad against gunners because slam will still make you slow and useless even though it won't knock you back.
  9. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Actually, lunge has a very low cooldown, so using the lunge before the grapple doesn't prevent the assassin from using it afterwards. However, I often prefer to dash behind a player instead of lunging, because experienced players will sometimes instinctively jump upon hearing the lunge sound, making it impossible to grapple them. Also, the lunge is sometimes hard to aim at a moving target from a short distance.

    Concerning the tank thing, facestabbing should be only used if there is no other option whatsoever. Even if the tank has yellow health, a lunge after the grapple will usually be sufficient to kill him. Also, I prefer jumping over smoke bomb for tanks, since it helps to avoid the damage completely and usually leaves the tank pretty confused, also, it allows to use the smoke bomb afterwards to retreat.
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Buying juice to deny your enemy the opportunity when you are pressing the advantage is detrimental to the team considering the juice-gain rate of the assassin, you are much better off to leave that to people who actually need to work to get juice.

    Also experienced players will hear the regular walking or the lunge - doesn't matter, the lunge however is faster to close the last gap.
  11. Stryfe

    Stryfe New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Oh but it's so very much fun to lunge around to the side of someone at short range and stab them in the back :)
  12. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    The assassin's steps barely produce any sound and are not noticeable unless there is absolute silence which is usually not the case during a match.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    I welcome you to modifysoundclass
  14. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    This doesn't count. :p
  15. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    May be viable except for one little detail: The shitty toggle feature.

    God I HATE that toggle only method of using your skills. Especially when you're not gonna get any kind of little finger strain or inconveniance for holding down shift.
  16. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Or you could just use cloak 3 before firing you shurikens, making almost all of them criticals, and if you can maneuver and shoot well, your juice bar should be filled up pretty well while staying safe, keeping the pressure on their money ball. Also, the assault gets a much better advantage against the money ball if he has juice.
  17. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    I'll include this into the original post, thanks.
  18. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Bare in mind that cloak-crits are on a modifier of 15%, no full-fledged crits here boss
  19. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    They still have a nice pink visual effect with them, this makes the modifier irrelevant c: Well, sort of. It's still better than no crits at all.
  20. PooMcGoo

    PooMcGoo New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    As much as I hate to say it, the Assassin needs a nerf, or at least the PC community needs to catch up tremendously. I have only been playing this game since PC release (and had never heard of it before then) and I find it incredibly easy to hold an entire team back as Assassin. I have only seen three players (one of which I believe is cheating, all of which are top 10) that can successfully defend on the PC.

    All of the other classes are fine. I can have good KD ratios with them while not focusing on bots or I can have a mediocre KD ratio while focusing on them. It is difficult to do both. The Assassin on the other hand can kill an entire spawn of bots with basically one lunge and a few swings WHILE distracting/killing the enemy Pros. Now, with more bots per wave, an Assassin can juice every 2 to 3 bot wave killed. It's ridiculous.

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