please read this DEVS

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by darkgamerone, January 18, 2011.

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  1. darkgamerone

    darkgamerone New Member

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    ok this is a problem i have seen way to many times. when i see a gamer tag in the lobby and game it says a different gamer tag then when you view there gamer card or its completely blank. i would not care if it was just a name hack but its not. these people seem to have super perks or something they are harder to kill they kill faster then anyone and always have some crazy kill to death at the end of a match this is obviously some kind of hack to stack perks or something. is addition you cant file reviews or complaints on there profiles its always grayed out what the hell???? please game gods find a way to ban these people or patch it out i have no clue what to do being that Microsoft dose not care about anything.
    Last edited: January 19, 2011
  2. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    lol. com plate?
  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I've gotta say I've never seen any of this. Never tried to file a com plate though. That might be my problem.

    Edit: With as much as I play, I have never ever noticed any of this stuff, and I view gamer cards ALL THE TIME.
    When it comes to people with insane k/d's at the end of a match, I like to think of it as "good at MNC". I might be doing a great injustice to XBL by not filing frivolous complaints but hey, someone like you will file them for me. We thank you for that. :)
    Last edited: January 18, 2011
  4. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    I broke my com plate, it bummed me out cause it was my great grandmas
  5. darkgamerone

    darkgamerone New Member

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    cant tell if that was supposed to be a smart a s s comment but i take it if it was you probably are one of the nameless players on live :) if not i retract my finger pointing with a sorry. but im not alone with this i have asked around and there are at least 9-10 people who confirmed this when i asked players in game one is my friend others are randoms so i feel there is a real problem here to be addressed. i can only assume its a game related thing and not a xbox cheat because i have yet to see this in any other game other then Call of duty witch is a name hack so... like i said something is going on.
  6. darkgamerone

    darkgamerone New Member

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    its called a type-o dumb dumb really not that funny or worth spamming my post for this post is not for you but for developers so piss off please if you have nothing relevant to say. This gos for all of you trolls please don't put your 2 cents there not wanted if so i will report. Thank you.
  7. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Keep pointing. It was "smart a s s", but carried a point as well. I don't promote hacks, cheats or glitches, but I also don't go around reporting people without solid foundation.
  8. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    if it was meant for the developers, then you should have sent it in a PM.
    making a new thread and then saying only developers can look at it is stupid.

    lol dumb dumb. who says that?
  9. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    That rock from that Ben Stiller movie. You know, the one with the monkey and the guy on the horse...
  10. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    @Tom and Jon:
    You've both been incredibly useless in this thread, shame on you.

    With Monday Night Combat there's a thing called Club Tags, this allow you to append a prefix to your name containing up to four characters, to associate yourself with a particular club or team. For instance, my gamertag is "InsolubleFluff" and I could be
    "[UBER]InsolubleFluff" is this the name difference?

    Also, with the new club tag feature, you can also make your gamertag invisible by putting < in your club tag. So using this I could go from [UBER]InsolubleFluff to "[ " That way my name is invisible. It's not a hack, I'm not sure if it was intentional by the developers, but it's a cool little feature. I for one go by "[IF]" instead of "[IF]InsolubleFluff"

    As for getting lots of kills, it may just be a case of the players spawn killing or being better at the game that leads them to have such good scores. I played with PeachyPony the other day and in the time me and my friends would score 8 kills and maybe 1 death he'd be on 16 kills and 0 deaths. Some people just play the game too much, but because of that, they know all the tricks and tactics people use.

    I hope this has helped you out, as it's made me late for college :p!
  11. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    So, if a person does really well, just automatically assume it's a hack and file com plate? Is that what it's come to?
  12. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    this thread is useless, the OP is clearly incompetent and suffering from nerd rage because he cant figure out how to file a complaint on someone with an invisible gamer tag. his post is polluted with ignorance and false accusations. how about you first learn to address the community when you're not sure of something
  13. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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  14. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    How bad would it be if I posted a picture of a plate of semen?
  15. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Bad enough to lock this down before it happens... *sigh*
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