Do people "get" MNC?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Miles Prower, January 18, 2011.


Do people "get" MNC?

  1. Yes

    16 vote(s)
  2. No

    28 vote(s)
  1. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower New Member

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    I was watching some gameplay videos and noticed something interesting. When people try to describe what MNC is, they tend to stumble over their words a bit. They can't seem to communicate MNC in a concise way that makes people "get" it (understand what it is, why it's good, why they'd want it). They have to ramble for a little while explaining this and that. The same is true for Uber press releases and news stories written about MNC. MNC seems to always sound like just another shooter.

    When it comes to business, products become insanely popular because enough people "get" it that it reaches a critical mass and achieves a growth explosion after. But in order for people to "get" it, the product needs an easily transmittable message that people can use to tell other people about it (organic growth). When that message is too difficult to understand, people don't "get" it and so the product can only ever reach moderate success because it has limited organic growth.

    Do you think people "get" MNC yet? (understand what it is, why it's good, why they'd want it)
    Is it too complex for people?
    Are people too locked into other mindsets by AAA titles (ex: Black Ops, Reach, etc...) to see what it has to offer?

    Even though I want them too, I don't see a lot of people "getting" MNC yet. You end up with a lot of Team Fortress 2 comparisons that show people just don't "get" it yet. I don't think it is too complex either; just a little more sophisticated than your standard shoot 'em-up. It is that sophistication that makes it so fun and deep, but also what people aren't used to.
    Last edited: January 19, 2011
  2. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    get what
  3. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    When MNC first came out I played it online with a member of an online podcast/broadcast (Carlos from 4playerpodcast) of course everyone was really nooby and had no idea what they were doing. We played for an hour or so, then he stopped playing it. I kept going. 4PP just had their year end show and Carlos named MNC his biggest regret and worst game.

    His reason? That no team could get an upper hand and it would always go to overtime. He said that it didn't matter about player skill, that the flow of the game was random and it was a badly designed game.

    Face-desk from me, hope lost that the lowest common denominator might show interest in the game :/
  4. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower New Member

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    Do they get what it is, why it's good, and why they'd want it?

    Or is it just another shooter to them?
  5. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    I'm glad this thread popped up because this is a topic I've been meaning to tackle in a video soon.

    MNC is deeper and more complex than the AAA titles. New players will get steam-rolled and honestly that's how I want good shooters to play. The CoD series caters to the lowest common denominator. It is a casual gamer's paradise where all you need to do is stick on whatever the strongest perk/gun/attachment combination and wreck people. Or, in the case of MW2, pop on your nade launcher and let them fly with one man army pro to refill your explosives. When I die in Call of Duty, 99% of the time I'm raging because that person got me by a fluke or by connection (shitty console host system), etc. Bottom line: there are many deaths that I absolutely cannot prevent no matter how good I am at the game (and fyi I am definitely above average: right at 3.0 kill/death).

    When it comes to MNC, I'm not going to boast that the classes are perfectly balanced. That is probably impossible. But there is utility to each class. There are strengths and weaknesses. Any class can be countered in some way. It's a hell of a lot better than your typical shooter the masses are playing.

    Anyway, to answer your question, I don't think people "get" MNC. It's not simple and straightforward like a Call of Duty. Casual gamers just want something that's easy to understand and doesn't involve them getting annihilated continuously. MNC has a higher learning curve, so new players will get face-rolled. MNC is, however, one of the best games I've ever played and it has an amazing community here. One of my main goals is to expand and create a stronger presence on YouTube for (potential) MNC players. I hope you guys can at least agree with me that we want this community to grow and prosper even if most people don't "get" it. :)
    Last edited: January 18, 2011
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I would say that most people definitely do not "get" MNC, evidenced by the way many newer player try and play the game (team deathmatch style) and by the constant comparisons to TF2.

    The problem is MNC is a completely new type of game that combines elements from several different genres, making it difficult to describe in traditional terms. If I had to, though, I would say that it is a combination of DotA, TF2, and Super Smash Bros.
  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    I don't think people really get MNC and it will take time. Maybe when we're on MNC 3 or 4 it will sink in :)
  8. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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  9. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Truf. I don't really see the SSB comparison though.

    On a side note...Aren't the comparisons mostly based on the graphics, classes, and the fact that it's red(orange; whatever) versus blue?
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    The grapples and some of the skills (especially charges) give it a bit of a fighting game feel for me. I say SSB because ringouts and even edge guarding can come into play.
  11. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Why is there no tacos option? My Gir must have tacos or he will explode...

    I think people get "it" they just can't describe "it".

    I have a hard time doing it myself.

    I work at block buster so when someone rents an x360 game I ask if they have tried MNC yet, then try and describe it when they say no.

    I usually compare it to TF2 because of the classes and cartoony style.
  12. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    Ah, the "X factor". I too had this very problem until it dawned on me in a big epiphany like moment (the kind with trumpets and singing angels). Unfortunately for ya'll I'm not about to give away the secret recipe for free (especially considering that Uber made the recipe so it's not really mine to give away), but I will say Uber did a great job of concealing MNC's X factor so just about anyone can "get" how the game works but not what makes it so great.
  13. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Monday Night Combat is a third person shooter that draws inspiration from several genres of games, from Team Fortress 2's class based character selection, Tower defense games use of turrets and AI's, and plain old deathmatch that everyone knows and loves. It is not a game for the casual gamer, as it takes some work and experience to do well. However, time invested will reward a more serious player with success and a deep multiplayer experience not often found in today's standard, cookie cutter shooters.
  14. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I always end up saying "just get the demo"

    It is hard to describe the game, especially if they have never played another class based shooter (I can't think of one off hand ;) ). Then I start to talk about "bots and the moneyball" and that is usually where I lose people
  15. CrazyCarl

    CrazyCarl New Member

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    Thats honestly what I end up saying too, but thats because anyone I talk to (people at my school anyways) doesn't really end up getting what I say.

    I'll explain the game and how its played, the money balls, the classes, the setting (sport of the future), but everyone always goes "Oh! So its like "x" game?" And I'll be like no it has similar elements as "x" game but its different, even Shadow Run has been compared to it because my friends like, and I quote "It seems exactly or at least 90% like Shadow Run because every game you have to re-buy your skills".

    Usually they're left confused because the game they relate it to isn't exactly the same, so I'll say just get the demo and you'll see (which anyone who has had the money to spare has gotten the game).
  16. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower New Member

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    I disagree. I'd say around MNC 2 :)
  17. syntaxbad

    syntaxbad New Member

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    "Well, MNC is sort of like a cross between... HEY LOOK, A SQUIRREL!!" ::snaps friend's Halo:Reach and COD:Black Ops discs in half::

    "... as I was saying, you should check it out tonight if you have the chance."

    I think some people get it, and many people do not. Either way, it requires playing to really understand what it is about. When I try and describe it I usually toss out the terms "class-based", "tower defense", "objective rather than deathmatch", and "GENUINE team game".

    Also I bring up SMASH TV, since I will take any excuse possible to mention that game.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    its not true, but i hear people say "its basically team fort" a lot... :|
  19. Z Bear

    Z Bear New Member

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    Man do people not get it. I've tried to get about four different friends interested and none of them "get" why it is fun. Only my video game deprived nephews seem to enjoy it at all, and they don't have a console at home. :(
  20. McBradders

    McBradders New Member

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    I got a few dudes from my friends list to get it when it was on sale over christmas and they kinda just shrugged and mumbled excuses about why they don't want to play. They haven't seen the beauty within :(

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