Beta Build: 58197 -First Impressions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by LeadfootSlim, December 11, 2013.

  1. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    Post your feedback here for the devs (who are to be commended for their timely updates!)

    I've noticed that building spacing is increased across the board, with the obvious exception of walls. On the one hand, it bothers my OCD desire to cluster everything, but on the other hand it does force you to make easily-pathable bases.

    Speaking of pathing, boats seem to be vastly improved. I just won an all-naval game and had little, if any, of the prior clunkiness. Good job!

    Not sure if there's a button I'm missing for the Orbital camera. I got a lander into orbit with an AI test game and found that I still had to view the planet sideways to see my orbital units past all the icon clutter on the ground. Is there a hotkey or function for that yet?
    beer4blood and stormingkiwi like this.
  2. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    No new units in this patch..... :(

    Love the new camera system....

    Can't figure out how to use the new inter planetary nuke...... is it the same nuke as for on planet and you can now use it outside the orbit???
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  3. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    I've yet to have a chance to fire IP nukes, but uber has stated that you can fire it at a body which is orbiting another body. So a moon can fire nukes down onto the homeworld, or vice versa. It would seem to me that the optimal planet setup for this patch is for all planets involved to be orbiting one another somehow.

    edit: New units will come soon enough. The new bot factory looks like it could get up and turn into a mega-fabber, though!
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    For me, the game has been "loading planets" after "Generating system" for some time now.
  5. Zoliru

    Zoliru Active Member

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    1. the new bot factory is awesome
    2. the 3rd defense tower is nice
    3. build spacing seems fixed now I cant bug them into each other
    4. pathfinding is way better now my units and the ai units aren't getting stuck in simple obstackles.
  6. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Good idea on the Topic, i was thinking of doing the same thing. Since this is first impressions, haven't been able to find any bad things yet, as soon as I have time for multiplayer I'll weigh in on that.


    I recently played against the AI and no slow downs and actually a bit better performance when generating planets. Each build has been positive gains at least for my computer.

    Metal Spots

    Much better ! (Kudos to whoever did the newer improvements) I'm not talking about clustering, I'm talking about metal spots not spawning in cracks or inside mountains. Didn't notice a single one I couldn't grab. I did notice a bug with the metal placements over taking a sizeable rock or being able to place inside a small rock, but nothing major.

    Bot factory redesign

    Looks AWESOME, the little bot arms that build my robots of destruction is top notch. I feel like on the side it makes robotic sandwiches. Can't wait for any more redesigns that shot through the done tube.

    Camera Zoom ability

    I'm digging how free the zooming is in the game. Thanks for the addition.

    Unit select ability

    I'm not sure what was done in this aspect but I think it has been much easier to select individual units from a distance then before. Big improvement in my book.

    As a side note. out of the three AI i Faced. One of them went suicidal in my base after I destroyed his base with ants. I feel like some "Honorable death" was happening or something haha.

    Now about that unit cannon.... ;) SOON.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  7. boylobster

    boylobster Active Member

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    Well, the patch seems to have totally broken the game for me in some unusual ways. o_O

    Trying to play a 1v1 against AI for testing, a simple moon template appears in good time, but the spawn points never appear and the commander takes forever to drop automatically. In addition, the build list UI elements are gone, along with nearly *all* keyboard functionality (which means, along with the UI, that nothing is buildable), including Esc, so the borked match can't be exited normally - I have to close the program from Windows. I made sure not to use a planet created in the previous build, as well, and I'm at a loss as to what's doing this. Would it be more appropriate to put this in a bug reporting thread?

    Other than that, the patch looks awesome! :p

    EDIT: Hm. Disabled my one mod, the Commander Health Bar, verified files, and now everything seems peachy. Go figure. There didn't seem to be any files to fix, so I'm guessing that it was the mod, somehow. Hope this helps someone else!
  8. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    What mods are you using? Some mods are breaking the game in this new build, and will need to be turned off until the problems are fixed.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  9. mgmetal13

    mgmetal13 Active Member

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    Great build!!
  10. k3n58

    k3n58 Member

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    Anyone notice that you cannot manual target the enemy in fog of war, even if they are covered with radar or previously scouted?
    warrenkc likes this.
  11. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg FUC K it's 2:33 in the morning!
    drz1 likes this.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    So what?
    Raevn likes this.
  13. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I think we all agree that the new bot factory design is awesomesauce.
    Pathfinding still seems to have some issues sometimes. The new camera is nice.
    Orbital nukes are indeed very nice. Just played a game where I got shot by ten of them at once.
    After that I got planet smashed...

    On a sidenote: I never see the planet smashing animation. Why is that?

    Edit: Oh, and I think you fixed anti-nukes, right?
  14. k3n58

    k3n58 Member

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    Noticed that the Twitch.TV sign-in works for about 15, then stops broadcasting. Then it appears not to keep the "logged in" status until you close the game and relaunch it.

    Still trying to decipher whats a bug vs. new change
  15. ragzouken

    ragzouken New Member

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    the new camera is AMAZING

    really don't like the momentum though, trying to scroll half the planet away accurately and then the planet spins more than I expect
  16. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Wall spacing is increased more than it was. It seems to be proportional to how large the building is - factories have more spacing.

    What I don't like about the new building spacing is you can no longer create "city blocks".

    I used to place power gens in a square (2x2) or a long line. Now the spacing is huge, it's not really necessary.
  17. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    The doesn't work at all.

    Just a black screen with no audio apart from my microphone.
  18. boylobster

    boylobster Active Member

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    Ah, put that in the edit: Commander Health Display v2.6. Later, I'll re-enable it and see if that really is the issue. Thanks!
  19. boylobster

    boylobster Active Member

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    So he's not getting any sleep tonight, I'd wager. Maybe it's a problem. ;)
  20. ChickenEggroll

    ChickenEggroll New Member

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    The screen now zooms to where the mouse cursor is. Is this new or has this always been a thing?

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