What in the hell happened to this game????

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lepton, January 14, 2011.

  1. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I've twiddled around the site a few time, but the community seems a little too fixated on obscure Japanese cartoons. I thought "glass cannon" was a common turn of phrase, I had heard it well before I heard of TvTropes.
  2. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    I'm mostly on the forums. I check them often and I even run a rpg now.

    It's acutally very easy to blank out the anime.
  3. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Holy crap, no! For one, that would make the Assassin practically useless. For another, you already have a reward for killing players. You're removing the biggest threats so that you can do your job on accomplishing the objective. If you're hitting bots or turrets, you're not hitting the biggest threats and thus should receive a reward like this.

    You just see fewer lobbies. I know that my most common time for MNC play is late at night, and I tend to go in parties for that.
  4. sohei kuma

    sohei kuma New Member

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    Would you say that a player who focuses on killing other pros contributes more to his/her team than a player who focuses on killing bots?

    If yes, then I would argue that the game should reward players who contribute to their team more than those who are not. If your answer is no, then the system is probably set up fine as is.

    The best analogy I can think of is domination mode in CoD. You get fewer points for killing players than capturing points because the game is encouraging you to do things that help your team by providing you with incentives to capture points rather than kill players.

    Also, I don't think it would make assassins useless. Thematically, assassins should be focused on killing other Pros. If they could gain juice by doing so, then it would encourage players to use them as the anti-pro class I believe they were intended to be. I play assassin frequently, btw, and like them so I'm not trying to say they should be nerfed in any way. I actually think the change would help them be more interesting.
  5. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Readin through the replies on this post I see typical jerks all with the same "U mad" crap. For one i agree with this topic. well..some of it. but then again. I quit MNC. I rarely play it now. It's just a broken game with a bad community game now. K thx bye
  6. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    So... I'm confused. If I enjoy a game and play it, i'm a 'nerd' and have to stop playing it so other people can play it and enjoy it, who, by this logic, would then have to stop playing it?

    Also, somewhat off topic... But Nerd stopped being an insult in the 90's. Please stop acting like its an insult, it isn't.
  7. FoxGuy3001

    FoxGuy3001 New Member

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    NOT LEVEL 2! :shock:
  8. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Nothing. You are just not as good as other people. Move along. Dang.
  9. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Killing pros does nothing to help the objective. It just makes you free to accomplish said objective.
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    But don't you agree that the assassin is actually the weakest in terms of pro vs. pro match ups. You need the element of surprise to one shot a pro and there's no telling when you'll come across that chance, especially if your team is losing map control.

    I don't even think most assassins are concerned with being an anti-pro threat. The only time I have the confidence to do anything against a situationally aware pro (let's say, a sniper camping on your bridges on Steel Peel, backed up by ice traps and a support with his hacked firebase and a gunner mortaring your stuff) is when I have juice, which is of course from a well earned bot farming run.

    Assassin is a misnomer for the class I think. It'd be more accurate to call her, I dunno, a saboteur or an agent or some kind of scout.
  11. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    No, it's a great game with a generally friendly and helpful community. It just needs the lobby to be fixed so that it better balances matches.
  12. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    This is true, when i join a game with friends an then low levels join an then one high ranked guy, we get him an the low levels dont really have a chance. It can be frustrating especially when people leave an the room doesnt fill up again. Am i the only guy in England looking for a game? I think not.

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