Would it bother you if the release date were pushed back?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by mafoon, November 24, 2013.


Do you want the release date pushed back?

  1. I don't mind when it comes out, they can push it back as much as they like for top Quality

  2. They can delay it a bit if they need to but I'd rather they finish it sooner than later

  3. No it should come out when they said it was going to or i can't gift it for Christmas

  4. These things are not for mortals minds to ponder, the gods of 1s and 0s shall do as they please

  1. ubersoldier501

    ubersoldier501 Member

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    Also the release date was for planned around the base 900K game, without any of the stretch goals.
  2. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I think that we're not going to see galactic war until next year. Thus the release probably won't be in december, more like January or February, imo. I mean let's be honest: Uber has so much on their plate. It's not so much the quality of the issues that's causing the problem (Uber can handle it), but the quantity.

    But to answer the OP: no it wouldn't bother me if release was delayed.
    Culverin and drz1 like this.
  3. melhem19

    melhem19 Active Member

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    before i pre-0rdered i was against the idea of delay, now after i pre-ordered PA, it doesn't matter to me if the game gets delayed.
    in my opinion the most probable release date would be between late December and early January
  4. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    At the pace they have been setting over the past few months, and with all of the big features still yet to implement and test, I'm betting on a longer delay. I'd say that a late March release is not unrealistic at this point. However, with all of the early instant access and price reductions made available through both Steam and direct from the Uber store recently, I guess it really doesn't matter. It's almost like it's unofficially been released already. That to me suggests a longer release delay, or why would they be letting everyone in now?
    Last edited: December 7, 2013
    bradaz85 and drz1 like this.
  5. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    I still dont know where this mythical release date came from. "sometime around december" is not a release date, its a more like a work quote. I think they got pretty damn close to it too.
    We also have no knowledge of any internal builds. The jump from alpha to beta was a massive change, I expect the same from "release" aka 1.0 to keep it special. At least the way uber seems to be doing it, the jump from final beta to 1.0 will be far more remarkable than minecrafts jump to "no longer beta even though millions are already playing". Which i cant remember...added something...I had been 2 years into that game and when I was told it got released I was a little confused as to the major difference aside from some new features that I still dont use when I come back to the game today. I feel uber is going to do far from that and make the 1.0 version a substantial jump from beta, as they seem to have a good understanding of the conceptual difference between alpha, beta, and 1.0.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  6. Bahlof

    Bahlof New Member

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    People forgive you for being late, they don't forgive you for sucking.
    Culverin and drz1 like this.
  7. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    To quote a master of games making... "A delayed game is eventually good; a bad game is bad forever." - Shigeru Miyamoto :p
  8. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    I would have said : "
    I don't mind when it comes out, they can push it back as much as they can afford for best possible Quality"
  9. kattelars

    kattelars New Member

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    I've been playing beta some, but not a lot, and honestly, if the game at release is as it is now, I wouldn't buy it (If I hadn't already, which I have. Okay, I'll stop before I confuse myself). The point is, I'm all in favour of delaying until it is ready for release, even if it will have to wait until summer next year, otherwise it won't get the reviews, and thereby customer base, that it deserves. Releasing a half-baked game and saying "we'll fix it later" only works for VERY established franchises, such as Total War. It won't work here.
  10. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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  11. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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