What in the hell happened to this game????

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Lepton, January 14, 2011.

  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I will. Since day 1 I played by myself and still continue to do so all the time. I hate teams in pubs
    I'm a bit better than average, but I will play against him every time I see him. I'll play against teams/pubstompers, find them and hunt them down. I push bots, build turrents, try to get the annihilator, and help my team, but nothing is better than purposely chasing these pubstomping K/D whoring players. Its the exact opposite of pubstomping in a way since pubstompers will try to dominate you and rack up kills/$ to the point where people rage quit. I'll chase your assault till he's dead and knock your KD ratio down and man oh man do people rage.
  2. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    That ish was so annoying.
  3. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    That was going to be my initial reply
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Ian. Stop trying to find ways to make me cry in the corner at night.

    Man his pics are tacky. I'm going to start making them MNC style...
  5. SaintSeiya

    SaintSeiya New Member

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    Don't like being beat by a team. Play with a team. :/ seems like rage topic.
  6. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I'm sorry I shuriken'd your firebase and juiced your turrets. I just wanted to, you know, win?

    I take the risk playing with randoms all the time. If I see work to be done, I'll do it. I'm not gonna trust my randoms.

    If I were in your shoes, I'd save up for hack 3 and at least rockit 2. Rockit 3, hack 3 becomes impenetrable.

    But by then, I'll just shuriken the moneyball instead of getting near those death machines.
  7. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Not much has changed since the patch. If anything things are more balanced than they were. Maybe go read the patch notes first, as much of the crap you whine about is nothing to do with the update. Super nerds? No. Just the game has been out for a while. The good players have stayed and have got better. People know the ways of the game. Oh and people don't play 5 hours a day 7 days a week just to make sure you don't have a chance. When you call yourself a casual player, you already in a way admitting your not that good at games, or take them seriously. People that do, and are good, will beat you. Fact.

    Again go read about the patch. The support is under debate at the moment about whether his Airstrike cooldown is too slow. Also you could of mentioned whether you built a RockIt turret to level 3, or was it two RockIts up to level 2? If the later then that's nothing and is understandable. Assassins always have been able to take down turrets quickly since release. It's almost their role.

    What, so you expect your FB to just be invincible to everything? Every class has a good weapon to destroy it fast. If the assassin was from a distance you could of just picked it up and placed elsewhere to not give him the money.
    Tanks are always hard for Supports to deal with. If the tank has his passive leveled and armour in either silver or gold then he can take those shotgun shells. The Jetgun in close range is deadly to everyone.
    Your heal gun is for healing, and the life steal part, I use it to heal me not for damage output.

    There ain't hackers on the console version, except for a few "hack" worthy glitches which may catch you by surprise. Insulting the devs' ain't going to do any favors either.
    And I think you'll find that you may have ran into say 3 tanks with juice and believed it to be the same person? Also, I assume you don't know, that Lazer blazer turrets basically feed juice to deployed tanks.
    Assassins can one hit kill with their grapple yes. In the later game, no. If your running silver or gold armour, you should be able to survive a front grapple. However when an assassin gets lvl 3 passive (sword) and a grapple from behind is pretty deadly.
    A bullet to the head. Why wouldn't it kill. And the gunner does get a helmet for lvl 3 deploy. Getting headshots on moving players is hard enough, so would you expect me to hit a gunner twice in the head throughout the entire game?

    Um. Huge understatement. This game has a decent, thriving fan base, with active forums, tournaments. The game ain't destroyed. Just look at the posts before mine aswell. These "stomp festivals" you talk of are most likely due to:
    - People playing in parties of 3+ and communicating.
    - Bad, or not as good as players on your own team. (including yourself)
    - No communication on your side.
    - No one buying turrets, pushing bots, spawning bots, annihilator use and many other factors within the game.
    I will admit that balanced games "back and forth" are rare, but it's like that in many games. For the simple reason on the matchmaking. No game really has a balanced matchmaking system.
    I'm not having a problem with online matches. I usually get into a lobby, within a minute people have joined and we start.

    This game is awesome, and for now it beats Black cocks. I'm sick of CoD. This game is much more fun, for me.
    I don't play it 5 hours a day. or have dreams about it. But my K/D is 7. And I'm enjoying it.

    Your demanding for this "FUN CASUAL" crap. Go play cooking mama or something. I mean you going to run into BETTER players than you. If you can accept that then why are you whining. There will always be people better.
    "the noobs, the casuals and the nerds". Great categorizing there dumbass. The word noob actually meant new player back in the day. Everyone was a "noob" once. That's when people get better. If your calling yourself casual then, as I said earlier, your classing yourself as not very good. Because your "casual" and don't take the game seriously. If you were really a casual player you wouldn't even have signed up on the forums to make this 1 post about an arcade game, which is relatively unknown and has an average sized community, to talk about balancing.
    If you want to talk **** about devs' and moaning about their jobs, become one and show them how it's done then.
    Ughhh...I hate people like you who immediately link being good at video games with having no life. Even those two words get me mad. You separate people who are "casual" and "have no life" with their skill at a game. Why do you have to bring up some other factor to explain why someone is better than actually saying "Hey this guy is actually good and better than me."

    Removing assassins and snipers?! LOL :lol:

    Ah, that made me giggle. Now I can actually return to playing since I left the lobby to reply to this garbage. Thank you.

  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    haha nice pic. :D
  9. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Everyone juices by lazer blazer taunts/deploys
    People use gold juice as a endorsement and it helps
    You can buy juice.. and theres 2 machines for it.

    Word of advice- dont build lazer blazers ever!
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    look under my signature under juice n00b bait. better hope you can defend yourself from my shotgun while your taunting my lazor blazor.
  11. Doglasde0519

    Doglasde0519 New Member

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    You have to admit. MNC could to a better job of matchmaking.
  12. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    For sure. What about a cap on overall skill for a team, kinda like a handicap. Maybe have an option to join open matches that have no overall cap, or handicap matches that have a cap. It would reduce the pub stomping at least a little in the handicap matches because you wouldn't have so many All Stars teaming up. Another option would be to limit the number of classes per team as another match type. No more full teams of assaults or assasins which is virtually impossible to beat.
  13. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Full team of Assassins? My Tank dreams of that.
  14. mute

    mute New Member

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    I agree with most, but not all, of the points said in the OP (although they dont bother me as much because most of it can be countered).. and yes its true that nerds have invaded the game that only play in teams and pubstomp constantly. That invasion happend a long time ago though, well before the DLC, and apparently Uber has no plans to squash any of it with a 'no teams' match making mode or something of that kind.

    Anyone that insulted you for lack of skill or to 'learn the game' are easily ignorable. So are the ones that tell you that you are always going to run into someone that is better than you. The response to that is a big fat "NO $^@t, Shurlock". The problem mentioned has nothing to do with 1v1, but Pubstomping Team #520 vs. Pub. That has nothing to do with individual skill or complaints about individuals, so its a worthless insult coming from a handful of hard-headed people. The challenge this presents to Uber is experience and game-sales, because fewer and fewer people will buy the game if they demo it first, or if they just skip the demo and buy it (since its cheap) and have a bad experience.. they'll just bad mouth it... also affecting sales.

    I also hate it when people give the answer that joining a team will solve half your problems. Sure, its one way to avoid the issues, but its not a fix.. and to put it bluntly, not everyone wants to play with 'Friends' or deal with people online all the time and just want to go play some pick up games. Theres nothing wrong with that.

    FYI.. If you play late at night (like i usually do) you see much fewer pubstompers.. their moms must make them goto bed sooner or they have school in the morning or something.

    As for supports, yes, they've been gimped by too much nerfing. But guess what? They'll just end up nerfing him some more... so don't look for your favorite class to be fixed.

    Assassins are just annoying period. Apparently nothing will be done about that either because they are the whiniest class in existence and if something were done to them alot of diapers would need changing.

    All that said, I do play on teams.. I do occassionally pubstomp (its unavoidable if you're 'forced' into playing on a team to counter it), I do still play support primarily, and I can still roll on my own when I want to. Still love the game despite its many, many, many obvious balance flaws that were exacerbated by further nerfs.

    In the end though, I often enjoy playing solo more than in a team because its a challenge. I probably split it 50/50 because being in a team and walking over people is boring. I'd rather lose in a challenge by myself than to wank off @ my easily obtained high score by not taking the money ball down and just racking up points and pro-kills.
    Last edited: January 18, 2011
  15. mute

    mute New Member

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    So does my Support. I f'ing love killing Assassins. Nothing in the game is more enjoyable to me and no other class deserves it as much... so it feels rewarding on multiple levels.
  16. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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  17. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    BTW TC the game got better, much better

    hit detection isnt a piece of crap anymore where i would shoot people with the assault for five minutes. and nothing happends or shoot a guy in the face while he's standing still and wont even get hurt.

    100's of glitches, like sky walking assaults, auto heal when you're juiced have ben reduced to 2 or 3 now.

    Either get better or play another game.

    also, gunner needs a slight nerf because he can beat anyone 1 vs 1 easily thats not called a sniper.
  18. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    You a Troper?

    That's kind of the point. He is the ultimate pro killer.
  19. sohei kuma

    sohei kuma New Member

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    Hi all. I just got this game a few weeks ago during the New Year sale, and this is my first post here. The OP is admittedly a little too abrasive, but I think he has some valid points (to a degree).

    This game is amazingly fun with well-balanced teams. I mean, crazy fun. Even if there are a few allstars on one team, you can still have a good game. I get disappointed when my team loses, but as long as there was some back-and-forth, I feel like I've had a good game.

    But when the teams are not balanced, and all the players on one side are 20-1 and everyone on the other team is 1-20, it is supremely frustrating for the losers and I imagine it isn't that much fun for the winners, either. If the developers want to keep casual (i.e., non-hardcore) players interested in their game so that they buy DLC and support it, then they need keep it accessible by decreasing the frequency of these one-sided stomp-fests. I'm not sure how that can best be done, but better matchmaking and maybe something like CoD's Mercenary game mode (no parties) would help. Another option would be to give some sort of aid to the team being brutalized, such as spawning more Jackbots, increasing starting juice or damage resistance, or providing some free turrets/bots.

    The other thing I agree with is his feelings on all the juicing. It gets kind of ridiculous when you have pros who have gotten a grand total of two kills in the first 5 minutes juice-rushing the base and destroying all the work you and your teammates put into building it up. I rarely even help build turrets anymore, because they always get destroyed right after I build them (I put all my money into my skills and bots).

    I think a good solution is that you should only get juice from killing other pros, not bots. Make it be like a sort of killstreak reward. The frustrating part (to me) is that getting juice is not really linked to your actual performance in the game. For example, I've gotten uber and mega-streaks and not been able to fill my juice meter, only to be killed by the aforementioned pro who has only gotten 1 or 2 kills the whole game because he's been busy juice-farming bots the entire time. Other times, I've been doing nothing at all productive (like just messing around with the sniper, which I suck with) and have somehow managed to fill my juice meter multiple times in the game while having almost no (non-juiced) kills to my name. The mechanic just doesn't make sense and is a counter-intuitive mechanic that hurts the game's accessibility.

    That being said, I love this game and will continue to play it as long I can get into more good, balanced matches than bad. I've more than gotten my $7.50 in entertainment value from this game. I just wish they'd put out some paid DLC so I can give them more money :D I'm only commenting on this thread because I'd like to see this great game get even greater and obtain a wider following. I think the sequel could certainly be a $60 retail release if some of the aforementioned accessibility problems are solved and more maps and game modes are added. I certainly don't feel, however, that the developers owe me anything.

    Also, I wanted to thank all the experts who have posted class guides on these forums (especially for the Tank, which is now my favorite class). They've improved my game tremendously and made it even more fun to play. I wish more of the experts I ran into online were like the forum-goers here and would get out of their party chat and make more of an effort to communicate with and help noobs like me, or offer to let us party up with them for some games to learn a few of their tricks.
  20. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    I just wanted to say last night the [TEAM] (Clan tag) happened to try to pub stomp me, xenonox, half black and well the failed. Good effort but fail.

    5v3 but it was good...

    Must say their snipers are horrid though.

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