Sorry but my mic is crapping out on me almost every game and it sucks when it just shorts out and costs the game due to me being mute. I need a new turtle beach cable for the headset to the controller... need to find a place that sells them. Till then im not much use in pms
I'll send you a new headset. I assume if I just write "Canada" in the address section it'll get to you?
ill get a new headset dont worry just right now its tough with layoff and christmas coming. I think i might have fixed my problem but anyhow theres nothing wrong with tb's except the cord problem shorting out.
I still have my 4 year old original pair of TBs, they last forever. It might be your controller port Feedle, that's what usually goes.
I second what Shammas says - I have had controller ports break on me more often than connector cables.