PMs and why new people don't join.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by pianthen00b, December 2, 2013.

  1. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    We try to expand PMs and get new people involved. The following reasons is why they dont:

    1. Lobby set up takes forever.

    2. People get stuck playing classes they dont want to play or are bad at. Ex. Me playing assualt/support

    3. Nobody wants to get yelled every game for making a mistake or getting blamed for something that isn't their fault.

    4. You are expected to call stuff out like bots breaching, whom is almost dead, and if you need help. When you do call something out if your the new guy or your not known enough nobody listens to you. Then you get blamed for it and its back to number 3.

    5. Some people are too arrogant. Yes some are good but there's no need to rub it other's faces and trash talk them. Don't beat others down. Help them out. Not everyone knows about the forums or goes to them to see the "guides". Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.

    6. PMs are made to have fun. Take that away and it makes people feel like their playing a clan match on CoD.

    I could go on but then I'd just be repeating myself. Make the games friendly and we will get tons of new faces in the PMs. Currently I know 7 people that would join but they have the same problems as what's listed above.
  2. leadlpmaster

    leadlpmaster Active Member

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    I'll bring the soap if you bring the scrubs.

    I'm always nice I thought...
  3. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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  4. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    I don't think I have ever gotten to the point of wanting to verbally berate a player until tonight. And I wasn't even playing in the private matches I was watching the stream.
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Pian, I would hate to see you and 7 people you know never play PMs, but if you do go, you will truly be missed :(
  6. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    Im an idiot for stating the obvious?
    Last edited: December 2, 2013
  7. operatingdeck881572

    operatingdeck881572 Active Member

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    You're an idiot in every conceivable way. Go jerk off another 200 times to the video of RustCLAN demolishing you, and never come back.
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Don't worry about what people right or what people say. There are a few who are so experienced in this game that everything they assume is right. I was at my buddies last night and couldn't talk because most of them were passed out. Granted I couldn't communicate with my team to shut them up, but all they were doing was complaining about me.

    They were complaining about you on support but you were doing WAY better of a job leashing me than Rextacy was. That Lazer Razer game I felt like I fought skill without a leash every time, and they were just complaining no matter what I did. I'm bad because I'm too passive and not in their base enough, then when I do try to be more aggressive, I'm bad because I'm lose my unleashed gunner fight. I hope someone capped on my team. Most of the times I hear someone ask where I am when I was trying to make the push too but die before them. I guess they don't realize on their deathscreen that my name popped up first.

    I'd love to see the names of the 7 who are turned away from the pm atmosphere though.
  9. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    I don't like playing support because I can't heal people through walls like others can. As soon as my leash hits a wall or glass it breaks. Then the complain about my assassin? Not once did our ball go down and I pushed bots into their base multiple times but I had noone to get rid of the tank and gunner on me. Even when I called them out noone helped except frank who was playing sniper.
  10. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    Noone even knows who you are. I got ganged up on and juice chain by rust and his buddies. He ran away in every 1v1 gunner fight we got into or I would kill him.
  11. joker

    joker Active Member

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    All that we would've needed teapot was an inclination of why you weren't talking or support situation and we would've adjusted, we aren't psychic as to why someone so advocating of communication wasn't saying a word without notice.

    As for people like pian, whooooo cares. The sob stories of why people have bad support games are so old. The same people go like 3-3-25 and likewise others go 15-15-12 with and against the same people. If you would just pull your head from your *** and put it on a swivel you would be surprised at the difference. And pian thought it was funny when he was booting the one kid from the lobby for someone else but when we didn't invite him back he runs to the forums and creates a thread about why we should feel sorry for people like him lol I will whole heartedly miss him for sure
  12. operatingdeck881572

    operatingdeck881572 Active Member

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    That's really pathetic. I've seen level 0s give 'RustCLAN and his buddies' trouble. You're an annoying asshole that doesn't show an ounce of promise - you should just save everyone time and leave.
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I wasn't going to unhook his set up to plug and plug it into mine to tell you guys. I also was going to send a message between games but they started rather quickly, and you guys were complaining so much about so many things that I didn't bother writing anything.

    You guys are always more than welcome to play gunner, the class that can't do **** without a decent support, and be the class that gets focused on the majority of the times. Oh yeah, that's right, nobody wants to play gunner ever, they just want to complain about others lol.
  14. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    Communication? I was calling stuff out the entire time. Listen to the videos sham posts youll hear me calling things out. Not my fault nobody would listen. I don't play assualt tank or support. So why put me on that class then ***** the entire time. I even said I don't play that class. Chron stop being buthurt because I wouldn't leash you when you would fly outside the map. Support doesn't have a jetpack.
  15. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    Teapot I would play gunner it's one of my main classes. I just don't want to listen to them complain. Especially since noone listems when I call things out.
  16. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Funny how I never field complaints about not healing the gunner/others when I play support and do other things like use/destroy firebases and not die 30 times, but when these things are brought up to you and others there's always an excuse
  17. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    i think the problem with pms right now is not enough people get to practice certain classes they are stuck on and need to play those classes in pubs or seek help on playing those classes...
  18. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I'd take a support that got zero kills and at least tried to keep me leashed over a support that got roughly 7 kills and healed me in 3 gunner battles.
    motherfknskill likes this.
  19. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I would take the support that can do both heal and be alert to other things
    motherfknskill likes this.
  20. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    i think more supports need to try rate/armor/crit and see how the healing works for them...
    Most people notice when i use this build as it has an edge over rate/armor/(non crit)
    You lose the skills for air strike or speed... some even have juice or health recovery but i find the crit helps.

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