Is this seriously going to be coming out in a month or two? Really?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by smallies, November 27, 2013.


Do you think PA will be transformed into the great game we all want it to be within 60 days?

  1. Not a chance.

  2. I'm confident it will be amazing.

  1. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    It's close, don't forget just because the game is updated it doesn't mean the update represents EVERYTHING that's been done since the last Patch. Think of it like an Iceberg, the Playable build we have is the part above the water, and everything Uber is working on is still under the water. Just because we don't see progress being made in specific areas doesn't mean progress isn't being made by Uber.

    DeadStretch likes this.
  2. igorantunov

    igorantunov New Member

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    Comparisons will have to be made betwen totala-PA and supcom because the games share so much on multiple fronts.

    Also i agree that we are playing a stable build that the devs concocted months or weeks ago.

    Problem is deadlines force crippling bugs. I have no doubt they can finish everything they meant to implement by release, but the game is going to be bug central if they do.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    That and that there will be stuff post-launch.

    So the full PA experience might not be straight out of the box.
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    ......what? The build was most likely finalized the same day it was sent out to us, if not the same day, the day before.

    SXX likes this.
  5. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    The game is in BETA. BETA. It's NOT COMPLETE.

    This game doesn't have a release date. It could be months before it finishes.

    Performance is being improved with every update.

    We don't have a full unit roster. There will be 100+ units in the end game.

    The UI has lots of updates to go.

    Nothing unique about this game? Have you ever seen any other RTS game that plays on a sphere?

    Every time you start the game you have to click "agree" to the under development disclaimer. Don't judge the game until it is complete.

    Even so, this is a kick *** game, despite it being only half way complete.
    Quitch, drz1 and melhem19 like this.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Let me make a list of AAA $60 games that don't run well on SLI; if you post a list of links back, showing that you went to each and every one of them making this complaint and claim first, then I will feel it stands valid here.

    -World of Warcraft
    -Grand Theft Auto IV
    -Unreal Tournament 3, which is important because that is EVERY unreal3 engine game along with it, which means...
    -Borderlands 1/2

    Anyway, the fact is that right now the game is missing features and with every patch the features get better. 4 patches ago pretty much ended all occurances of "simulation terminated". 2 patches ago brought us pretty fast game running, less shutter. Last patch brought us nearly completely working metal points, I have yet to find a metal point that was generated in a place you cant build a mex on.

    I don't care how many patches down the road it is, eventually this game will have the working features it needs to launch. Speculating "when" right now is silly, its available to access for everyone. It just also warns people interested, that the game doesn't work 100% yet. As stated above, that short disclaimer at game launch makes you agree to the understanding that this game is meant for your "opinion" and not "judgement" as it is not a finished product. That disclaimer is no longer than 1/10th of Apple's/Steam's/Microsoft's End-User-Liscense-Agreement.

    That is the nature of crowdfunding, you buying this game early is what makes the game better every patch. You weren't scammed, it was very plain text at the top of the kickstarter page that they hope to create and support this game to release and long afterwards, as that is how crowdfunding works, you pay when it doesn't even exist so that it will be made. Nobody would have it if it weren't for crowdfunding, and thanks to it everyone gets to play this partial-game and know that one day this will be a fully functional game with regular TF2/Kerbal paced support.
    drz1 and ghost1107 like this.
  7. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    Chill out ;)
    DeadStretch and cwarner7264 like this.
  8. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I'm used SLI before about 3 years ago and then use CrossFireX before now. Mostly every game have some problems with dual GPU on release: FPS drops, visual glitches or freezes. Every time before some big driver update come out.

    This why I'm totally sure that there is no bigger waste of money than dual-GPU for gaming. I'm still need multiple GPUs, but used it for OpenCL manly.

    PS: Just want to say that Unreal Engine 3 titles don't have problems for me, but to be fair they're actually need SLI less because performance are those games usually well enough with one GPU.
    Last edited: November 28, 2013
  9. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I honestly don't understand this "game is boring and not unique" complaint...Do people moan that C&C has normal infantry and normal tanks? Do they moan that Total War has archers and swordsman? No, because these are the bread and butter of war games. Yes, there are not many exceptional/unique/zany units yet, but whats the point of having some crazy experimental unit if there are no normal tanks or bots to play with first? Please be patient, it has been stated MULTIPLE times (I swear, every day I get this overwhelming sense of deja vu....) that the unit roster is not complete and that there are plenty of interesting ones to come.
    The uniqueness argument is even weaker in my eyes (and this isn't a personal attack, more than one person has said they think this isn't unique - not many, I might add). Let's see, can you name any other RTS game that has 3D, spherical battlefields, in addition to multiple battlefields, which can be travelled between. Do these other battlefields also have the ability to be turned INTO WEAPONS that can be used against the other battlefields? Do other RTS games have the option to have massive, 40 player games, over multiple maps, simultaneously? Has any other RTS gone beyond air, into orbital, adding another layer of complexity to the proceedings? Has any other RTS game allowed the player to rewind time, IN GAME, and see what happened to their units at a certain point? They should also be able to essentially save the game, and restart from this point if they need to. These are just a few things, there may well be more come release day, that make the game unique in my eyes.
    Personally, I think some people (not necessarily the OP) have rose tinted spectacles on in regards to these older (supposedly superior) games, and also have such high expectations for this game (which remember, is STILL BEING MADE) that anything UBER do is going to be criticised.
    The only thing that is going to be achieved by moaning about the game in it's current state, is that it will waste the developers time reading them all, when they could be receiving constructive feedback. These sorts of threads also just damage the perception of the game by other people who don't have it but browse these forums, as you are giving negative opinions using incomplete evidence - to use climate change as an example (LOL), 99% of all scientists agree that it is happening, and that humans cause it. 1% do not (these people usually have massive conflicts of interest). However, here in the UK, the media reports it as if the debate were still raging, and that there is still a huge divide between scientists. This only distorts the public view further. This hurts us all in the long term. Anyway, enough tangent!

    Finally, I agree with initial question, in that I don't think this game will be ready in 60 days. I'm not quite sure where you got 60 from, as its only ~30 until the end of DEcember (the original date given, although I was always expecting a delay). However, I also don't expect UBER to release this game unfinished, and they have stated this multiple times too. They have also stated that the money is there for them to work on this for longer if necessary (MAvor, quite rightly, didn't elaborate too much on how far they could stretch it). So please, be patient and enjoy the new features as they arrive!
  10. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I think this stream did a great job of clearing the air around a ton of questions involving the state of the game. Now I understand that basically the team is taking the iD approach to PA's release, which is "when it's done", and that the december release window is nothing but a rough estimate, made in the original planning process.

    Cool, I'm happy to wait, and see it all evolve.
    stormingkiwi and drz1 like this.
  11. patashu

    patashu New Member

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    FWIW Planetary Annihilation isn't the first RTS with spherical environments (Populus: The Beginning is)
    drz1 likes this.
  12. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Populous used a "fake" sphere (it was actually a torus/donut - a flat plane with all ends joined together, then just visually made to look like a sphere).
    SXX and drz1 like this.
  13. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    and you couldn't zoom out and see that it was actually a complete sphere. But fair point. P.S. Populous was AWESOME, so that's not a bad thing.
  14. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    How many likes can i put in this post !

    But i really hope this game be released this next month or will be really bad.
    Do you guys now the amount great games ,will be released on 2014?
    Not released will be really epic..indeed!

    World dont have money for many games...
    Iff not sell i vote for put PA at 1 Euro.
    Last edited: November 29, 2013
  15. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Pardon me?
    The gameplay is absolutely nothing like TA. In TA, you actually could make real use of terrain like slopes, mountain ridges and so on. You had a huge array of special role units. Various different power sources. The commander in TA had a DGun which, early game, could deal some damage and was straight out awesome. Current fluffy-blue-cannon is nothing like that.
    Gunships, radar jamming, ... all not in and potentially important for gameplay.
    Explosions, TEH SOUNDS, multicolored lasers of death, some even walking the battlefield, necros bringing the dead back to action, flamethrower bots, big bertha disintegrating stuff, shrapnell flying all over, screens filled with scattered wreckage, real textures on units. Detailed trees, nice maps, beaches you wanna travel to in your holiday. Or litter them with dead enemy bots, whatever suits your needs.
    Mines, different kinds of them. Real rocket towers/bots that dont care about ranting on them and just fire at whatever damn crap they encounter. Radar, showed you where stuff is, target yourself like a boss. Scouts flying like a G6 (really nice plane btw). Building radartarget facility, automatic annihilation.
    Factions, a stunning two of them. Awesomeness. On wheels, tracks and kbot feet.
    So much of it I cant even pack it in regular sentences.

    PA is not (yet?) there. I dont doubt it will reach that point in some time, but not now. No way.
    Orbital is another air layer, dont call it that way. It doesnt orbit. It floats. So maybe we can agree on naming it Floatial or Orbifloat.
    Bhaal likes this.
  16. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    "so maybe we can agree on naming it ... "
    no we can not ...
    Murcanic likes this.
  17. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    There is no difference.

    As far as a gamer is concerned, it is a true sphere, because it appears to be a true sphere.

    In fact if you decrease the distance to the axis of rotation, a torus degenerates into a sphere.
    A torus is a circle rotated around an axis.
    A sphere is a circle rotated around an axis, where the distance between the axis of rotation and the centre of the circle is zero.
  18. patashu

    patashu New Member

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    Good point - I forgot about that. Doesn't Tetrisphere also use this trick (the map is internally a torus but projected to look spherical to the user)?
  19. Z3K0N15

    Z3K0N15 Active Member

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    Well,I don't know if it's going to change anything with me adding an additional comment.So far,beta or no beta,the game is far from finished by my and a lot of other people standards and far from what has been advertised.No,this game will not be finished withing a month or however many days we have got left.I am although completely confident in Uber to deliver a fantastic game after the advertised release date.Remember that most of the devs worked on other great titles like supcom and ta so im sure they will not disappoint!

    Have faith OP and most importantly,patience!
    thetrophysystem, drz1 and Teod like this.
  20. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Regarding Performance issue and FPS drop, this will occure as soon as you start to have more than 500 units in game : There's no chance to get 60FPS since the rendering code path is cpu bounded (Not optimized : No batching is in place). So The more units, the more FPS drop will be observer, whatever GPU is since, again, it's cpu bounded. Spent a lot of time investigation this, and on my corei7 3770K, un Core is at ~95% when lots of units are in game, especially when trying to simultaneously move 300 units alltogether. This has been confirmed by Uber graphic engineer.

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