2 months to release and the game feels like pre-alpha and is a letdown. Please delay the release.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by larse, October 27, 2013.

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  1. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    Nah what they're doing is creating a unique type of software that you can't get anywhere else. :Dp.s. forged alliance can run much faster on faster rigs.
  2. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    was just wondering if we are going to jump quickly from v0.57xxx to v1.0 or if v0.57xxx means release is not for december. I'm just considering
    1) the additional features still missing (meaning we might have many things broken again and requiring fixing)
    2) graphic engineer stating a few weeks for graphic optimization is required
  3. evilOlive

    evilOlive Member

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    Or, maybe y'all just need to chill and not let yourself become anxious. Uber isn't responsible for managing the irrational emotions of anyone at all. If anyone is responsible for managing these anxieties, it's those who are overwrought by their own fantasies about the state of a video game in development.

    Just my .02 but I've been here for a few days now and I'm bemused by the volume of emotional, uninformed, speculative drivel that is dominating these forums.
  4. 2nv2u

    2nv2u Member

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    Same applies to me, I'm just recently active around here, even though I couldn't care less if it would take a couple of months more the so called "emotional" responses are legit. I'm not talking for myself, but I'm just replying to this thread and I'm missing some kind of response from Uber alleviating the feeling lot of people seem to have.

    Uber does have the responsibility to manage these expectations, they after all asked money from us all to build this new game and the schedule is getting extremely tight.

    This game has been pitched with all kinds of awesome features for over a year ago, is being stated for release in December 2013 which means basically just 4 weeks ahead, is being distributed as BETA suggesting to many people is almost done with nowhere near the expected features and you think the people who paid for it are all responding irrationally?

    I completely understand the responses and again, even though I don't share them and I won't mind waiting a little longer.
    Uber has to step forward and manage these expectations, they have created them. That's just my 2 cents.. ;)
  5. evilOlive

    evilOlive Member

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    I have to disagree. Uber has staff cruising these forums daily and responding actively to reasonable participants. The amount of information being provided by Uber is far above anything the vast majority of developers would ever provide. The level of involvement and participation that we have been afforded is rarely matched, even in indie development circles. Uber has frankly been awesome in terms of communication and responses to questions and concerns presented rationally and maturely by the community. Just trouble yourself to search a bit and you'll find this to be true. I'm sure some other folks would be happy to provide you with lots of links. I see plenty even on the first page of the forums.

    Uber is responding to this forum a *lot.* What they don't tend to respond to, quite rightly, is petulant drivel.

    You and I will obviously need to differ on this point. They owe you nothing but a game, and delays happen. It may or may not happen here, but any delays will be announced eventually by Uber. Speculation and emotional responses are inappropriate in this community. You'll get your game, and that's all you're owed. Check your KS rewards page, or the terms of the sale when you bought the retail product. See if you're getting what you're owed or not.

    I guarantee we're all getting way more from Uber than we are owed in the form of accessibility and communication. Nowhere did Uber ever contractually obligate itself to this level of interaction with the community during development, and being willing to participate with us this much, at this point in development, is a gift, and we should all be grateful.

    However, this is kickstarter. You aren't an angel investor, none of us is. We're just fans of a game/genre, and wanted to see a new game made. We are owed a video game, and we'll get one. That is obvious. Unless someone is speculating that Uber will either never finish the game, or will leave it in such a state of disrepair that it will be a total disappointment to the majority of backers, then the fear is misplaced. I don't believe those things. I see no evidence at all that Uber isn't going to do a great job.

    I admit, it does seem like there's a lot to do, even by their own admissions, and December is around the corner. A delay seems likely, but that's based upon my very limited information. I see only the released code. I don't see what is being actively worked on, or the state of that development. I have no idea how big an update they may be working on, nor how close to releasing that update they may be.

    Developers learn quickly not to spend time setting dates. You strive to complete your goals on time, and you work like dogs as the deadlines approach. That's what Uber is doing as a team right now. Because their commitment to the project is total, and they will finish this race, whether they finish on the schedule originally anticipated or not.

    Yes, you're being completely irrational. Delays happen. Poopoo happens. Just get over it. Again, unless you're worried they'll just abandon the project, the only thing you're actually missing is patience.

    Can you actually show me anything, anywhere, that contractually obligates Uber to anything other than making the game? The release date is an estimate only, as is the case with every KS venture, and every single video game ever announced, irrespective of how it was funded.

    Really. Delays happen. It's the response to the situation that is irrational and inappropriate. Not the way Uber is handling it.

    MrTBSC, drz1, Culverin and 5 others like this.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am sorry but where are you getting this from? PA is almost done. The problem what does almost means exactly in this context? All core features are in the game already as so the term Beta fully applies.

    Also video games get delayed all the time. It is not uncommon.
    MrTBSC and melhem19 like this.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Valve does it, record sales.

    Anyone else does it, internet crowd forms boycott.

    Lets just all try to be fair, the game exists as we know it now and the only thing that matters is what is added next. Let's just enjoy this game through one neat addition after another, because when it reaches "release" it means nothing for us, and after "release" we will still just be waiting for the "next post-launch content support" patch.
    MrTBSC, cdrkf, drz1 and 1 other person like this.
  8. evilOlive

    evilOlive Member

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    Hear, hear!
    drz1 likes this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Post-release is the point where people get their custom commanders and I get jealous.
    drz1 and melhem19 like this.
  10. chargrove

    chargrove Uber Alumni

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    Regarding the build numbers, right now those are just coming from our internal version control system's change numbers. No direct relation to a post-ship major/minor/point/whatever version numbering scheme. :)
    mot9001 and drz1 like this.
  11. TarlSS

    TarlSS New Member

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    I just bought the game today because of the Steam sale. I've been following it for a while waiting for release..bought it on sale because I figured why not?

    Anyway..I like the bones of the game, however I feel that it needs to be optimized and that the interface is a little dodgy. Selecting units isn't easy, and the symbols aren't the easiest thing to discern.

    Setting up orbitals isn't the easiest thing. If there was some kind of tutorial on how to get to other planets and stuff that would be great.

    A lot of this would be easier with some documentation, which I get..things are in beta, no point right? Just make sure by release we have descriptions of what all the units do, all their commands..what symbols are what on the mini map, how to create systems..etc.
  12. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Youtube might be your friend here. That, and making a thread asking how to play. Those are much fun than criticism threads, I love informational threads.

    All I can say here, is that the buttons and interface and such aren't the most obvious. That is placeholder and a lot of automated features have come (reclaiming and building over when building metal extractors, you used to have to manually clear off deatroyed mexes to build another one), and a lot of automated features are planned.

    There is a UI thread in the modding forums that Culverin is making to list all the suggested features for a UI, and developers look at that for things they need to work on.

    Besides that, how to play the game, is usually best when you spread your base out to cover as many metal points as you can get units to at the very beginning of the game. Stick some turrets up to lightly fortify all the scattered metal points, have a factory on some of them and consider artillery on others. With all that collected metal points, build lots of builder-units and have them all work together on many builds to get you ahead, such as advanced factories and orbital launchers. It gives more builder units more metal to quickly build altogether, if you have more metal points by scattering out as far as you can. It adversely, works to constantly build units from a factory in the beginning, and hitting enemy metal extractors to harass them and slow down their building.

    If you want to practice, start a "vs AI" game and set the AI economy scale at the bottom left to "0". 0 means they have no metal or energy to build with, and 1 means they have the normal amount (x1) while .5 would give them half (x.5) and 2 would give them double and they would build really fast everywhere because they have tons of metal and energy (x2).
    drz1 likes this.
  14. 2nv2u

    2nv2u Member

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    Again, I'm playing the devil's advocate here and just responding to this thread, I've never said Uber wasn't involved as they certainly are, I completely agree with you on that..
    I was talking about this particular concern, nothing more nothing less.

    I know that practically all (large) software projects get delayed somewhere in time, I'm working in this sector for over a decade, my point (and I suppose the TS's as well) is that nobody is addressing these concerns, no matter how involved they are in the rest of the project.
    Unfortunately there openness in development (which I highly praise) creates these feelings as the project seems to be in a state which just can't be finished at the current deadline. The fact nobody from Uber says anything about this makes people worrying. Why is this so hard to wrap your head around? Again, I personally don't feel this way, but understand the concerns.

    You just made my point! You could implicitly conclude Uber isn't going to finish the game if they release it on the projected release date. The fact you don't believe this (as I do as well) doesn't mean somebody else will.
    They could easily say, we're not going to make it and we postpone the release to somewhere in 2014, but they aren't.

    I think you're missing the point, saying you'll finish building a car in 1 week and I check on you 2 hours before the deadline and you show me 4 tires and an engine, wouldn't you be worried it won't be finished?
    Especially since you are not answering my inquiry on if you will make the deadline.
    This basically means I would be worried you won't finish the car.

    Again, I'm not worried at all, I just responded to this thread to explain the feeling people seem to have about the pending release date. I do believe Uber should say something about this date. A "we won't make it" would suffice perfectly.
    I believe we both don't differ much in this aspect at all, we both just want an awesome game no matter the release date!
    cmdandy likes this.
  15. BradNicholson

    BradNicholson Uber Employee Uber Alumni

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    We've commented on it in the past, and will do so again in the near future.

    The concern and feedback is pretty rad, so thanks for it.
    drz1 and cola_colin like this.
  16. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    But if people would just do alittle research, they would find that the december date was set in the kickstarter and was by no means concrete. Also steam does not say releases in december it simply says this winter. Which winter hasnt started yet, im playing a working game, so anything that isnt here yet is going to be a bonus. Its not really a big deal.
    LavaSnake likes this.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Ahahha.... hahahahaha..... AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!
    LavaSnake, stormingkiwi and drz1 like this.
  18. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Im not following?
  19. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    If people would do a little research the forums would probably only have maybe 30% of the posts that it has.
    cwarner7264 and MrTBSC like this.
  20. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    This tickled me
    stormingkiwi likes this.
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