Is this seriously going to be coming out in a month or two? Really?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by smallies, November 27, 2013.


Do you think PA will be transformed into the great game we all want it to be within 60 days?

  1. Not a chance.

  2. I'm confident it will be amazing.

  1. smallies

    smallies New Member

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    Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but think "I've been swindled" when I paid almost double the price to back this game many months ago. This is no successor to TA or supcom/FA, hell in it's current form I wouldn't pay $3.99 on a steam sale... Am I the only one thinking there's no 'effing way this is going to totally 180 in under 2 months and be the truly amazing game it was advertised to be?

    Here's my main issues:
    1. Performance: not the best computer, but I feel a 4GHZ i7 920 with GTX 580 SLI should at LEAST be capable of 40-50fps... On High / Maximum... However Typical performance is 15-20fps on LOWEST graphical quality settings with all the bells and whistles turned off? Doesn't matter if resolution is 2560x1600 or 1440x900, runs like a dog.

    2. Units: This is incredibly bland. There are no super weapons or super units - the stuff that made TA, Supcom and FA really cool. And NONE of the units as it stands are even interesting or do interesting stuff.

    3. Unit Control / Strategic View: very hard to keep track of units or select things quickly. I find myself generally casting a huge net over every single unit and telling everything to move to one location, not exactly a good strategy. And I'm on a 30" monitor, which should keep things relatively spread out more than say a 1440x900 monitor or something along those lines.

    4. "Uniqueness": nothing, in way shape or fashion, seems unique about this game. All the screenshots shown look nothing like in-game.
    Boring, derivative, and poorly optimized - and less than 60 days to fix it? I sincerely hope I'm wrong but as it stands, this is an insult to the breed of RTS and let's face facts, it's not going to suddenly change...

    The only things annihilated so far are my hopes for this game.
    enlightdm and kalherine like this.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's was said many many times: disable SLI, it's cause performance drops.

    Dual GPU will always have more problems in any games than other hardware.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  3. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    1. Dxdiag? It sounds like you're doing it wrong.
    2. There is a lot more being worked on than we can use currently. Give it some time.
    3. See above.
    4. How about expanding onto other planets and using them as projectiles? Unit cannon, orbital nukes, and interplanetary teleporters are all on the way.
  4. smallies

    smallies New Member

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    I tried disabling SLI, no difference, I believe the nvidia profile for this game disables SLI to begin with which is why there was zero difference.

    Also, for the sport of it I tried a mac retina 2013 with a GT 750 2GB graphics card, 16gb ram, 2.3ghz i7 haswell - not a record breaker either, but still, same situation I saw framerates in the 15-20's with all graphics turned as low as possible. Most recent drivers from nvidia as of Nov 27, 2013.
  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I'm seriously doubt there is SLI profile for this game at all. At least in few previous drivers releases there was no such profile.

    Also can you upload your DxDiag.txt?
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  6. smallies

    smallies New Member

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    Sure, dxdiag is attached for the i7 4ghz / gtx 580 sli. Any thoughts?

    Attached Files:

  7. smallies

    smallies New Member

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    BTW I tried the low FPS tips in your signature too, no difference
  8. feyder

    feyder Member

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    Its been noted that if the game isn't ready it wont be release.
    That's all that needs to be said.
    godde, cwarner7264 and lokiCML like this.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    No obviously it wont be transformed it the great game we want in just 60 days. However I am confident that it will become the great game we all want over time. Uber wont stop developing just because the 60 days end.

    It's already pretty good developing though. So while it is not super "great" yet, it is definitely good already and will become a bit better with each day :)

    Disable one of your graphics cards and you should be fine. If not something is borked. SXX can help you with that, I am confident ;)
    Bastilean and lokiCML like this.
  10. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Are you running game though Steam? If yes can you try to use Uber launcher instead? Obviously with SLI disabled.
  11. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    I run an i7 920 too, around 4GHz. GPU is an old 5970. Very interesting that I see similiar to slightlty better fps than you, even though one 580 alone packs a huge lot more of power.
    Keep in mind that theres still a lot of optimizations missing, it will improve sometime.

    Unitset isnt complete. Far from. Rumor has it the next bigger patch will add a ton of units.

    Im on a ~9 ft monitor and it sucks badly at that aspect. UI improvements are high on the todo list afaik and direly needed. Dont expect a finished game at this moment, its still in a mid-development stage and its perfectly normal to lack features, units or even crash now and then.

    And wont ever do so. Screenshots where "concept art", that doesnt mean the game will look that way. Realized that much too late myself. The lack of graphical goodies and most of all asthetics is bad to an embarrassing extent for 2013/14, but if gameplay is right - forget about that one.

    In terms of "uniqueness" theres currently not much in it. Repeating the same stuff on multiple planets is an evolutionary step, no revolution of RTS. Maybe the round maps are. UnitCannon, has been done before. Teleporters, first teleport unit (could only teleport itself though) was in C&C 2 RA. No new invention.
    Interplanetary nukes, oh well, the same nukefest dullness from one sphere spread out over many. Like stepping in dog poop, spreading it out usually isnt considered to help with the fact its still stinkin poop.
    Something closer to real orbital gameplay could have been more of a revolution.
    Dont get it wrong, PA has a great concept behind it with huge potential to easily make it THE great new RTS around for many years to come. But its not that total revolution and reinvention of a whole genre some hype it up to.

    60 days? If a december release is to happen, which I dont hope, its much less than 60. More in the order of 30. In either case, releasing something even close to current state is an insult to gamers. PA makes progress and is moving forward quickly, but its far away from where it should be for a proper release. Most of all it needs time.
    As I said before, I cant imagin Uber pulling that off. Either they have much more advanced dev builds than what we get to see in Beta builds, delay the release or do some black magic to improve it instaneously. After putting so much effort and work into a project, you usually take pride in it. And that, to me, involves not selling something to the pubic knowing you could have done so much better. No. You make it the very best you can.[/QUOTE]
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  12. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Don't play massive Earth biomes. If you try some smaller 1v1 or 3v3's on a single <800 moon you should have decent performance. If you have multiple large planets in your sytem then you really impact performance.

    You're really doing it wrong, this game is all about the strategic movements of your troops not just mindlessly beelining your forces to one point. Try using wasd + high pan speeds to zoom around the map and give orders to many groups in multiple directions of attack.

    Regarding your concerns with the game I recommend you watch the livestream to hear a lot of important information about the state of the game and the future:

  13. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    If everything was so easy I sure PA can have no performance problems at all. :D

    Still we can gather some data and try to find out reasons of performance drops.
    cwarner7264, cola_colin and shootall like this.
  14. navycuda

    navycuda New Member

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    I can't play this game alone. The only other friends that have it only get to play once a month.

    So far, from a dollar to gaming enjoyment perspective PA has failed horribly.
    enlightdm likes this.
  15. igorantunov

    igorantunov New Member

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    Unless they are working 24/7 with 100 person dev team it is going to be impossible to polish this up to release standards in just a couple of months. I don't care about the lack of units, you can crowdsource the creation of more units to the modding community; finish making the rest of the game so we have a working game to mod.

    Supcom, hell even totala are at present far better games. What does this tell us? Go back to kickstarter if you have to. We know the team is capable, but you guys need more time-and as they say time is money.
    enlightdm likes this.
  16. Stormie

    Stormie Active Member

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    please explain why you cant play alone...
    You have me vs AI mode?
    You have a large community of other beta players?
    You cannot play against friends other than via internet... therefore your friends may as well be interchangable with all the other community players.
  17. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    What is your basis for making this statement?

  18. igorantunov

    igorantunov New Member

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    Granted it was an exaggeration in this case, but I've followed many games under development in the past and it is always most accurate to assume the more modest outcome when it comes to deadlines. As it stands there is far too much in the beta that needs additional work for the release date to be peachy. Unless the devs are keeping us in the dark in some way and they actually have 300 patches lined up well in advance.

    Also keep in mind I'm being overly critical because this is a game I'm really eager for-been waiting for something like this for years and I am completely sold on the premise.
  19. duncane

    duncane Active Member

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    Geez what is it with the negative comments. Clearly the units in the game currently are very similar to TA and the gameplay is very similar to standard TA play PLUS orbital and plant smashing.

    I think the issue is that people compare PA to Supcom/FA and see the lack of tech tiers/duplicated units and the lack of experimentals and conclude PA is never going to live up to that. But it was never meant too. It has been clear all along that those things wont be in PA and the game is better for it.

    I for one love playing PA and feel I have already got my moneys worth.
  20. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    We do kinda have experimentals.

    A rose by any other name.

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