Hi Hydrofoil here! im looking for a UK based Clan or at a stretch an EU based clan with alot of English speaking members. I wont say im the best there is out there but ive one more matches than ive lost and im an avid strategy fan and have been playing strategy games for over 10 years.
If you're looking for a competitive clan you should download pastats in the pa mod forums and play games on the irc.
I'd invite you to have a look at our advert - if you think you'd fit in well then by all means sign up!
We are UK centric and a lot more of our members are European than anything else. PM me if you are interested.
I really enjoy this theme you've got on in your web page. What is the name of the template by the way? I was thinking of using this style for the site .
Not entirely sure who you're addressing but if it's us, we don't use a template - its all been done pretty much bespoke.
Although the game is still very young it would be nice to see some UK guys who aren't RLM associated. No offense to RLM, but I usually avoid going with the biggest dog in the room. Always feels like it takes away some of the fun, and more importantly, diversity. If there are no other significant UKTZ clans right now, I would consider joining someone in founding one.
You could try either of these two which appear to just be getting started (they don't mention timezones, you'd have to ask): https://forums.uberent.com/threads/creating-a-clan-apply-now.55182/ https://forums.uberent.com/threads/death-incarnate.55185/ Otherwise, I think Promethean are predominantly UK / EU timezone based And I believe BL has some UK / EU members, too. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/ballistic-logistics-open-recruiting.45906/ There's a few more kicking around - flick through this forum and also http://pamatches.com/clans/ Hope that helps!
The Realm is weird. I don't know how but they seem to have pretty much assimilated themselves into PA. I didn't even join The Realm, they kind of just dragged me onto their TS server, and then badgered me to stay.