Beta Build: 57164

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, November 19, 2013.

  1. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    If you are talking about a minimap or some sort of projection, that does not exist (yet?). There is talk about implementing some sort of transparent wire world/projection but nothing confirmed or solid yet, if I am still in the loop about these things.
  2. coreta

    coreta Member

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    Yes, I speak about a mini map. I mean a view where you see the entire planet. I don't want to scroll the screen again and again to see stuff. I already played 90' RTS when I was young. I understand that it is game over unfortunately :(
  3. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I'm quite happy with scrolling generally, I was never fond of minimaps. Do you use a pole lock? I found it helps immensely in preventing disorientation.
  4. kanedacorp

    kanedacorp New Member

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    Hi all,
    I just got this Beta build, It's my first play of the game so far. I hope this is the right thread to post bug reports?
    Nothing major so far, just the pathing issue, some of my tanks got stuck on some scenery sometimes and I'm not sure if it's intentional but on the metal planet, some of the metal nodes won't let me build mines on them, I think because they are too close to edges of ravines or terrain features.
    Last edited: November 20, 2013
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  5. carn1x

    carn1x Active Member

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    The game is beta, the interface is still being worked on. We may get some form of minimap or alternative, it's not clear yet what the solution is. Devs are working on it.
  6. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    welcome to the beta.. your in the right forum but not on the right part of it.

    THere is a tracker that keeps tabs on all the bugs that might plague the game. its in this thread
  7. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Hey guys,

    Just got the beta downloaded. I was expecting it not to run on this low end laptop, but not to the point where it only showed me a black screen.

    I would like to debug the situation. Had the same issue with some Steam game and the tech support had me run a diags UI app that I've forgotten. I'm a bit better on the command line, and memorizing commands.

    So, how should I proceed?

    What I've got from quickly running it for the first time:
    * I noticed that it was complaining about libudev.0
    * It spews quite a lot of source code.

    I need to pipe the output to a text file and have a better look at it.
    In the mean time, could any of the nice Uber guys help me remember that UI app so I can send you the result file?

    Cheers to all,
  8. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Forgot to mention my system specs, what a douche!!

    I'm running on an ACER Aspire 5315 with Ubuntu 13.10 64b.
    Have less that a Gig of RAM and an Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 graphic card.

    Cheers all,
  9. nobrains

    nobrains Member

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    I'm afraid ACER Aspire 5315 is far from minimum specs. Try searching about symlinking libudev and try again.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  10. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    As NB said, our min spec is:
    - 2GB Ram, though we highly recommend 4+
    - The Celeron 560 is a single core; the game requires a dual core (you may be able to run, but it's going to be VERY painful)

    You may be able to get up and running on that machine (and frankly, if you decide to try, we'd be curious to hear what you manage to do), but the size of game you'll be able to play on that machine is going to be tiny, even in the absolute best case scenario.
    gcarreno and shootall like this.
  11. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I physically winced...
  12. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    There is some brokenness with the host/Coherent_UI script. See bug FS#2024 for fixes for that one.
    The spewing of source code is due to shaders not compiling correctly under Linux. No worries though, they're harmless. There was a post about fixing them here, but I think those might be outdated by now. There has been some work by Uber on the shaders recently.
    gcarreno likes this.
  13. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Anyway on Windows you'll get crash on start due to lack of OpenGL 3 support.
    On Linux it's will run PA, but with 0.1FPS :)
    gcarreno likes this.
  14. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    In the immediate time, this is more of a "scientific" experiment than anything else. I'm quite aware this particular laptop is WAYYY low on the low end. I can't even get GChrome to do some flash games!!

    But like I said, one never gives up when one sets it's mind on a "scientific" experiment, even one as foolish as this one ;)
  15. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    And that's why I love Linux so much: You can't really play it, but BY GOD it does run!!! Eheheheh
    LavaSnake likes this.
  16. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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  17. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Those are some mad skills you have my friend!!
  18. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Hey guys,

    In the spirit of the "scientific" experiments, here are my results:

    • After modifying the Coherent script for Linux systems with 32b and 64b libudev versions I can get the UI up and going.
    • Sound is perfect and has no mute of other cuts. Music is quite enjoyable, and I'm one of those guys that always cut the music first.
    • Most if not all of the screens take about 3 to 5 seconds to change/load.
    • Sound was perfect on the Youtube video, but image was only showing frames every 5 to 8 seconds. This means not even the slight noticeable animation.
    • Was able to navigate to all of the menu options.
    • Mouse cursor is a square of glitched image, but looks like there a fix for that. (according to SXX 's signature)
    • I lowered the graphics to LOW, at least under my very limited point of view.

    And this was all I could do. Once I went through the New Game->Lobby the game hit my HDD HARD for about 5m and then it just froze. Completely froze, as in mouse was stuck and not even CAPS LOCK light was working. So I had to long push the power button.

    In conclusion, the game can be enjoyed in the setting your options and choosing what type of game to play ;)
    Further than that, this little piece of hardware is no longer able to process anything, eheheh!

    Well, it was fun while doing it. Now I need to think about getting a proper piece of hardware to enjoy my contribution to this kickstart project. At least my account won't expire until i get that sorted!!

    Cheers to all,

    P.S.: SXX, many thanks for your prompt response and for your mad skills at hacking the game :)
    LavaSnake likes this.
  19. gcarreno

    gcarreno New Member

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    Thanks for the FS#2024 fix, that made the trick. (And sorry, I gave credit to SXX for this, sorry!)
    Yeap, the source code is all about shaders, or the inability to compile them. After fixing the Coherent script it really didn't matter.

    Above you have a recount of what happened, so feel free to enjoy and giggle at the very low achievements ;)

  20. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    Made me laugh, nice experiment Gus :)
    gcarreno likes this.

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