Snipers lack defence

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Smaz, January 15, 2011.

  1. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    I came to this forum to say that snipers need a buff.
    but after reading some posts on here it seems ppl want them to be nerfed.
    I just dont get it, the only OP thing about sniper is headshots...which lets be honoest are acually quite hard to get against running around players.
    It seems frost traps are a little bugged, some class can charge over them and ive noticed a few assassins just dashing over them.

    I just feel that we have little defence against most classes. Assassins are terribly too much for snipers, incredibly hard to snipe them (due to their speed). heavy gunners are hard to kill aswell once theyre close to you.

    One last thing, does anybody think there should be a sort of adjustable zoom for the sniper? when your trying to snipe someone at medium range, its quite hard to aim at running targets coz its too far zoomed in.

    Anyway these are my thoughts, let me know if you agree/disagree with me. Thanks! :)
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Freezetraps are the best defensive mechanism in the game, end of
  3. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    I'm fine with snipers as they are. They are supposed to be in the backrow, shooting bots and pros who dare come near the lane. The only thing you need to watch out for are sins, but if you know which routes they usually take, you can trap them there.

    It also can be used as an alarm in that aspect.

    Anyway, Snipers are fine. They don't need a buff or a nerf.
  4. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    I don't even know how to prove that snipers don't need buffed/nerfed anymore, but they shouldn't be touched at all. They have the amazing ability to headshot classes, sure. They also have somewhat powerful lane control. To make up for it, they are weaker in close quarters combat, and considering the name of the class is "Sniper," this should be obvious. But for some reason everybody assumes that the sniper needs to be able to automatically survive all close quarters situations and long range situations.

    Specifically addressing some of your points here:

    Dying to assassins as sniper is going to happen occasionally, but shouldn't happen too much if you have A) a brain and B) a headset with decent sound quality. You should be able to hear their cloaks (even from somewhat far away, unless they are intelligent), and your freeze traps should stop them IF YOU PLACED THEM RIGHT. If you place your freeze traps under your feet, then what kind of use will it be? Place them FAR away from you, on paths they HAVE to take to get to you. Listen for the sound, and be prepared for a fight. Additionally, I'm a pretty decent sniper, and I don't even aim for assassins. If you're actively trying to shoot directly at an assassin, you better be damned sure that she's running in a straight line, or that she's near some bots/slow teammates/turrets and that you have explosive bullets. I find it's much better to engage assassins in CQC terms anyway, but that's more of a personal choice. You don't ever have to fight them if you're smart about trap placement, and leave yourself with multiple escape routes.

    If you let a heavy gunner get close to you in the first place you've done something wrong. A good sniper won't have tunnel vision, and will occasionally check his freeze traps and entrances up to his location, aka MAP AWARENESS. If you don't have map awareness, enemies will get up to you, and gunners that get close will mow you down fast (just like they mow down every other class (and this is why I don't see a problem with his statement in the first place)).

    No, the zoom level is how it is to keep snipers from actually being overpowered.
  5. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    Freeze traps make any intruder a sitting duck.

    Sniper's Grapple is the second strongest in the game (Level 3 ends up ringing out almost everyone)

    Sniper's SMG is deadly in the right hands.

    Just stop scoping in all the time. You can't expect to defend yourself with tunnel vision.
  6. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    good responses and good points.
    however i still disagree with the zoom.
    im not saying you should be able to adjust it to the point where you can see everything, im just saying it would be nice to zoom out just that little bit more. But i guess thats my opinion.
  7. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    How to counter assassins:
    1. Use an armor endorsement
    2. Upgrade your grapple

    This means that they NEED a back grapple, or else they die. If you have armor, their front grapple won't kill you. You can almost 100% counter-grapple, and yours is stronger.
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I used to think like this until I realised: I don't need to. The extreme zoom is there to remind players their purpose, get as far away from the enemy as possible. Some snipers like to CQC snipe, I guess you are one of them and those snipers are occasionally seen on Global Agenda, forgive me for making a wild assumption.

    I call: Bullshit. No offense of course :)
    Sniper's grapple is the strongest one I'd agree with that (With exception of Assassin) but gunners max leveld grapple is just as strong except that its useless, again because its a skill grapple. And Level 3 does not ring out anymore than Level 2, Level 3 only increases damage, and you haven't seen the true ring out kings of Monday Night Combat, so I suggest you take a second look towards the Assault.
    story? :D
    Anyways I think the supports Sentry Gun is the best defensive mechanism in the game. Just my opinion, as I love that little pew~pew~pew'er. :roll:
  9. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    level 3 flak, force support out, firebase low, win.

    Never afraid of a single firebase :>
  10. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    The Ice trap doesn't give you kills, it just assists you to get a chance to claim your kills.

    The Firebase, KILLS for you and uses Aimbot! careless players running unprepared into firebases can be lethal. Hence why I think it's the best one. :mrgreen:
  11. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    Ive seen you call me a C&Q sniper, what does that mean? xD

    And ill probly get use to the zoom considering i only started playing this game a couple of days ago :)

    I also have gold armour on, and i have read alot that assassins cant kill you with a front grapple. Well i have been killed several times from the front by an assassin when im on full health :/. Bug? perhaps. Something im missing? Yeah probly :p
  12. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    CQC Sniper:
    A sniper that ignores the advantage of sniping from afar and instead goes up close & personal with a sniper rifle. Mostly only skilled snipers do this act and can be devestating with it, harder in this game though.

    As for the assassin:
    If they are dashing at you then grapple shortly after, it'll be a one hit kill.
  13. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    ahh i see. thanks for clearing that up :D
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Here is a great word of advice...

  15. Suetake

    Suetake New Member

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    bro, as a sniper sniping is my 2nd choice of attacking, sure i set up base fer a lil bit, but that's mostly to get rid of annoying gunners and/or another sniper who's asking for a sniper fight.

    A majority of people will see me out and about with my SMG gunning folks down (which has led my team to win once before cuz i juiced in overtime and pushed past all their turrets and brought their moneyball to lil to nothing) and yeah flak is a SMG sniper's greatest friend
  16. asmodai

    asmodai New Member

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    Snipers need more defense? Tee hee hee. And it's not even April yet. :)

    But seriously, in between SMG, ice traps, and flak I survive most attacks, unless it's a tank or gunner in close range and even do I do reasonably well.
  17. Mocky55

    Mocky55 New Member

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    I'm pretty sure no one will agree with this, but i player Gunner quite a bit and i think it's bullshit that a Sniper can shoot me 4 times in a row real fast until i'm dead, I think a Sniper should have a magazine nerf, he shouldn't be able to fire more than 3 or 4 Bullets at a time.
    Or how about reducing a magazine to a single bullet like in Team Fortress 2.
    It sux that even terrible Snipers can pew pew pew me while me the slow Gunner has to put down the minigun first before being able to make a run for cover.
    Dieng to a straight headshot is fine, but getting pewed in the chest that many times is true bullshit.
  18. wubnasty

    wubnasty New Member

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    I feel your pain Mocky55. It seems like it may be easier to just join the Sniper crowd. They are going to absolutely rule the PC community of MNC.
  19. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Magazine nerf already happened once. Won't happen again. I assure you. The sniper needs no more changes and this is not the place to ask for a nerf since 4 threads have already been made and all 4 have been trashed.

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