It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. xtimeblast

    xtimeblast New Member

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    Hy all of u , its the first time i am posting, but i rlly like the idea of a real little T1 unit, that can in lategame empower an Hightech "Laser" or defence tower by assisting it, and gives it Power to hit Harder.
    Like . . . hey i have 50 T1 laserbots, but cannot use them well against higher units, so lez build a hightech laser so i can use em 2 kill whole bases ^^

    Idea Nr. 2 a none attacking unit, Trojan horse style, heavy heavy extreme heavy armor, slow movement, filled with ur units, u can crack defensive lines by rolling over it and behind towers unload ur units

    and Nr 3 . . . . just 2 mention it, a PlanetCoreDrill, if u reach the planetcore u destroy it ^^ like . . . countdown 2 evacuate planet 3 . . .2. .... 1 collapse ^^.
    stormingkiwi and FXelix like this.
  2. MigraineMaddox

    MigraineMaddox New Member

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    Some kind of Cloaking Unit or Cloaking Tower.

    Uses lots of power, but cloaks... YAY!
    snierke likes this.
  3. randomword

    randomword New Member

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    If listening posts capable of passively spotting RADAR at long range were implemented a T1 air unit capable of launching long range RADAR-homing tactical missiles at a slow rate of fire would be interesting. If the RADAR were switched off while the missile were in mid-flight it would become a regular ground targeted tactical missile. It would encourage players to turn off mobile radar in an assault force until they were ready to strike, and allow precision air strikes to blind the enemy. A weapon with long range and reasonable accuracy which is only effective against systems with active RADAR would be an interesting mechanic that could add flavour to a variety of units (e.g. guided missile submarines). A T1 air based listening post might also be interesting as an early spy plane.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Something like this would be neat. Something that can "reverse radar", so if your enemy builds radar and you are in range of it it acts like radar to you of where their radar is.

    It just doesn't give off its own radar signature nor does it tell you exactly where the enemy's everything is, just their radar tower.

    Not a bad idea for probing the map and making a "downside" to radar. Though right now I only use it when I make the decision to declare artillery war anyway.
  5. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    - Some way to move armies of units from one planet to another (unit cannon)
    - Flying transport vehicle for moving units on a planet
    - Advanced AA turret
    - Gunships - Not like in Sup Com, where they were the only type of unit you could ever need. They would do very little damage vs. buildings and have low HP, but the ideal solution for early defense.
  6. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    gunship ideas??
    1. normal gunship i guess
    2. building killer gunship with slow firing heavy gun
    3. AA gunship with x2 or more multi targeting miniguns
    4. missile gunship with a normal gun and some missile
    5. torpedo gunship for killing ships subs and other stuff
    6. orbital gunship for protecting the...
    7. orbital bombardment gunships(yea i know, sounds weird) for fast fire rate planet bombardment with orbit to planet heavy cannons
    8. or just your average bombardment gunship with muti purpose heave bombardment cannons
    9. EMP gunship for disabling them annoying **** forever(limited ammo span will be needed)
    10. flying mobile fortress with multi targeting Gatlingcannon's and missile bays(i like huge stuff for the overkill) and carrier bays for other gunships or stuff like that
    11. do you even gunship
    i love making ideas :D
  7. legio113

    legio113 New Member

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    I propose to add the heavy artillery (Last shooter)
    She has a huge damage and slight movement speed.

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  8. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Your first idea had an idea for it perhaps a mirror tower it's useless without these laser bots, creates a concentrated laser beam as a upgraded tower
  9. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    Bunker. Extremely expensive, allows ONE unit to survive an apocalypse (nuke or asteroid.)
  10. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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    The egg!:rolleyes:
  11. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    After seeing how cool lava planets look right Now, I would say please add a lava power plant/ metal extractor that sits on top of the lava and gets both resources. It would be pretty baller.
  12. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I'm assumingI'm incredibly late to say this, but I absolutely loved the way C&C Generals handled it's aircraft. Build air base, has a set amount of slots for aircraft to park, aircraft have fixed ordnance, you give out an order, they take off, fire their ammo, land, re-arm, repair, ready for orders again.

    Even if not for atmospheric aircraft, which are all VTOL anyway, but it could be a good way to balance orbital fighters.

    Obviously this is not gonna be featured in the game as it's incredibly micro heavy, but it could be modded in.
  13. ravenreborn

    ravenreborn New Member

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    Hello, here are my 2 cents

    -Orbital Elevator,can move any unit onto an orbital Platform where you can build orbital factories for more advanced orbital crafts. Makes it an important Strategic target, of course you can build defenses on it. basically it should be like the T2 orbital, and units can be send on said platforms including normal ground units wich can fire on incoming orbital units. Maybe the platform can be extended to some degree.
    Maybe can't be Ctrl+k'd that enemy might can take it over to invade planet, or if it's destroyed the platform rains down wasting stuff around it like 5 times a nuke maybe, but the possibility to invade planets thrugh it makes it an important strategical point. Can take down and up to orbit maybe 50-100 units but thats an balance issue. Or maybe just destroying it and landing units on the cleaned up ground with dropships.

    -Change orbital launcher to T1 structure but only minor units can be produced like the orbital lander, but you need to load in a unit first, and commander can't be loaded in, mainly for more early and more easy accessible planetary hopping (since that's whats the game about) despite that there will be different planet spawns i think, so you can engage your enemy much earlier

    -Some sort of huge anti planet bombing Laser or Bomb wich busts it up reducing it to fragments wich raind down on the planet like a carpet of nukes instead of wiping all units of the planet.

    (And please no discussing real physics here since most asteroids irl would be fatal if they hit the planet, an asteroid the size of new york would be sufficent to wipe all living creatures of the face of earth just imagine a bomb with the weight of severall billion tons with the speed of a few hundred thousand miles impact on an planet...yep fatality)

    -Anti Gravity/magnetic gun wich repells incoming planets and chucks them into the sun.



    -Some sort of Battlecruisers for Orbital/Interplanetary fight, alas generally orbital fighting ships wich are build on the Orbital Elevator Platform Buildings. Some of the can bomb the planet from Orbit layer but can be shot down with ground anti orbital.

    -Anti Orbital(orbital) point defenses, like build them in orbit and link them together and they orbit around the planet in the preset linked formation.

    -Anti Orbit (ground) like a rail gun battery wich fires like a flak (T2)

    -Anti Orbit ground units, much like the point defense just mobile and weaker, to engage orbital battleships (T2).

    -Interplanetary dropships for invasions build on orbital elevator platform, vulnerable, limited self defense relatively cheap(since you got a planet for yourself in that case should be easily produced en masse).

    Well, point in this is to make orbital an early choice if your enemy doesn't spawn on your planet and you have to overcome the orbital forces first before invading the ground making the battlefield more dynamic and ground building in that case only second priority (except the eco stuff), but not irrelevant since once your orbital units fail you have to defend your turf.
  14. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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  15. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    This totally drives me insane also. People on TV have these stories of alien encounters, and when they are discussing it, they're like "It was definitely a UFO". FOR GOSH'S SAKE, and I'm a atheist, (I just like the expression.) It's obviously a UFO if you don't know what the hell it is. UFO doesn't mean "Space-Craft" or "Alien". It means Unidentified Flying Object. That's all. It could be a plane or even a kite, you just don't know what it is.
    ooddball likes this.
  16. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    thank you for having a brain that is able to understand the meaning of words
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  17. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    The emulator - a basic scout unit with a simple hologram device. Telling it to "attack" a unit (friend or foe) causes it to change its appearance to that unit's. The emulator will move/turn/accelerate just like that unit will and fire fake projectiles that deal no damage. HP is unaffected. Can also emulate structures but moving cancels the effect. Cannot emulate commanders for obvious reasons. Taking any damage cancels the effect (and probably kills the unit since it is low HP anyways).

    This allows you to easily setup diversion attacks with large amounts of "fake" powerful units to distract and confuse the enemy. You can also setup fake bases/outposts without adding a "fake" version of every building (like in cnc red alert).
  18. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    UFO actually does mean alien. The term describes "any airborne object which by performance, aerodynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which cannot be positively identified as a familiar object".

    In the first place it means familiar as in domestic, as opposed to international. There is inherent implication that it belongs to a technologically superior foreign nation, and for some reason the USAF did not rule out the possibility that it could be extraterrestrial.

    Most objects are deliberately described in such a way that there is no conventional description for them, and on Radar some of them behave in ways that are impossible for anything human made. Personally I think that UFOs are just the sea-monsters of our time, and that alien encounter people are a load of con-men and women.
  19. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    i believe there is aliens somewhere in space we cant be alone space is to vast for that but i also believe that for any alien not to make contact at all if they know where we are i HIGHLY doubt that and even more doubt that they are even near earth
  20. Spirita

    Spirita New Member

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    I would like to see a Scavenger aircraft T1 that can roam around the battlefield and reclaim wreckage.
    No weapons just a cheap aircraft.
    You get small amount of scouting when they roam around the battlefield.
    Aircraft is good for not getting in the way of land units and they can go to the sea and reclaim ship wreckage.

    Sorry for the Spelling :D

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