1. Torinir

    Torinir New Member

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    From my own XFire profile:

    World of Warcraft - 3,667 hours
    Unreal Tournament 2004 - 1,893 hours
  2. WantstoWhine

    WantstoWhine New Member

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    I have over 100 hours on Xbox and 15-20 hours on Steam, and in my experience the XBox players are way better. In fact, with two or three exceptions almost every player I've come across on a number of servers has been completely brain-dead. No communication, no response to advice, 3-4 assassins per game etc. etc. Just terrible.

    I'm sure this will change over time, and I hope it does as I have no interest in going back to XBL as I really enjoy having low pings, no framerate stutter, and being back on a KBM setup after years of console shooting. With that having been said, the quality of play at this point leaves me grinding my teeth.
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I'm sure the skill levels will even out a bit given time, but be ready for another influx of new players around the release date
  4. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    I say we get 6 awesome 360 players, hook them up with 360 controllers connected to a PC, then have them play against 6 good PC players with mouse and keyboard. I'd pay to see that :)
  5. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    It's obvious PC gamers can out aim and out maneuver 360 players using 360 controls. What would be interesting is to have the best of each play eachother with the same controls on both platforms and if a person hasn't played on the other platform before, give them a couple of days to get used to the controls. (Meaning a game where everyone is on the 360 and a game where everyone is on the PC with the same controllers)
  6. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    i fail to see how that would be interesting. the PC players would murder the console players on the PC version, and the console players would murder the PC players (probably by even more because console controls suck the big one) on the console version.
  7. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    He's talking about game knowledge, not control input.
  8. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    then there's really no need to play both versions given that the peripheral is a much greater difference between the versions than anything else.
  9. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Controllers get steam rolled. It's been done before.

    In fact, when the Xbox first came around, some developers toyed with the idea of cross platform shooters. They ran some tests, and quickly gave up on the idea as even mediocre PC players would outright humiliate the best of console players due to the platform difference.

    Controllers simply can't compete with the mouse and keyboard when it comes to shooters.
  10. WantstoWhine

    WantstoWhine New Member

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    State of general knowledge of the game/how to play etc. is still atrocious. Too bad for words.

    I've spent the last 9 yrs. playing console shooters after four years of competitive Quake/2/Arena (obviously with mouse and keyboard). In the past two weeks I got a new computer and have played 60 hrs. on Steam -- the difference between controller and mouse/keyboard is night and day. I'm surprised this conversation still happens.

    I tried Using a controller just to see what it's like, and it feels like having my control inputs processed through mud. It's just terrible. I was able to play very well a controller, but the capabilities I have with a mouse/keyboard are unparalleled.
  11. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    I'll beat you all using a neural impulse actuator. Where is your keyboard now?
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i use a gamepad. so... i take it this doesnt pertain to me?

    anyhow, i disagree with this. there are pros and cons to either controls. i play with fightstick on street fighter on some characters, and gamepad on others. usually fightstick (square controller with the big joystick) for charge-command characters, and gamepad (thumbstick) on movement-comand characters.

    its the same for mnc on steam. gamepad works well with certain features, keyboard works well with others. i bet quick-turning and aiming is sharper for an assault player using the mouse. as well as the gunner. but skill based classes would probably be better off with a centralized area of buttons for skills, like on the game-pad.

    when i start to play assassin more heavily on computer, ill probably get my "nostro" (small keypad gamepad for computer games) for skill imputs and movement, so i can use my mouse for aiming my gun in a gunfight. ill probably stick to gamepad for assassin and support lmao.
  13. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Mouse and keyboard are strictly better for shooters. End of story. There are no advantages at all for using a gamepad on the PC version. But if you are fine with gimping yourself more power to you. Just expect to be outmaneuvered every game.
  14. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Another competitor has arrived!
  15. PKC

    PKC New Member

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  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    umm, okay.

    depending on how you snipe, there even is an advantage. leading your shots is easier with a smooth, linear movement of your scope. gamepad.

    but if you feel that adapting to a more complicated control system is better, then i will not feel sorry for any time that you claw across the wrong button or jiggle accidentally, and get killed 1 away from an uberstreak.

    in matter of fact, ill do this an advance of it.

  17. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    No, there isn't. This leads me to conclude that you're a god awful sniper, or at anything involving aiming in general.

    Gamepads or analogues are very restrictive of your movement (more so for the gamepad even). See, the mouse allows you to place your crosshair wherever you want it on the screen. Your aiming in-game is a direct representation of your movement in real life. It's NOT the same thing as aiming a gun, but it's the closest to it you're gonna get until we perfect virtual reality. The mouse allows you near-perfect movement precision by replicating your movement exactly.

    Analogues, on the other hand, function by movement magnification. They're not as bad as gamepads, but they're far less precise than a mouse. See, when you do a movement with the mouse, that movement is reproduced in a 1:1 ratio on the screen (provided everything is setup accordingly), giving you absolute precision. With the analogues, you give very small inputs, which are then magnified. Also, you're not "placing" the crosshair where you want it, you're "driving" it there. This is ok for less precise games like hack n' slash types, but for shooters it's the difference between instantly placing a headshot, or having to spend several valuable seconds "finetuning" so you hit the head, and not the "general area" that also contains the head you wanna hit. This is the reason most console FPSs come with "aim assist". Unlike the mouse, the Analogues don't allow totally free control, instead relying on the analogue's placement for directional input and speed.

    Gamepads, on the other hand, are the absolute worst. They're also based around "driving" the crosshair, instead of free control, but unlike analogues they're restricted to 6 directions and don't allow you to control the movement speed. So you're essentially trying to "drive" the crosshair to the target, stuck to a "grid-like" movement at a pre-determined speed. "Precision" doesn't exist in this setup. If playing shooters with analogues is like trying to pick your nose with boxing gloves, playing them with gamepads is like trying to pick your nose with your elbow... While doing a handstand... and set on fire.

    The only way you can consider this superior to the mouse and keyboard is if you're so terrible with them that you end up messing your shots pretty much every single time. And even then it'd only be any good against bots or terrible players that don't move.
  18. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    Uh, thats exactly what a keyboard can do, lol.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    lol. okay well im a tard and nobody should listen to me :roll: :lol:

    i seem to like finger painting with oven mitts on, so ill keep playing my way tho. free kills for you, right?

    i had my meditation, im in a good mood, i dont need to argue.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    guess what? i picked a better arguement. :) ;)


    so, nobody thinks that the controller makes it easier to do things for certain classes with, hu.

    anyhow, i will also sign a new competitior up, one that will tear the others to shreds like i do pubs.


    this for movement and tasks like skills and purchases, while using mouse for aiming. best of both worlds. that is all. /thread

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