It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. hgadams

    hgadams Member

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    I would love to see a Commander transforms himself into a Commandship and is able to fly through the space sector, from one to another planet. Yeah that would be cool, as an upgrade, maybe.
    Or a Super(man) commander, who is able to push moons, directly into the planet (ahhh nah, just joking)

    Spaceships, Commandships, Carriers, just more space stuff, so the fight goes on to another level.
    Commandships maybe only able to fly, if the commander is flying it himself.

    You doing well on this, no idea atm, accept maybe some stuff like mines, traps, or holografic stuff to confuse the enemy ^^

    Underwater Citys, or just some buildings for hidden technology ?!

    P51D Mustang, ... erm oh, sorry wrong century. Damn.

    Drones. Automaticly searching for targets, linking the orbital pulse weapon onto its target !

    Erm, wrong thread ...

    So far all i got in my mind. nah just kidding. There are tons of ideas, but this we can discuss in PA 2 ^^
  2. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Plane that drops bots parachute style?
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  3. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    @neutrino :
    I don't really know where this belongs in the forums, so this is the closest I got, being a unit thread. Can you explain to the team that the mobile arty in the game doesn't have enough range to be effective? Of all the t2 land units, they should be able to hit them before they get in range of assault units like Levelers. It makes them ineffective, and I think they could be very valuable turtle crackers.

    Thanks thar, sir.
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Range of Slammer: 100
    Range of Leveller: 120.
    Range of Stomper: 140.
    Range of Sheller: 160.
    They are great turtle crackers - but their defence lies in their mobility, and the army defending them. It doesn't help that Shellers are significantly slower than everything else in the game except buildings.
  5. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Made me chuckle thinking of buildings running away from shellers. Mobile buildings!
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  6. legio113

    legio113 New Member

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    I want to offer heavy artillery
    Great damage
    Large Attack Range
    a few guns
    Low speed
    You can not shoot at short range
    The bad accuracy of the moving targets
    There is a picture but I can not leave a link to it: (
    Last edited: November 10, 2013
  7. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    for games with many astroids and the like i would love to have a planetary drone carrier with the sole ability to convert them to income or make the entire thing my weapon

    basically a auto planet smash preparing carrier
  8. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    Actually, if shellers were not that slow, you would not be seeing any levellers in an army, because shellers destroy everything, especially now that we have target leading in the game. We will soon be needing a sheller nerf, because they are simply too good atm. I would expect a fire rate nerf, but we shall see i guess.
  9. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    OH wow. I hadn't realised that they were that powerful compared to Stompers. Yup. A nerf is well deserved!
  10. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    might i remind you this is an idea thread not balance thread
    i do however agree about the sheller should have a fire rate nerf its the only thing that can make them weaker without being complety pointless but then again they might also have a magnetic deflector unit to change the direction of the shells thus making them less usefull depending on how the deflector would work
  11. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    If we ever talk balance, it is always and only taking into account the current game, not possible future changes. The reason i brought this up is because neutrino was asking for people to state why the sheller needs a buff, my statement is the exact opposite. Thats why its relevant.

    Although, i have to agree with neutrino that they require a range buff, or towers require a range nerf.
  12. benwestall

    benwestall New Member

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    I always thought a cool idea would be.... a mega expensive building that take a long time to build, once complete you can garrison one unit. Then send it back in time, I guess the more energy you have the further back you could send the unit. For example the game could revert to 10 minutes ago and the unit garrisoned would travel back to that time.

    Haven't seen that done before.
  13. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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  14. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    What is the range of towers? It's 120 according to the wiki, which is much shorter compared to the range of shllers but I don't know about actual game?

    I was surprised when mobile artillery was completely and utterly outranged by pelters.. it kind of totally defeats the point of artillery, if you can't use it to attack a fortified position! Unless they have a mobile, but deployable stationary artillery piece in the works

    I think the sheller should have a fire rate nerf. (it's 1200dps, 1200 damage per shot each second, compared to the Stomper, which does 800 damage per shot every 4 seconds)

    It would be a royal pain unless the game was completely redesigned around the new mechanic.
  15. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    There are problems with pelters that will likely get addressed later on is that they do direct fire like tanks do, when they should really only fire like shellers (my personal opinion on the balance of pelters). Im pretty sure that the much longer projectile time would balance them out pretty well since you would be able to dodge the missile.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  16. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Yeah I've noticed that. It's true.
  17. ulight

    ulight Member

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    Submersible t1 air factory & floating t2 air factory. We may need them on water planets. Maybe even some kind of submersible amphibious vehicle factory.
    Last edited: November 11, 2013
  18. namelesst

    namelesst Member

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    Air factories can be built on water....
  19. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    lets see more units ideas
    1. mobile anti-tactical missile units
    2. magnetic deflector(yes i already mentioned it once i know)
    3. planetary super carrier(OMG AN UFO!!!(again))
    4. rat-tank(study some history and you'll know just search rat-tank in google)
    5. stealth generator and mobile stealth generator
    6. hover tank(i don't have to be captain obvious do i)
    7. planet buster(unit missile cannon whatever a drill to the core and a bomb down the hole i don't care)
    8. strategic sub and tactical sub
    9. anti naval emplacement
    10. mobile outpost(unit that can unfold into a small base with repair ability, aa and 2 cannons for ground also rader)
    11. mobile unit launcher/catapult
    12. a samurai bot with a high frequency blade and magnetic deflector(for the fun of it)
    13. super sizer(a something to enlarge ordinary units perhaps)
    14. the mole(a digging unit with plasma flamethrowers WHAHAHA!!!)
    15. concrete against digging units
    16. grinder units(a unit that destroys units by disabling a small radius and reclaim them(yes i take the idea from red alert 3)
    17. dreadnought(a big ship with a bit more firepower than your average battleship and tougher 4 ship quad cannons 2 large missile ramps and 8 small with 2~6 small aa guns sonar but no torpedoes just like a giant flagship)
    18. energizer(army buffer that gives energy to surrounding units making them do stuff FASTER!)
    19. disrupter unit(EMP missile unit or heat wave or whatever as long as it stop units dead in their tracks)
    20. suicide bomber( a bomber that does major dmg when it crashes instead of bombing camouflaged as bombers)
    21. master units(experimental sized version of normal units or a mega version of land, bot, water, air and space units)
    22. mass converter
    23. mobile drone factory(has a small rader range where it sends drones against anything hostile)
    24. base cracker tank(basically just another artillery unit but with a much bigger cannon that has to be deployed longer range too)
    25. a ship to dig away ground so ships can sail around
    26. a ground unit to cover water with mass to allow ground only or stop ship with passing
    27. chrono tank(a tank that can teleport would need some of its size for the teleporter)(red alert inspired again Westwood was pretty good at some points til EA came)
    28. army cracker(a unit good a killing masses)
    29. anti naval ground unit
    30. gunship
    31. ship carrier where the air units attack when the carrier is signaled to do so
    32. space missile-ship
    33. space battleship
    34. space command units(flagship thingy i love them flagships with guns and planetbusters and ****)
    35. space ships in general
    36. space base builder
    37. space factory
    38. space building in general
    39. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! in general
    40. star energy generator(something floating just in-front of the sun to get energy)
    41. space accelerator(for sending them comets flying at them enemies)
    42. space elevator(for near orbit construction maybe
    43. THIS!! (file was too big)
    44. base cracker ship version
    45. base cracker space version
    46. black hole doomsday weapon (for the sore loser)
    47. a mech with a rotating head of cannons
    48. mobile nuke suicide unit
    49. stamper (a unit than dmg building in a large area while killing itself slowly)
    50. flying point defense
    51. missle carrier(barrarge unit for limited time heavy bombardment)
    52. Mobile Fortress(do i even have to explain the idea)
    53. flying battleship for heavy bombardment
    54. wreckage rebuilder(rebuild all those in the way wrecks to fight for you for half maybe)
    55. omega laser cannon(big building or unit that use some time with a charge and then annihilate or do huge dmg in fired direction)
    56. big betty(a short range or medium range ultra heavy rapid fire cannon that do huge amount of dmg in a large area but requires reload of a few min maybe just 3 min)
    57. shock-wave cannon(disables whatever hit even friendlies for 1~2 sec and dmg a little too have a short range however and depending on method can still shoot)
    58. AND THIS!!! was too big)
    59. sub commander(ai controlled units that builds stuff with a seperate income 1/4 of what you have and 1/10 the speed using mass converters and energy plants only)
    60. Minelayer(can multipurpose against moles should they be accepted)
    61. do you even read
    62. more are pending....
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  20. ooddball

    ooddball Member

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    1. SUPER halley for them big planets of 400-800+
    2. UBER HALLEY!!!! for them 800-1500+ planets
    3. metal planet thruster halley??? maybe
    4. DEATH STAR metal planet???
    5. cosmic carrier metal planet???

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