I know all the classes and balanced, yada yada yada, but I'm sure a lot of people have a personal "worst class" that they just can't play TOO well with. Just curious as to what that is for most people. Personally, I started this game and the only class I knew how to play moderately well was the assault. I'd say that has gone downhill though...I really just can't see the point to the assault except as an extreme nuisance to the other team, not really a strong player in and of himself. He isn't strong enough to take out turrets/push lanes and there are better "slayers" out there imo. Also, I feel like any class without the ability to take out turrets is hard for me to play unless I've played in the server and know somebody else on my team is capable. It's just too annoying to get 20+ kills in a game and push bots back but have nobody on your team that allows for the "push" at the end.
For me it's support. You can just spam gapshots and automaticaly win the game (at least for now lol).
Assault imo. I don't see many of 'em around, and when I do, they're very rarely good ones. I think their accuracy should be much better by default (without accuracy upgrades).
Assassin, anyway you always have a noob in my team playing assassin to fill my gap while I play a class I'm good at
None of them are the "worst" class, because they all fill a specified niche. My least favorite right now though is tank, who I think has lost a lot of mobility from the jumpjet nerf. But he's still amazing in terms of bot control and typically anti-everything, so he's far from bad.
Gunner, by far. Easily replaced by assault, lacks options in combat, severe lack of mobility, skills have limited usefulness.
This is a hard call, but I would have to say support. They are great to have on your team, but their combat abilities are limited. If you are against good players, all the other classes can out deathmatch you. Supports are still very useful, it is just they are the most limited when it comes to fighting and being a good player. Kind of like Engy in TF2, if you know where to place turrets the difference between a mediocre engy and a great player on engy isn't very noticeable.
Except for the guy demolishing your entire team with a good juice use, not to mention 3 airstrikes going down on them with it. Good supports play like constrictors, bad supports play like mongs
I voted Gunner. As a pro killer, he more or less ties with Assault, trading off mobility for lethal weapons. However, the Assault's status of being the "balanced" class means he doesn't have much of a weakness. The Gunner has his large frame and craeling speed working against him. As area denial, he loses to the Tank, who can withstand so much more damage, and can control an area with several methods. As a bot killer, he loses to the Tank, Assassin, or Sniper. The Tank's Product Grenade allow him to control mobs of bots. His Railgun gives him a reliable long-range weapon versus the Mortar launcher. The Assassin can wipe out waves of bots in a jiffy. The Sniper has Traps to stop wave advancement, and has the Sniper Rifle and Flak to quickly deal with a wave. Gunner's a great killer - don't get me wrong. In the hands of a skilled player, he could devastate a match. But if you have another pro with an equally skilled player, they would generally do a better job.
I'm sorry to say this but I find arguments that Gunner is the worst rather offensive. Obviously you haven't played against a good Gunner. Whereas Assaults rely on mobility to kill, Gunners rely on greater firepower to do bring down numerous enemies in cases when an Assault just wouldn't cut it. Where the best Assaults will hit & run all day, seeing as they wield basically as much DPS as a Gunner, Gunners have enough shells and bullets to chew through 3-4 enemies without a reload. If your Gunner doesn't use the Mortar just as much as the Minigun, he's doing it wrong. When I play Gunner I end up using my weapons almost interchangeably, of course with a preference for the Mortar at long range and the Minigun at close range. I always kill people faster than they can kill me, but obviously if I'm caught off guard it's over... a lot like Heavy in TF2 in the sense that it requires situational awareness. Honestly I feel that Tank is the least useful class. He undoubtedly serves a purpose, but that purpose is simply to kill bots. For that reason he's less rewarding to play than all of the other classes, simply because A) there's no bot kills column on the scoreboard and B) you are very likely to lose straight 1v1 battles against every other class. If the game were larger format, with up to 12v12 battles, I could see the Tank becoming more useful. As it is now, he really can't do as much to help the team as anyone else can.
Touche. I thought I was a pretty good Tank but you're right I haven't seen anyone that knocked my socks off. None of the really good players play Tank, obviously for a reason. At least with Gunner I have seen good players dominate the game using him.