Hey guys! im looking for people who are getting the game the second it comes out any of you guys wanna do an all nighter with me and a few friends tonight good people would be: -strategic -13-17 years old -talkative -NO trash talking (unless called for) -team player rite now i have 2 people playing I am probably going to be mostly Support and a little bit of assassin My friend will be gunner/tank add me if u want to participate: Yhslaw v60970
thats perfect!! we can switch out a few times, just add my gt, im not on now as i am not home, but i will be by like 9 pm Central
Sorry, game comes up 5am my time, im going to sleep and downloading it when i wake up, going to bed early tonight XD
Alright guys, Im going to bed now, which means I should be up around 6-8 EST If youre still up and want to play add me. gt= ZeroHourHero
@nailhead: add Yhslaw v60970 for invite to the game since i just figured out its not releasing til 4am over here, im gona go to sleep but set my phone alarm for 3-3:30am