Huge lag?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Moranic, October 29, 2013.

  1. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Hi all,

    I've played PA back in the Alpha and everything went quite smooth and sazzy, but since the Beta the game has become incredibly slow. Even on the main menu I get like 1fps. I included my dxdiag.txt file. My drivers should be fine, I updated them recently. In game it's even worse, I get 0.3fps max, even when playing against bots (not sure if that makes a difference, probably not, since it's all serverside). I meet all system requirements. Is it just that the game is very poorly optimized right now or is it something on my end?

    *Note: The dxdiag is a bit old, I can assure you that all drivers are up-to-date. I tried running a new one but it wouldn't finish (dunno why).

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  2. scplua

    scplua New Member

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    Hello, may I first off ask is your graphics integrated?

    Yes!, The game is in beta so there will be optimization issues.

    May I ask what settings you are on?
  3. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    2/12/2011 08:48:00, 12867688 bytes <--the date of your Video card drivers, from your DxDiag.txt
    you need to find an update

    *sighs* i need to stop using touchscreen and predictive text :( sorry for the half sentences and bad English :p
    Last edited: October 29, 2013
  4. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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  5. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Can you try to run DxDiag again? ;)

    Also can you check this topic:
    Threr is few performance fix explained which should work fine for Nvidia hardware.
  6. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    That is a bad sign. How do you expect to run the game if dxdiag doesn't work? Try reformatting.
  7. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Graphics are not integrated, it's a normal desktop PC. Settings are all set to performance.
    I said in the first post that I since that DxDiag I have updated all the drivers. That's not the problem. Trust me.
    I tried those fixes but they unfortunately did not improve the situation in the slightest.
    DxDiag not being able to finish is not that strange. I've found similar issues on the Interwebs and it seems that it often is just a temporary quirk.

    I also uploaded a new DxDiag, but it couldn't finish the System Information. Probably a faulty registry key. Happens to more people it seems. I promise that I'll retry the full DxDiag everytime I post here. Hope it finishes.

    Attached Files:

  8. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Umm, SXX might have better solution.
    What screen resolution is your desktop set to??
    have you tried setting your desktop resolution to 1280x720 and tried playing the game?
    if you haven't please try that and tell me if it helps..

    But if all else fail, please try this mod.
    It doubles FPS @ 1280x720 res on my system, im using a tablet pc with an intel HD 4000 chipset.
    Also remember, the game runs at the desktop resolution, even in fullscreen mode.
    so please try run the game with your desktop set to 1280x720 and tell me if its also running with very low FPS.
  9. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Can you check in-game FPS with and without UI? Toggle it using Ctrl+U and check FPS using Ctrl+P.
    Please post here numbers for comparison.

    Actually GT 530 it's very cheap low end video card, but 11FPS in menu is still really strange.
    maxpowerz likes this.
  10. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Checking the FPS and/or toggling the UI doesn't work, I fear the lag is too great. But the general FPS is about a third of a frame per second.

    The GT530 has been serving me very well, doing a lot of games on high quality without any problems (Skyrim on high was no problem at all).

    Desktop resolution is 1920x1080, but lowering it hasn't changed the FPS. The mod didn't improve it either. I also noticed that the game jumps to about 4FPS in the system editor, which is rather strange.
  11. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Are you still using my shaders?
    if you are, verify your files to restore ubers shaders before conducting other test's or before submitting a bug report,
    SXX may have more options for you to try, if he does make sure you restore uber's shaders so my mod not interfere with anything :)
  12. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    What do you mean "doesn't work"? You can't toggle FPS? You can't toggle UI? There no difference in FPS between them?

    This game is much more depending than Skyrim.

    Also you said this before:
    You mean everything is low?
  13. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Restored the files after I noticed it didn't help. Thanks for your concerns though.
    Toggling doesn't work, as in I can't toggle it. The lag is so heavy that the game won't respond to multi-key input. Single-key is fine though.

    I get this is more demanding than Skyrim, but even on the lowest settings it should at least run right? Even if it's at least 15FPS.

    Also, graphics card settings are set to performance-boosting settings (meaning AA is off, texture quality is low, 3D quality is low, etc...).

    I'm thinking about getting a new graphics card. But I'm gonna wait for the full release of the game to see if the optimization pays off. I hope it does.
  14. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    ok i read your directx file again right to the bottom,
    do you use a PS3 controller an motionjoy ?
    what version of motionjoy are you using? <-- just curious, i use it too, lol

    i removed question in this post about asking if you tried lowering resolution as you stated you already tried :)

    also, the UI lagging doesn't sound right. the UI should run @ about 100-200fps when the starfeild isn't there and still very high when it is there.
    if this happens when the starfeild is in the main menu background i will link to a mod to disable it.
    im hoping that may help.
    Last edited: October 31, 2013
  15. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    I have 0.7.1001 I think (MotionInJoy). Yes I use a PS3 controller.

    Link me that mod. The main menu including the UI is extremely laggy, I'm not sure if it's the starfield or not.

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