Game Status

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by neutrino, October 29, 2013.

  1. radtoo

    radtoo Member

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    Well, I hope you give it a bit more time.

    Probably it'd be best to even avoid defining a "final schedule", just give us some dates which you aim at to deliver some initial version of galactic war, the GUI & controls, modding & self-hosted servers, or such.

    And then simply tell us when you think individual features are near done or done for the release when they are at that stage.


    I think player feedback and participation beyond basic bug reports is becoming more valuable / feasible now that more and more of the features are actually appearing in the game and the engine isn't so very incomplete anymore. Requests and shout-outs about problems can be more specific now, with far less guesstimates how features that don't exist yet will fit in with other features that don't exist yet.

    For that matter, if you're doing a GUI redesign (which obviously is a very good idea), why not show us how you think it might be done? Hand-drawn sketches and mock-ups are entirely okay!

    More communicative interaction with players will presumably also net you some sales on Steam, and less of the negative "it looks to end up being terrible, nothing is done and it seems like nothing is planned to fix it" - attitude, something which will not work out well for the game's sales.
    Perhaps falsely, many people expected to be able to have this kind of a discussion / influence on the game making process in the Alpha already - you can't blame us for that, though, right...?

    (I fully realize you did have some direct and a lot of indirect interaction with the player base by means of hard work using the bug tracker and all that - thanks for that, by the way! - but us getting involved in the game's design on a weekly or even daily base rather than commenting on what you more or less already implemented is what will make us feel really special, eh.).
    Last edited: October 30, 2013
  2. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    bit late comming to this thread, but absolutely brilliant news all round, the number 1 spot on steam, the hiring of more stuff, not shredding eachother over the game which we all love and want it to be amazing right now :D AND the cancellation of C&C lol... that was the biggest cheer for me that... I mean common, really? a C&C thats an MMO? totally just complete pants, why o why would you even do that to a franchise? if only EA would have listened to what people said back in January over sim city, how so different that could have turned out.

    Dont get me wrong, a new C&C is definitely something I would love, but not as an MMO and a free one at that where you have to pay up the ying yang for every single piece of decent concent, winning battles to get points to spend in some g.a.y-a.s.s store for equipment and customization stuff... that tried and failed with the epic flop of end of nations.... RTS games just simply isn't the genre to do THAT crap....

    Then you have the absolute awesomeness of Planetary Annihilation which already is so damn awesome everyone and their grandma wants to play it, and its barely half finished yet lol.... Really looking forward to ANYTHING new to do with Pa at this point neutrino, love the sound of your original post and haven't read anyone else's reply cept on the first page a bit. This game is going to be so awesome i can see it being game of the year and very very hard to beat especially the rubbish of latest RTS games lately, its going to take something significantly special to knock PA of the top spot of the genre. DONT CARE for game delay... I would actually prefer it..... get the game as damn awesome as you can with zero bugs at launch... best thing for absolutely everyone..... HURAYYY!!!! :D
    evolvexxx likes this.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I updated EA studious template:
  4. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    After having boycotted EA for a while, I caved in and bought BF4.
    camycamera, vackillers and tatsujb like this.
  5. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    In Uber we trust.

    It's great to get an reaction, hopefully the people who where panicking will read this and calm down. That bunch of doom thinkers were getting on my nerves.

    Planetary Annihilation for the WIN, C&C down the drain. :p
  6. Maruun

    Maruun Member

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    Thanks for the update :) good to know everything is going rather smoothly and even if you dont meet your announced release date, i personally cant even blame you guys...its still amazing how much you have done in a year. Keep up the good work!

    And i cant wait for the Soundtrack being done with a orchester :p
  7. thesonderval

    thesonderval Member

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    Probably the only thing they could have done quicker was nip that other thread in the bud before it reached it's 12 pages.
  8. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Like i said in that waste of time doomsday thread "they have a coffee machine, whats the worst that can happen" i hate to quote old sayings but too many people judge a game by it cover art. Relax and have fun with the game, it only gets better from here.
  9. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I just read somewhere that EA are not actually cancelling C&C altogether, but they've axed the idea of a F2P RTS, in favour of starting a new one, with the traditional financing model.
  10. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    after C&C being cancelled I guess PA is the only RTS on the market currently being developed (and being a serious game with multiplayer and all)
  11. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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  12. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    This does not bother me in the slightest. I would quite happily wait a bit longer for a better game, as long as you (the developers) can afford it.

    Also, what's with the overwhelmingly negative vibes around here at the moment?
    I'm not a hardcore RTS player, but I've played TA a fair bit, and I have friends who are the same. All of those that I have shown this game to have been like "woah this looks amazing, I can't wait for release, how much is it and when can I get it?"
    I think it's easy to take what a dedicated community says to heart, and forget that there a lot of people out there who will love what you are making as it stands, let alone in 2 months when/if it releases...
    maxpowerz likes this.
  13. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Many of us have been here for a long time and are heavily emotionally invested in ensuring PA is a resounding success. Don't take the negative vibes as a bad thing rather that people are eager to make sure PA is the best it can be.
    dukyduke, maxpowerz, drz1 and 2 others like this.
  14. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    Agreed, people are just emotionally involved which isn't a bad thing. People should probably step back and think before posting. Because the emotions clouds peoples judgment.
    LavaSnake and drz1 like this.
  15. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Fair play, I understand that to a lot of people this is essentially a dream coming true for them (and me, I might add!), but try not to kill Uber with kindness ;)

    Fingers and toes crossed for the glorious realisation of decades worth of ideas...
    LavaSnake likes this.
  16. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    You fooooooooooooool!

    Thought I gotta be honest, TitanFall may be the first game EA is associated with that I buy since Dead Space 1.

    Grimseff likes this.
  17. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    *Forehead slaps himself*
    are you seriously gonna, nahhh your joking (the game looks cool but ..EA.. cmon EA) EA .. ruins everything
    Grimseff likes this.
  18. bytestream

    bytestream Active Member

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    I was interested in Titanfall too, but then I learned about the scam they try to pull on us Europeans with the collectors editions so I decided to put it on my blacklist instead.
  19. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Well I'm not going to buy into it blindly of course, I'll do the research once it comes out and see how it's turned out.

    maxpowerz likes this.
  20. ulciscor

    ulciscor Active Member

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    It's good that you consider delaying the game. IF that happens, we will understand, hell if it needs it we support it. We don't want another Sword of the Stars II, or Rome II for that matter. many letdowns.

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