Game ideas for PA

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by jeppe805, September 30, 2013.

  1. jeppe805

    jeppe805 New Member

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    i got some ideas for PA.
    ps. Sorry for bad english...

    1# A asteroid belt.
    A asteroid belt you can add just like a planet that is in orbit of the sun....

    2# The rings of Saturn.
    The Rings of Saturn you can put them around a planet....

    3# Gas giant
    A new Planet template that you can't land on but you can send a new robot you can sent to a gas gaint and then the robot will suck resources from the gases.

    4# A planet jetmotor.
    you can send a robot to a asteroid (asteroid is from the asteroid belt) then you can make motors on the asteroid and make the asteroid crash into a planet and then the planet will explode and every thing on the planet will be destroyed.

    5# Vote for a planet.
    When you're in a lobby you can vote for 2 different planets that the host haved made but if the host haven't made any planets then it will just pick a random one from the internet.

    Hope it was some good ideas and again sorry for bad english.

    Please feedback and tell me if there is a problem...
  2. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    1.- Great idea, because currently making an asteroid belt one small planet at a time is rather annoying.

    2.- Probably will be added.

    3.- Definitely will be added, was one of the kickstarter goals.

    4.- Already is added, one of the main features of the game. (PLANETary Annihilation)

    5.- Some sort of map voting system would be cool, and probably something like this will be implemented.

    The only one I can see being a mod per say is 2 if uber doesn't implement it. The others seem more like core features that will be or already have been implemented :)
    jeppe805 likes this.
  3. jeppe805

    jeppe805 New Member

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    Wow thank you for that positive comment i appreciate that :D
  4. omniao

    omniao Active Member

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    I also have some game Ideas as well.

    #1 Reverse Halley, like a giant tractor beam to pull in planets.

    #2 More orbital/orbital t2 Giant astrais (Is that how you spell it?)

    #3 This one is highly improbable, but sub-commanders or uber-units like a special bot or a weaker commander that you can build.

    #4 Conventional missles/ weaker nuke variation

    #5 Commander sentinels/guards or a guard command

    # Melee units
  5. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    And, with the current limit of 14 planets, nigh impossible.
  6. fergotten

    fergotten New Member

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    build your own asteroid

    if you can move an asteroid, why not move a planet
    can you crash an asteroid into another asteroid
    instead of crashing astriod move into new orbit
    binary star system
    gas giants

    make the star go nova, nobody wins if everybody dies?
    if nova, oops you fail, now its a black hole
    multiple star systems

    tool tips or hot key
    idle fabricator button, able to que idle fabricators from button
    control multiple armies at once

    mini maps
    mini map for each planet
    turn off on mini maps

    space units
    orbital bombardment
    anti space cannons unit

    i really like the game and want to see it grow into something amazing. you guys are doing a wonderful job

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