
Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by atharol, October 19, 2013.

  1. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Being able to make and break allies is a key RTS because it's a good option. Ok thats fair for FFA, No arguments but set games 2vs2 for example sorry it's a non breaker. But works for FFA and nothing else because for FFA it's awesome
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    keep in mind this is beta and the only reason there is only team armies and not alliance and the option to have breakable alliances on of off yet is that they haven't gotten arounfd to it yet
    Last edited: October 22, 2013
  3. asgo

    asgo Member

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    I think this was a case of both, an idea which came up early on (and the need to test it as a relatively uncommon mode) and also the fastest way to team games (with complete shared control, instead of needing half-shares in terms of intel and team interaction).

    On the issue of diplomacy and alliances, while for certain limited game modes (I'm counting ladder games here ;) ) fixed teams might necessary, the game itself has a scale which allows for a richer type of diplomacy (higher number of players and teams).
    One thing you would need for more temporary and changing alliances would be certain trade offs and actual compromises as game relevant mechanics. Just wanting to join the wining team isn't really enough. For example, I could envision reusing some of the shared control stuff in form of a half-surrender to another team as in join them when you see you are loosing, and allowing them control of your forces, while yourself still playing (kind of one sided sharing in an alliance with stronger and weaker partners). That would give the strong party the motivation to let you join, and yourself as the weaker party the option of not loosing (even if it can't be called a full victory).
    This just as an example idea, the point being, that a more complex diplomacy and shifting alliances only work if there are stages between full enemy and full friend, otherwise this binary state doesn't allow much dynamics (or interest in them).
  4. atharol

    atharol Member

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    This is prob the 3th time i type this.. Forget ladder games completely the suggestion of the diplomacy i'm thinking about is an "optional gamesetting in single player/multiplayer mode". Its like playing playing counterstrike with gravity on;) , Theres no way it will be an esport kinda thing. Also you dont share resourses control or even vision with they you have sent an non aggretion pact to. The type of diplomacy that i'm suggestion is somthing like Empire Earth 2.Lets say 40 players are playing on the same game and everyone are starting on diffrent planets (to make it easy), If you send an request to a neigbor telling him that you would like to be his ally,
    he confirme that request and you are now allys, Still you have no intel ware he might be unless you for example send a new request asking him to share intel with you. and bang now you can c all his units and he can c yours.
    The fun part of this is who can you trust:eek:?, Because in the end there are no shared victory only 1 can win;).
    Diplomacy options i'm thinking about are somthing like:
    *non aggression pact, ( You cannot attack people you have a non aggresion pact with.)
    *Share Intel, (Share vision of units/Buildings with someone else)
    *Declare War (Declare war on somone you have a non aggresion pact with)
    And stuff like that. :rolleyes:
    agrazell likes this.
  5. agrazell

    agrazell New Member

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    Sounds like a great idea to have in this game. We just have to wait and see what happens next,
  6. atharol

    atharol Member

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    Yeah i guess :)

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