Disabeling certain items.

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by wolfgangs, October 21, 2013.


Feel like the game should have this.

Poll closed April 21, 2014.
  1. Good Idea, I Want it.

  2. Good Idea

  3. Not bothered.

  4. Bad idea

  5. Bad idea, deffinately shouldnt happen.

  1. wolfgangs

    wolfgangs New Member

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    This is a feature I came to wanting because the ai is buggy, however its one that I think should be allowed anyway. It is also basically just a straight up copy of a feature in supreme commander, and I hope that isn't a problem.

    In short, disabling certain units or other items in game.

    For instance, players want a game without nukes. yes they could agree to not use them,but if they want to play with ai as well then that's not possible.
    Also in multiplayer, you don't really know who your playing against sometimes so even if they say no aircraft, they may suddenly attack you with an air force that blots out the sun.
    Its a simple device that allows the creation of hundred of different styles of play.

    Water planet and Naval only.
    Maybe even a game mode where the only weapon you have are asteroids and other planets.

    Maybe only nukes.

    Its a feature that i have found enjoyable in countless games, Call of Duty : UO was one of my most played games. I spent allot of time on rifle only servers, or melee only, pistols only, tanks only, etc. It's a fairly basic feature that can massively widen the breadth of a game.

    Anyway that was my 2 cents.
  2. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    In all likelyhood this will be implemented in the final retail game... If not I'm hoping that a mod will be able to do just that like the various game options that were allowed in SupCom.
  3. wolfgangs

    wolfgangs New Member

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    Mod is actually something I was thinking.

    Seeing as people can mod the UI atm, you could create the basic functionality for player vs player games simply by modding out a UI button.

    But player vs AI would be another issue.

    The Ai would have to be aware of the fact its not allowed. Else it would/might just sit there and keep trying to build it.
  4. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    I'm thinking its just a matter of writing a script to disable or rem out a line in the unit/options code in a check box, then un-rems it back again when you un-check it, think that is how it worked on supcom but not sure though, not really a coder myself, I can go in and mess around with .ini files and java just fine but thats as far as my intelligence and know how goes lol
  5. wolfgangs

    wolfgangs New Member

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    It would really depend on how the AI is coded. So I cant say anything for sure, If it very specific and likes to build things in certain ways then you might get problems,but if its more generic and places items it knows exist when it thinks it needs them, then simply don't let it know the item exits. Of course there are other approaches as well.
  6. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    The only reason I'd vote against this is to prevent splintering of the game - if, for example, an unpopular "overpowered feature is effectively removed by the community, instead of there being balance fixes to it.
  7. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    As long as there is a single "ladder", the OP features will get fixed.
    I like this. Cause then you can have goofing off games doing 4v4 instead of just hardcore ranked ladder matches.
  8. wolfgangs

    wolfgangs New Member

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    Yeh, goofing about is one of the main reasons i like this feature. As i said in my OP, I played allot of pistol only games on cod:uo and nobody takes that seriously. XD
  9. drgonzoz

    drgonzoz New Member

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    If this would be implemented I'd prefer the way it was done in Total Annihilation where you could set exact numbers of how many versions of each building/unit were allowed to be built.
  10. EternityCoder

    EternityCoder New Member

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    Honestly, I'm not sure why you would want to do this. All you really accomplish is reducing the strategic depth of the game.
  11. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    Yeh the way TA did it was pretty good...just a slider going from unlimited to zero for each building and unit...might need to catergorize it a bit better the TA did though...particulary when the units/building start getting into the hundreds of types. Also a save function to save your profile would be good :)
  12. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    Its just always nice to have options, I used to love playing games in SupCom where I disabled air units and naval units because I just simply wanted an absolutely epic tank fest, absolutely masive ground battles which stuff exploding all over the place, sometimes i just find if you have everything in, all the action gets half'd out between air/land and sea and kind of miss the epicness you can get when everyone is just focused on one thing. Thats how I feel about it... I used to disable nukes in supcom as well when on a lan with my friends because the AI will just absolutely nuke the living sh!t outta you untill you simply cannot build enough anti-nukes fast enough lol, THATS fun for the first couple of times... then it just becomes LAME!! after the 10th or 12th match of the same sh!t....
  13. skywalkerpl

    skywalkerpl Member

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    It's definitely a must-have if mega-robots are going to be implemented.
  14. jackonorm

    jackonorm New Member

    Likes Received:
    Stopped reading right about there.

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