Orbital Laser Platform buff?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by ViolentMind, October 19, 2013.

  1. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    So, I just finished a 2v2 in which we were smashing our opponents off of the main planet pretty handily. We had advanced orbital radar, and tons of orbital fighters flying about ready to kill. We were hunting down the enemy Coms, which we had visuals on. They were flying one Com around in an Astraeus, so our orbital fighters could not target him (annoying), then landed him by their second one. Our ground forces were en route, and were about 60 seconds from blowing them away, when we hear 1 of our Coms go down! We couldn't see anything in orbit, even though we had 2 advanced orbital radars up near there. We didn't have an umbrella up at the time, but we had our 2nd Com on patrol, to keep him moving, which normally kept him safe from an orbital laser attack. Then, without being able to see anything....Boom! Our second Com goes down seconds after our first! After the surprise loss, we saw the orbital laser platform sitting above our 2nd dead Com!

    So, 3 things seemed to have changed in the latest round of patches...
    #1 - Orbital Laser Platforms move a heck of a lot quicker from target to target than they used to
    #2 - Orbital Laser Platforms target and fire on moving targets much better (so moving doesn't protect you)
    #3 - Orbital Laser Platforms can evade detection from advanced orbital radar

    Can anyone confirm any of this? Or is there a glitch with the orbital laser platform now that makes it overpowered?
  2. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    The question is, if you had the ground based radar that detects orbital units? You can no longer see orbital units by default. I have no idea about the buff. It seems that a lot of things were added in this patch, either by accident or on purpose, that we haven't been told about.
  3. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    Does that mean that we need that new ground based orbital radar for the Umbrella to be able to target orbital now? Does it makes sense that we would need a ground based radar unit to see enemy orbital units, and an orbital radar (that is sitting right next to enemy orbital units in the same layer) cannot see them? That seems like a weird choice. Shouldn't all orbital units have a certain area of vision, like ground units?
  4. gedomaru

    gedomaru New Member

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    Just a question... can you see a satelite from the streets, with your eyes? So basicly i think it is ok, but i think an upgradble radar to detect orbital units too, would do a better job (just my opinion).

  5. ViolentMind

    ViolentMind Active Member

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    Not sure what you are referring to with your question? Do you mean to suggest that you need some sort of radar to see orbital? If so, that goes without saying. What I was referring to was basically, should it be ground based? I can see the value in a ground based option, but should that ground based orbital radar be the ONLY option to see orbital units? I would think that you would have some orbital options as well. Also, shouldn't orbital fighters/radar/laser platforms be able to see the enemy orbital units that are right next to them?
    Last edited: October 21, 2013
    corteks likes this.

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