Please Help Stopping Assassins

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Cobalt Dynex, January 4, 2011.

  1. Cobalt Dynex

    Cobalt Dynex New Member

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    Im a decent mnc player but against assassins I have the hardest time. I make it my life goal to kill every assassin I see off on the horizon because no one likes them.

    I just went 17-8-7
    and all but one death was from an assassin and it was after and assassin grappled me from the front and a gunner finished me off.

    when they get me from the front I win 9/10 times but its when they sneak up from behind I cant stand it.

    I can never hear the buzz of there cloak in the heat of battle (even with my turtlebeaches) and i feel so cheated when they kill me.
    please help. I usually play as an assault and sometimes a support. thanks.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am able to deal with Assassins with music on and my game volume turned down.
  3. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    I have a Turtle Beach and I never have a problem hearing an assassin, unless there is a tremendous amount of action in the immediate area. I only have a problem with "good assassins"...the ones who are actually stealthy and consistently attack from behind.

    I agree though, I consistently target those annoying buggers with my Assault or Gunner.
  4. StormedCorpse

    StormedCorpse New Member

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    Level 3 charge should kill them unless they have level 3 armour isn't it?
  5. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    You're going to get killed by somebody. I play support. Not the most agile class, and I love playing against assassins. I dont know how you cant hear them coming. Some of the better 'sins will shut their cloak off so you cant hear them, but they're rare.

    If you're playing assault, you should be able to stay out of grapple range.

    Keep your head on a swivel, and turn your volume up.
  6. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    If you know there's an assassin in the area, bunny hop and hover as much as you can with your Assault while spraying the area where you think you see her blurred cloak. Once she's exposed, relentlessly chase her down: you're mostly on par with her on mobility so unless she's really crafty she usually won't get away.

    If you're playing Support and you know there's one around pull out your shotgun immediately. Yes, this basically says "I know you're there" and makes them more cautious in their approach, making them harder to find and kill, but it at least buys you some time while they go out of their way to get behind you. When healing a Pro who's pushing a lane, move left, right, everywhere, bunny hopping all the way. Make it difficult for them to even think of grappling you.
  7. Organous

    Organous Member

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    The ability to hear the cloak is not the end-all, be-all of Assassin defense. She has no reason to cloak if nobody can see her, anyway. If she has cover or she's behind her target (as long as other threats to her safety can't see her, either), she can remain visible. The best way to stop an Assassin is to be one. Know her best hiding spots and watch for the evidence of her presence.
  8. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Your thread title should be "Please Help Stopping Snipers" by far, BY FAR it is easier to kill an Assassin than it is Sniper. Snipers are more annoying than Assassins. Assassins will come right up to you.. if you can't kill them it's your own fault.. Sniper on the other hand, you have to go out of your way to kill.
  9. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Just jump constantly, seems to work.
  10. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    The key is to just be aware of your surroundings. Any class can get the jump on you, not just the assassin, if you're not paying attention.

    Also, one thing to keep an eye out for is the dust trail. A dashing assassin leaves little poofs of dust when she runs, so you can see one coming far before you would hear it. If you see/hear an assassin in your area of the map, it's best to assume she's coming for you.
  11. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Anti Assassin Class


    Gold: Armour
    Silver: Clip size
    Bronze: Health regen

    Works for me.
  12. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Everything about that build screams sloooooooow.
  13. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    Most of these tips have already been mentioned but I like hearing my own voice (reading my own words I guess) so:

    Before you are engaged

    - Listen for assassins as much as you can.

    - Practice paying attention to your peripheral vision for movement where there shouldn't be.

    - Start noting different hiding places assassins come at you from and prepare each time you run by one as if there is an assassin waiting.

    - Stick near turrets or attentive teammates. Most assassins will stop coming after you again and again if they also die every time they grapple you.

    - Don't stand where you are pinned in by bots or teammates. Keep your mobility high.

    Once Engaged or When you spot an assassin

    - Jump. Hopping or using the assault hover will really improve your life expectancy.

    - Shoot the blur. Even if you only barely hit them, they will be lit up in your screen for a short time making you better able to deal with them.

    - Out Range and dodge. Most assassins will come after you with grapples and melee. Focus on staying out of their range as much as on trying to shoot them. Make sure to dodge left or right to avoid their lunge. If they try to shuriken you, get out of the way of those comparatively slow projectiles.

    - You can grapple too. Both the assault and support have grapples of their own (granted I find the assault has way better tools in his arsenal vs assassins). If you get jammed up on an assassin, grapple them first. This will do some damage giving you the chance to get off a lucky shotgun blast to finish them, allow your teammates to notice and come help out, or even just while chasing them they tend to have a far less chance of their grapple hitting you from behind.

    - Save your assault charge. If the assassin is worth their salt, they will grapple you mid charge so when you come out, your skill is still on cooldown and you lost half your health. Save it for pursuing, escaping, or if you know they are panicking and won't reflexively grapple quick enough.

    I tend to play assault these days more than support and once you get used to it, all but the best assassins become free kills. My favorite little maneuvers when fighting assassins are:

    - Hover backpedal. Again, any decent assassin will never let this kill them but a lot of determined little buggers will keep chasing you even if you jump, hover, and backpedal while filling their face with assault rifle fire.

    - Hover over air. This one can get risky but it has saved my life plenty after being taken into the red. Pay attention to how much flight you have and hover over thin air or even somewhere that you and your opponent are fighting on the second floor and you hover out where you will drop down to safety when your flight runs out. Most assassins will hesitate, then run for safety. Shoot them while they hesitate, then pursue and shoot as they run away. Occassionally you also get the idiots who lunge off without thinking and thats just fun.

    - Drag them over the bomb. This one is honestly my favorite as it works on even some of the better assassins i've played. When coming after assaults a good player looks to see where the assaults bomb is waiting or where they see it thrown during a fight to avoid it. However most of the time that a bomb is thrown wide during a fight, they assume you made a bad throw. So when you are hovering and hopping, throw a bomb somewhere you can plan to retreat across but isn't necessarily near the fight. Fight and dodge a second or two more, then run across the bomb back towards your retreat and most folks will assume you are fleeing scared and pursue you. Set the bomb off at the right time and even if it doesn't kill them outright or ring them out, it will put a decent hurt on them and make them very visible for you or a teammate to finish them off.
  14. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Assassins are the easiest to kill.. by any class.. if you can't kill more assassins than them killing you.. your doing something VERY wrong.
  15. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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    Come stand next to me, assassins are cake.
  16. GhostRain

    GhostRain New Member

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    The point IS to stab you in the back...
  17. Evil Panda666

    Evil Panda666 New Member

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    Well idk about you guys but assassins to me arent really a's more like a "oh sweet thanks for the free $25" type of thing Maybe it's because I play assassin so much so I know all the tricks lol
  18. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    Why heal it when you dont have to feel it?
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    arent you normally a tank? my guess is also gold armor?

    it takes like 2 assassinations or more to kill you. intel check, anyone here knows how many dagger assassinations from the front a gold armor tank can survive?
  20. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    LOL!! Kudos to you.

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