Is the Sniper's grapple miss/overused?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Flawed, January 14, 2011.

  1. Flawed

    Flawed New Member

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    Now, I don't know the first thing about playing snipers. I'm not trying to criticize anyone's skill level or play style I'm just trying to understand something...

    I play an assassin. There are been QUITE A FEW times, when I've been totally helpless in an ice trap, only to have the sniper run up and grapple me all the way across the level to safety. I've also manage to grapple a few first as they ran in and kill them instead. In other words snipers are letting me off easy, when I feel I should be dead.

    Are these people just miss aiming their grapple or should they be shooting me instead

    or... maybe all they're trying to do is knock me away from them idk
  2. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I'm sure they thought they had you on their screen.

    Lag can be a funny thing.

    I typically throw flak out and use my SMG. Least I'll get is an assist.
  3. Ellamin

    Ellamin New Member

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    Usually i'll only run up to a trapped enemy if I know i'll be able to get a ring-out from throwing them (Unless it's against a class I know I won't be able to get near without dying, such as tanks and gunners). Otherwise i'll just kill them normally.
  4. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    You're playing against bad Snipers, a good one wouldn't get close to a trapped Assassin to grapple, he would just headshot you, or if you're pressing RS to avoid a headshot he'd throw a flak and use his SMG.
  5. Flawed

    Flawed New Member

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    That's what I was thinking, but I thought I'd ask. It's always good to know what other classes are trying to accomplish against you.
  6. xPEx Noscope

    xPEx Noscope New Member

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    Well I wouldn't advise a sniper trying to grapple a stationary rogue at all...... A nice quick headshot or two body shots usually does the trick.

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