After playing for a while yesterday I feel like controlling, viewing and generally interacting with orbital units seems kinda clunky. should there be some sort of toggleable orbital view so you can decide to switch between orbital and non-orbital units?
Yeah, I think what is needed is an extra layer over the planet, specifically for orbital units. So planet view > orbital view > celestial view. Don't know if they have planned such a thing though.
Yeah, this would be a nice improvement. I had a similar idea, here. In short it's a button so you can highlight orbital and ignore ground units. In my eyes is the current orbital broken/incomplete. Uber will probably fix/finish it as beta goes on. PS. I don't know if you have noticed but you made a grammer mistake in the titel.
@penisevny Please take a look here: I've detailed out having an actual full strategic zoom. Not just on the planet, but to the entire Celestial View in 3D. Post #18 shows that at some point, we have - Ground only. - Ground and orbital. - Orbitals only. That way, it's integrated into part of your display. You don't want to have a satellite zoom in front of your commander right at a critical moment when you are microing him. This allows you to just zoom out a bit to only see orbital and select it. And then zoom back a touch if you want to see both, so you can target your Satellite laser on the enemy. Perks: This should help reduce unit processing/render load. Maybe? I don't know, I don't really program...
oh **** ghost youre right god damn it i always make mistakes like that, just like in my name...(speaking of which does anyone know how to change that?) i like the sketch ups culverin, i hope uber will get on this in a coming patch.
Do a search before posting. This has been talked about before. Uber has stated it needs work and they are working on it.
And to the poster before brian - please respond to my PMs. We need to have a chat about Uber appropriate user names.