Onlive Release Maybe?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Gothalion, January 14, 2011.

  1. Gothalion

    Gothalion New Member

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    I may get boo'ed and hissed at... but theres a relatively quickly growing Onlive Community and I could see MNC selling pretty well on the platform. And with the nature of Onlive, the whole jump in and go feel of MNC is a nice fit.

    I dont know if anyone here uses the Onlive service, but for me its nice to hop on, look at my friends list and see what people are doing ingame at that moment. Itd be cool to look in at someone and say "oh PLAYER X is playing MNC and theres an empty spot on thier team", load up MNC in like a second (<3 Onlive), and jump in the game quick.

    So, Im braced for a resounding "NOPE" but a guy can hope.... any plans or possibility to bring Monday Night Combat to the Onlive Platform?
  2. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    I thought steam already did that. The only other thing is the lag you get while playing. Especially since this game uses the computer you play on as a server. Internet would have to become drastically better in order to accomodate a best possible gameplay experience.

    But I'm not sure what the plan of UE is. They'll have to say the no to this question, because you're expecting it.
  3. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    cannot understand the appeal of latencylive.
  4. velo

    velo New Member

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    OnLive is not really something that appeals to the average PC gamer, but it would be a nice way to get some more of the 360 users playing with us. Only problem would be the custom map thing; not sure how the OnLive server farms handle custom content.
  5. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    Onlive lets you play on a Netbook. :mrgreen:
  6. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Online lag plus onlive lag = not too nice, if the game was to appear over the onlive system I think it should be limited to LAN games, playing only onlive customers to make lag near invisible, then you just have to worry about the image coming to your pc.

    I live in the uk and the ping time for onlive is about 100ms where I live, fully playable for not for online gaming, most likely better if you live in america.
  7. velo

    velo New Member

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    Not unless you live near the server farms :p
    I live in the northwest region of the United States.

    I tried the demo and it was pretty bad. The input lag was quite off-putting in most games (especially first-person shooters), and the picture looked like a blurry mess except when the image was perfectly still. This is with a 20 Megabit connection, of which the service only uses about 30%.

    It may not be for me, but there are people who seem to like the service.
  8. Gothalion

    Gothalion New Member

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    Ill let you know, I play on Onlive regularly... I play FPS games using both gamepad and mouse/keyboard. There is ZERO noticeable input lag for me. I have a fiber connection though.

    Video quality is constantly improving as they improve the service.

    If you have a garbage connection... its not for you. Also onlive is its own console. Onlive players would only play with other Onlive players. So net game latency is not an issue, as most of the games would be running from within the same server cluster. Ya dig?. I play unreal tournament and borderlands Online on Onlive... and it feels the same as playing it on Xbox or PC to me. Seriously, skeptics need to try it out and give it a chance.. or get better internet.

    to add to that, I usually run 20ms or under from my home to the Onlive server.

    Ping is more Important that Bandwidth for Onlive really. It will really decide the quality of your experience.

    I live in Florida and the Cluster I play on is in Texas.
  9. velo

    velo New Member

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    Uh oh, someone has gone and drank the Kool-Aid :p

    You're probably just less discerning.

    I would hope so, as it looks like complete garbage. UT3 looked maybe on par with the lowest settings on PC. On average it's not even on par with my 360, much less what I get out of my PC. Ping is completely irrelevant here, by the way.

    I saw an interview with an x264 developer regarding OnLive's "miracle" video codec prior to its release, and he called bull**** before even seeing it. Unsurprisingly, he was right. You can only do so much with 750KB/s (i metered it, and this was the most OnLive ever consumed.)

    That's not even the issue.

    The issue is that there aren't enough clusters to give a decent experience to people in most locations, regardless of if they have "fiber" or not. What creates latency on broadband connections is not the end ISP-to-customer stretch, but the VAST stretch of infrastructure in between the server and the client that packets travel along after leaving your "neighborhood." All broadband runs along that fiber.. yes, even "cable" internet (only the short, final stretch from the ISP to customer is copper.)

    This isn't going to be remedied anytime soon. OnLive would likely have to parter up with ISPs and put clusters in every major city.

    Pretty much impossible with current U.S. infrastructure.
  10. Gothalion

    Gothalion New Member

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    this wasnt a discussion on the capabilities of the service.

    It was on the possibility of MNC hitting it. Internet **** bags are **** bags tho.
  11. Emerson

    Emerson New Member

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    Yup. A simple question gets irrelevant replies and the typical, "But Steam already does that, it's the best thing to ever happen to mankind," slams.

    OnLive offers something unique, and some people like the ability to play demanding games on weak or portable hardware. There is no reason to bash the service when the OP posed a yes/no question to Uber.
  12. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Jesus, that's worse than the average DVD rip, and most of those look like ***. :shock:
  13. Emerson

    Emerson New Member

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    I've played Assasin's Creed 2 on OnLive, and it looks fine. I did not experience any significant input latency. I suggest that those critical of the service try it. For netbook and non-gaming notebook use, it is a solid product.
  14. pickled_heretic

    pickled_heretic New Member

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    what exactly does this 'onlive' do that steam doesn't?
  15. Emerson

    Emerson New Member

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    OnLive renders the game on their servers, and then sends the video feed to you. Your computer only handles the video decompression and control input. It's a neat service for people who lack the hardware to run contemporary games. The input lag, the most obvious potential flaw, is insignificant (you will not notice it unless you focus on it).

    Another neat feature of OnLive is the ability to watch other people play, live, and have your friends watch you. People who choose to make their streams public can be observed in-game at any time. It's a fun way to see how others play, and it's really slick.

    OnLive also offers game rentals, so you can play a game for 3, 5, or 7 days (depending on the publisher) for a low fee. Given that many singleplayer titles are short, the rentals are a welcome option.

    My major complaint with the service is the quality of the graphics and the resolution of the video feed. If you have a solid gaming PC, you will be underwhelmed, and should go the traditional route for games to get those high resolutions and super-crisp textures.
  16. velo

    velo New Member

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    If it works for you, great..but it's completely possible to dislike the service for what it is. Critics don't have to fall into the categories "haven't tried it" and/or "bad internet."

    Most of the people who have sub-par experiences with OnLive simply aren't close enough to the server farms (distracting lag) and/or are not content with the video quality offered.

    Sorry for derailing the topic..I won't post on this anymore :p
  17. Helter Skelter

    Helter Skelter New Member

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    That's 750 kilobytes, not kilobits. Big difference. Works out to about 6Mbit.

    It's neat technology, but I was less than impressed with the service itself.
  18. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    That'll teach me to read.

    That being said, the quality offered by Onlive still looks much less than you'd expect for that kind of bitrate, and it looks even worse on any faster paced games.
  19. Gothalion

    Gothalion New Member

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    Onlive is and never was meant to be a replacement for good rig PC gaming. Its meant as a casual replacement for those of us without decent machines, or those of us that dont want to have to upgrade hardware.

    Its not even full HD yet. 1080p is coming the first half of 2011. I know alot of PC snobs will say, "thats behind the times"... but you have to think about what the tech is really doing and how theyve been actively improving since launch. Quality has increased vastly since june, and will so so before this june. Onlive is being packaged into Vizio TVs and Bluray Players. Onlive is being integrated into cable set-top boxes into 2011... I know they have partnerships with a few major cable providers.

    So is onlive THE BEST GRAPHICAL EXPERIENCE?! No. Its not. But I feel like the market is straying more from the view of graphics are end all be all and more towards convenience. I was playing Borderlands on Onlive on my TV through my Microconsole *that I got for FREE for being a founding member... never seen any company do that*... then went to lay in bed with my wife and picked my session back up on my netbook. Borderlands on a netbook. OK? Id like to see that run locally on a netbook at over 4fps. Good luck on that. Yes it has occassional Bleeding and its not as crisp as a local game, but I promise in the next year it will get really friggin close. Keep your eyes on Onlive, theyre making alot of smart moves. Huge moves and partnerships.
  20. Pluberus

    Pluberus New Member

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    ^ Excellent post. I don't see why people are getting so up tight over the possibility of MNC on Onlive. It doesn't effect them lol. More choices/convenience = More customers.

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