Some much needed Improvements / Bugs

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by leevo7, October 14, 2013.

  1. leevo7

    leevo7 New Member

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    Hey guys been playing PA for a few days now and as a regular RTS player of many different games I have noticed some issues which really should be Improved.
    Dot Point.

    * Game needs a Mini-Map which is localized to the Plant you are "visiting".
    * When opening up the "system" map should be able to just mouse click on the planet.
    Double click takes you to outer planet map.
    Single click gives a real time description of the planet eg Total metal deposits, water %, land %, Gravity.
    * Hitting "space Bar" takes you to the area where the "attacked beeper" is altering you too.
    * Commander should have a binded key to him like F1.
    * On the "Planet map" your base area/Defence attack range should account on the Planet Map so you know the zone of which you control / If satellites are active or radars active you can also see the enemies are of controlled zone.
    * Not enough Metal deposits on majority of maps and a lot of deposits become unable to use because the terrain stuffs them up. (even had deposits which look find to build on but unable to use).
    * Players should be able to shoot units over to over plants to attack players building on the other planets enabling planetary warfare.
    * When building "systems" more than one planet should be able to be the "starting planet" (maybe only when its 2v2 or higher to allow more strategic game-play and a more epic experience.
    * Units should be shooting lasers, no much missiles and little bubble bullets which miss half the time, more variety and more color please!

    ::::::::: I just find since this game is on a epic scale Navigation of the game is fairly poor :::::::::

    * When being disconnected and reconnecting to a game if you have more than one game you are able to reconnect to you can only reconnect to the FIRST game on which you where disconnect from.
    * When orbiting to another planet 40% of the time (which I find are on maps made by other players) the craft carrying the unit gets "lost" and flys in circles trying to land on the planet, The craft is unresponsive.
    * When reconnecting to a game enemies and allies are not see-able (varies from what you can see, I played half a reconnected game not being able to see half my build base, units, commanders etc).
    * When starting a game trying to select starting zones on different planets besides the chosen starting planet lets you do so, but when doing so you start where you ally picked and the commander is stuck in the ground and becomes uncontrollable.

    That's it for now ill keep my eyes peeled please give suggestions / input :)
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    There is a bug tracker. Look at sticky threads atop of beta section of forums.

    Also, half those ideas are confirmed as coming soon. Mainly, the unit cannon although don't know how it will function, the ui improvements...

    And some you mention are in. Commander has hotkey, check sticky in beta section of forum. I however request the devs to make a hotkey to list hotkeys ingame. Im considering making a mod of it. I like the space bar idea moving map to alert area. I think the minimap will end up being multiple windows when that feature is added. I do request devs to put a default set of zoomed out mini windows to give the technologically clueless a minimap.
  3. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Welcome to the forums!!! :)
    I know it's a lot of information to take it.

    Wow, we get 2 new threads a day asking for this!
    How did you alpha boys deal with it? :p

    We've been talking about this one to death. It is both a highly discussed and debated topic.
    Please add your voice to the discussion here:

    I have tried to create something similar, a "planet key" in my GUI mock up.

    You mentioned planet composition data "Total metal deposits, water %, land %, Gravity."
    I am very interested to hear what else you have to say about this!
    It's the first time I have seen somebody comment on data which could make a difference in choosing which planet to expand to next.

    I am currently trying to track and compile all the GUI suggestions in 1 spot.

    I have added this to to the tracker:
    [SUGGESTION] Planet Key ~ 1-click jump to planet. (Ordered from Sun-to-outer planets.)
    [SUGGESTION] Planet Key ~ Planet composition on mouse-over. (# of Metal spots, Diameter, Water %, Land %)

    I hope that covers what you suggested?

    Good call. I totally forgot to add those into the tracker!
    [SUGGESTION] Link to select "X-Unit" under attack.
    [SUGGESTION] Link to jump "Current Window" to notified area. (Do not select unit, do not track)
    [SUGGESTION] Link to "New Window", jump camera to notified area. (Do not select unit, do not track)

    Commander hotkey is "C".

    Here are the rest of the shortcuts.

    Can you elaborate on this?
    I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say.

    Yep, everybody knows. The will be working on improving the UI soon.
    Check the current list and make suggestions here!

    I hope that helped you out :cool:
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    please use search more. read all four pages of each <-this one is the main page read all three pages

    honestly minimaps need to go die in a sun's fire. we didn't take two steps forward with supcom to take two back with PA.

    Other solutions people! there exists other solutions! I don't have all the answers but guess what else?? Starcraft II certainly doesn't either!
    Last edited: October 15, 2013
  5. Neumeusis

    Neumeusis Active Member

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    These are fresh suggestions.
    Nice to see that someone can have nice ideas !
    (well, the "Space Bar" existed already in TA and was pretty useful, but i'm not sure it could work fine on numerous planets)
    (and the lasers has been covered too, but i wanted to keep it nonetheless).
  6. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    No. StarCraft II doesn't have all the solutions.
    But neither did FA had some weaknesses StarCraft 2 did right (production viewer in replays).
    Some solutions will be found in 3D modelling software for industry use. I'm hoping to find somebody else here who has insight to that.

    You can't just match and copy the old.
    If only we can take the best of the best from everywhere :)
    None of us is as smart as all of us :cool:
  7. leevo7

    leevo7 New Member

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    sorry about the delay. sorry Culverin are you on the development team or just a crazy fanatic, just the way you replied i couldn't help but to ask.

    What i mean by the "Controlled zone" best way i can think of to explain this is, when you build defences if you click on them it will highlight the area that they can shoot I call this a "controlled zone" because if anything enters it they will be besieged by your defenses. I think it can be of great use for players of all kinds if this could be displayed on the "planet map" in the distinct color you are playing and satellites/ radars are able to detect these zones which would allow players to know how close enemy defenses are to them and if they are getting closer.

    What I Mean by the Metal deposits, water % etc. when choosing a planet to vogue to the player might want to create a powerful navy so a planet with a lot of water would be perfect for them, or if you hate navy more land mass, or if you want hills/mountains etc. quick statistics will allow players to make "good judgment calls"
    I think this is important because maybe sometime in the future they can make water, land, gravity, hills/mountains more of a strategic point in the game.

    Like I said I am very new to this game. I did read in a lot of the forums 1,2,3 pages didn't see anything.

    Some quick ideas.
    * Unit levels by kills
    * Hills/ mountains increase the range of which defenses can shoot (very strategic :]).
    * Gravity could play a part perhaps some vehicles eg. Tank move slower and turn slower, compared to bots. (At the moment most units don't really have a selling point).
  8. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    leevo7 terms of footwork on the forums, you'll find it's everyday users that put in the most of it.

    Last edited: October 15, 2013
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  9. neapolitanfrenchfrie

    neapolitanfrenchfrie Well-Known Member

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    From what I remember in messing around in Maya the controls are basically the same as what is in PA now. I may be wrong though.
  10. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Do a freaking search before posting. Much of what you've brought up has been talked about before on the forums. And some of it is already in the game or is in the confirmed features list.

    Beta is beta. There's much to be improved.

    There is a key bind to get to the commander. If I remember correctly, it's C.

    They're working on overhauling the notification system. And, spacebar is already bound to freecam mode.


    screw it. I was going to go over all of your points. But they're already talked about a lot on the forums.

    Just do a search.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Unit veterancy has been discussed. Most dislike it. I wouldn't mind a single unit of some type gets it as a perk as long as its balanced so you need masses of the unit at first to get anything done but it starts to snowball a little not overpowered but a little.

    Hey, not sure if it was in your gui suggestion list, but i mentioned ingame hotkey to list all hotkeys, maybe even an option menu button.
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    nnnoooooooooope. lots of differences.
  13. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    @leevo7 , I am not on the dev team.
    Game design is really, really hard.
    I'm not even remotely qualified for it.

    I am really passionate about Human/Machine interface.
    More specifically, unlocking its potential.
    It's an area of tech I follow.

    Oh, that control zone zone idea might be in the upcoming "area commands".
    And the unit levels/kills. We refer to that as unit veterancy and announced not to be in the game.
  14. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Kill count on units would be amazing :D
    I used to be in the unit veterancy camp.
    But I have realized that it takes away from too much from the overall strategic

    I have this logged down. Does that suffice?
    [SUGGESTION] Fully rebindable keys.
    [SUGGESTION] Key bindings can be accessed/changed in Options Menu.
    [SUGGESTION] Key bindings are stored in a file to share and load.
    [SUGGESTION] All units/buildings to have keyboard shortcut.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Yeah i didn't think about a keybind settings menu, that would obviously tell you the hotkeys too. I guess i was just thinking more soon, and as it would be nice to have that soon, i still doubt it will come till release.

    This is the third time betrayed by search parameters. I didn't think to look for key bind instead of hotkey.
  16. foaminiancult

    foaminiancult New Member

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    hi, im new, just got the game today and love it so far. one bug i'd like to report that has stood out to me the most is when i hit escape to go to the time controller to pause the game, if i hit escape too many times (i mainly will do this because sometimes it doesn't seem to respond to the first time i hit escape) the game im in the middle of will close. kind of annoying when im doing pretty great or if im wanting to use the time thing to re-look at an awesome battle.
    sorry if this bug has already been reported but i did't read anything in the forums on this so i thought i might bring it up just in case someone hasn't :)
  17. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Report bugs on the tracker ^

    Otherwise they'll get lost on here.
    foaminiancult likes this.

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