S.Move? How move!?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by liltbrockie, October 14, 2013.

  1. liltbrockie

    liltbrockie Active Member

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    Why is it so difficult to move the commander between planets!
    Can someone give me a guide please.
    What is S.Move?
    Do I select the Asteaeus and then right click the planet? Do i left click? do i use move? Do i use S.move? what is s.move? do i need to be in the galaxy view? does it matters what view ?
    shootall likes this.
  2. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    As far as I can tell, S-Move is "special move", which for the Astreus means planet hopping. I don't know if that command will be implemented for other units, such as sub diving, but we'll see. In the meantime, this will work for planet hopping;

    1. Select your Astreus. I highly, highly recommend hotkeying it with control + (number).
    2. With it selected, order it to pick up your commander or fab.
    3. Go to galaxy view and go to the planet you want.
    4. Click S-Move and then click the target area on the planet.
    5. Unload once it arrives.

    Trajectories do still take a while, though. Hope that helps.
    shootall and liltbrockie like this.
  3. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Hopefully this gets refined.

    1. Select commander.
    2. Click move (on other planet)
    3. Select Astreus
    4. Assist commander
    Having to micro my dropships is why I stopped playing Terran.
  4. lauri0

    lauri0 Member

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    Many people started playing terran because of that :D
    But oh well, people are different.
  5. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    I *think* it stands for surface move, as you can move from planet to planet with regular move, but you will stay in orbit until you either unload or s-move.

    To move any orbital unit between planets, select it, zoom in a bit on the planet you want to go to then right-click. Then with the Astraeus you may want to queue up an s-move then an unload, or not depending on the situation.
  6. rkfg

    rkfg Member

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    Hmm, I though it's stellar or space move. Though it's not necessary now, in the first beta release you couldn't send the Astraeus just right clicking the surface of another planet IIRC, you should use S.Move and then left click the surface. Maybe I'm wrong but it was a while until I've figured it out. And in some of next builds it was fixed so you can use the regular right click now.
  7. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    S. move tells the unit to move from orbital layer to ground layer and vice-versa. Once it's in orbit, it can be ordered to move between planets with right click like other orbitals.

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