Any More?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by joshl92, August 10, 2010.

  1. joshl92

    joshl92 New Member

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    So i've been reading on the forums for a couple a days and finally got around to registering.

    I've been wondering if there are any more codes that haven't been given out. I've been looking for give aways and i can't find any that haven't already ended.

    If you guys could let me know that would be great as i really am excited to play this game. :D
  2. ChrisOfTheDead

    ChrisOfTheDead New Member

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    I dont think there are any more. Alot of us would really like codes but the game comes out in around 10 hours.

    On a side note: I'm really getting tired of there being "early access codes" for just about everything now. It's really not fair to everyone who doesn't get one. "If you didn't bring enough for everybody, don't bring any at all."

    I'm just glad I only really got interested in this game only 2 days before it's launch.
  3. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    There was another giveaway eariler today but only 5 were given out.... just wait tommorrow and there ya go
  4. InfectedZero

    InfectedZero New Member

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    Honestly I would rather prefer the option to give them my money earlier so I can play it earlier instead of getting it for free, I'm here to support Uber not to cop out and get a free copy. I know it sounds ridiculous passing something up free haha but I like being on the supporting end ya know?

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