Beta Build: 54994

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, October 9, 2013.

  1. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    I also like a lot this new build especially because of structures placement which has been dramatically improved.
    Regarding this it looks like to me that powergen could be place closer to metal extractors.
  2. moldez

    moldez Active Member

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    hi there,

    - the texture reloading time has increased when zooming in (as mentioned above) .. makes me feel I need glasses..

    - many shadows aren`t displayed anymore when on the bright side of the planet .. my commander has no shadow at all :-(

    - the AI expanded all over the planet .. GREAT :)

    - building placement still doesn`t work sometimes (played on an earthlike planet, couldn;t build up properly near icy mountains) but MUCH better than before!

    thx 4 the update

  3. svovlmunk

    svovlmunk Member

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    Lobby loading works awesome - i was totally taken by surprise when my game just fired up instantly, where it previously would take quite some time to load, often resulting in the game automatically placing my commander. Great feature!
    mabono5 and ZobiOneKenobi like this.
  4. thepyro13

    thepyro13 Member

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    Woah my UI is very slow now, both in the main menu and ingame.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I noticed that placing mex is rather slow now. Like I cant quickly place a few anymore as it will fail to notice half of the commands. So only half of the mex I wanted to place are actually placed.
  6. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    I noticed a couple of bugs but it's hard to reproduce and state in which conditions this is occuring (In this specific build, but allready existed in previous also):

    UI : Sometimes, the UI will not be available for a few units, but available for others (when selecting the units)
    UI : I got a strange bug => I had scheduled a build of 4 factories and while i was trying to select a unit or doing any action i could not rid off the red template for the factory building : I could select units, but the red template was displayed on top of any unit i selected and moved.

    Pathfinding :
    - Many times, when commander is ordered to build a power gen or any other structure, and while there are no obstacle at all around him, instead of going straight to the build place, he will go away and come back as if he was blocked by something invisible

    -sometimes the commander stop building because it's obviously blocked and cannot reach next spot where to start building, but actually there's nothing which is obviously blocking him(I mean he could escape but it does not)

    -sometimes, fabers will not assist other fabers just because it looks like they are blocked by buildings and won't be able to join other fabers, while actually there's no reason for them not to be able to do it

    -sometimes, a unit wil start to move describing a circle and never stop.

    - all the time, a group of units moving along a pieve of water will move towards the piece of water limit while there's plenty if space
  7. xerics

    xerics New Member

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    all i get when i try to open the game is pa.exe has stopped working.
  8. doomlad

    doomlad New Member

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    I just tried playing my first PA Beta game with myself and 1 AI, and it crashed 3 times.
    First it crashed when creating the match.
    Second it crashed when I tried to rejoin the match.
    Third time it crashed after I had built a few buildings.
    I have zipped up and attached the logs from Planetary Annihilation\PA\media\user\log
    My computer in an Intel x64 with 8gb ram, an NVIDIA GeForce GT 620, and 500gb free on my hard drive.
    [edit added my DxDiag.txt]

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: October 11, 2013
  9. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    New lobby looks great and preloading is awesome, good stuff :).

    Pathfinding also improved but sometimes units randomly start to run in circles for no obvious reason. Didnt find a way yet on how to reproduce it.

    Still way off for me.
  10. pieman2906

    pieman2906 Well-Known Member

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    I've also noticed on particularly small planets, when you add a decent amount of AIs, the game will start, but there will be no deploy zones available, so you can never actually start the match.
  11. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Please upload your DxDiag.txt as well.
  12. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Nice. This is about as big as planet smashing :) .
    I just played a game and wow, its like night and day compared to how it was without preloading.
  13. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    Preloading should be set to 80% procesor power or something like that, because lobby freezes. Or just give us an option to change that.
  14. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    May I suggest the next feature to be added in the game and why. The next thing we need is a way to make large scale invasions possible. This patch does some great stuff, specially with naval and I would not revert or change it in any way - it is probably the most awesome beta patch yet, but it makes Astreus OP since now ion cannon defense works properly and is worth it. Consequently once you enemy has landed on another planet it is extremely difficult if not impossible to acquire other planets, or rather moons, as soon as that umbrella is up.

    Yesterday me and a couple of guys form realm had a nice naval only game with 2 moons and while my team drove the enemy off planet our progress stopped at that. We sent some 200 orbital fighters, 25-50 orbital satellites, 10 radar sats and 5 adv. radar sats. While they had worked at the first moon roughly half of our radar sats and orbital lasers had been shot down by a couple of umbrellas. When we saw the enemy had build halleys on the other moon we immidietly sent all of your remaining orbital units there only to get gunned down by what little orbital fighter they had and a host of umbrellas (the fact that 60% of our orbital stuff bugged out and got permastuck in between orbits didn't help either). The game practically ended when enemy moon crushed our planet and we got stuck with one commander bugged out between orbits for one hour.

    TL: DR - umbrellas are ok now, but we need a way to land in force and take them out.

    PS: Zaphod was recording the game and first hour of it was awesome (while the second hour was us bitching because our orbital got stuck and couldn't stop that moon ). Hope you guys get to see that first half.
  15. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Quite an elegant solution, I approve! Looking forward to playing against the AI again and better pathing is always a good thing! Can't wait to play, just gotta fix my PC!
  16. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    I always thought it was meant to do exactly that. In that case, what is intended to take out orbital fighters (besides them)?
  17. gamerx112

    gamerx112 Member

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  18. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    Umbrellas are the Ion Defense Cannon.
  19. thetallestone

    thetallestone Member

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    I was just thinking that. We got badly spoilt with the whole "new build every day" thing and now I feel rather unloved. That said, in the Oct 11th Stream they did say that HDR/Bloom etc would be coming "in about a week."

    That was only three days ago.
  20. Schulti

    Schulti Active Member

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    "new build every day" - this was anounced only for the week after the beta release.

    "HDR/Bloom etc would be coming "in about a week."" - they said in the stream, one or two weeks.

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